Recent content by xpstitch

  1. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy[Ooc/Lore]

  2. xpstitch

    Other Vent, may delete

    So many things wrong with my life. I think I lost a friend. Or at least, who I thought could be one. Feeling quite lonesome, no one to talk to. I do not have a stereotypical Latin accent so some people mistake me for one of them. Somehow that makes someone think it's okay to go on a rant...
  3. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    After 6 months, Sulfur smell... The teen was glaring all about looking for the sleazebag who had the audacity to pass gas so brazenly near him like that. James did not know what he would do if and when he found the bugger responsible. The man was unusually angry about it for more reasons than...
  4. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    POST 6TH MONTH TIME SKIP SO-MUCH-LEARNING. Much of it did seem to pay off though. What was previously a mere 1 and a half ft. long 'ribbon' of scales was a baby no longer. Harry was now more like a 2 and a half ft. long bulging mass of scales with a surprisingly far leap and a poisoned bite...
  5. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    Someone might say James was basically a cosplay of the Brawny paper towel guy. Given that he literally wore red flannel and was essentially a moutain man... they'd be 100% correct. But he was more than that. James Reed was an Alchemist, not just a 'simple' log chopping hatchet weilder. The...
  6. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    His flute ability ("Forest of sounds") was one he was only just beginning to develop. The Virginian pages and notebooks, graphs and diagrams of ideas he had developed for magical experiments. With how many ideas he had even merely thought of, it was doubtful one could fully develop all the...
  7. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    The man had relatives and family friends whom he was embarrassed of (but forced to love), on account of their fixation on... European origins. James' introductions to 'heritage' weren't always coherent. As such he like many others, mostly knew only that his ancestry was European. Despite this...
  8. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    James had stubbornly tried to do it all during those 6 months, and to some degree he did succeed at that. The man had not been given a favorable set of first impressions for everyone, however. His antics surrounding the spat between Ember and Scatty had made him seem overly loud/boorish in...
  9. xpstitch

    The worst roleplay ever

    Thanks you for resurrecting her and takes your hand to join her on a journey to hidden Chinese temples to study secrets of secret mystical resurrection arts. 'Sakura' folk tune plays in the background while they leap from tree branches like Naruto ninjas.
  10. xpstitch

    Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

    Among many other events during those 6 months, James had continued to take umbrage with how he had felt rushed by the teachers (in regards to dinning). Almost immediately he had taken to bribing and intimidating the people on kitchen detail, as well as stealing and hoarding from the pantries...
  11. xpstitch

    The worst roleplay ever

    Melissandre finds the body of my previous profile pic and goes on a long journey to resurrect her with necromancy (Annoying Asian girl with parasol and kimono). While she's at it she tries to resurrect this thread. Resurrectted character proceeds to seek revenge on 'mysterious species'. She...
  12. xpstitch

    Other So you found a great RP partner...A question about infamous/famous RPers

    For my part, I wouldn't name anyone unless asked. I see no issue with venting. It also depends on circumstance I think. I have people who I think poorly of from my rp-ing past (here and otherwise). I have hypothesized what I might do if I encountered them again, and whether I would allow them...
  13. xpstitch

    Other Vent, may delete

    Nausea. Tummy bubbling uncomfortably too. Lonesome. I have a huge set of problems that pretty much no one but me can fix. I can't talk to anyone about it. Almost no one would be able to even understand. My issues are not normal issues. Even people who are supposed to be good with psychology...
  14. xpstitch

    Other What LGTBQ-Related question pisses you off?

    Too tired to post here right now but I'm bookmarking this for when I have more energy
  15. xpstitch

    Other What is something you called out a long time ago that you turned out to be right about?

    Taking away a comfort item such as a teddy bear from a child as punishment is toxic and a form of abuse. It happened to me when I was only about 11 but I knew immediately that it was wrong on multiple levels (opinions about that age being too old for that is unwelcome btw). People always told...