Recent content by Ulyee

  1. Ulyee

    Multiple Settings ⍢Ulyee's Partner Search⍢

  2. Ulyee

    Back from an extended vacation- got lost in the mountains again, sorry yall!

    Back from an extended vacation- got lost in the mountains again, sorry yall!
  3. Ulyee

    Multiple Settings ⍢Ulyee's Partner Search⍢

    For Mobile Users!
  4. Ulyee

    Multiple Settings ⍢Ulyee's Partner Search⍢

    -ˏˋ code by low fidelity ˊˎ- -- title info here. you can change the size, color, font, etc. the color i used for everything is #916ebf, if you press ctrl+f you can easily search for it in the code and change it. What in the Goddamn...? -- border & background here. -- three images below...
  5. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    Edric, slowly shedding pretense as Morwyn talked, finally interrupted him all together, "Dear wizard." He began curtly, and with a noted louder tone, "I'll have it said you seem to be less incline to those of this world- As I can assure my lady Ishara is- then you do these flights of fancy...
  6. Ulyee

    Multiple Settings Midnight Partner Search

    Late night partner searching
  7. Ulyee

    Multiple Settings Midnight Partner Search

    bumping one more time to give those who sleep responsibly a chance to see it
  8. Ulyee

    Multiple Settings Midnight Partner Search

    More free time means I can take on more RP's- hope we can make some wonderful stories
  9. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    Edric had gorged himself, and found himself, all at the same little spot in the ballroom- Only to then find himself thrust back to dirt and duty by the approaching step of some noble. And there after, he would prove himself finally more than just a crystalline toy of a demon. Gracefully he...
  10. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    Like a foal to its first gallop, Edric took to it gracefully if not quickly. He made sure to keep form, if not movement. Style if not timing. And while it was plain on his face that he was intently focused on learning, it seemed from afar like that of a resolute statue. He brought his duty even...
  11. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    Stepping into the grand hall, Edric began to settle into his 'normal behavior'. A cordial smile dawned over his face, with expertly hidden glances tossed between all at the event. His movements were soft and gracious. He made sure to nod in submission to certain, obviously noble born, attendees...
  12. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    Dutifully quiet, Edric walks along side, letting Ishara guide their steps. Finally his eyes had found some peace, now set to the road and peoples ahead. He assumed she had no need of his reply, as no noble lady would. But his stiffening neck at the yet new name of sweetling at least offered a...
  13. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    From the tent to pair went, Edric fastening his cloak as they entered the thoroughfare, predictably distracted by those prior words. Resolving, though worrying at the noted intimacy, to test out the phrase again. As he had devised it was either a joke she meant to play on him, or a true wish of...
  14. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    The merchant, while clearly perceptive, shone himself plainly as five pieces of gold were placed down. His tone shifted to a less bubbly, more concise sort, "I know much of him, and most of what is being said- I work in the bizarre after all." He set aside the cloak and the pin, sitting back...
  15. Ulyee

    Fantasy Faith and Fealty [Closed]

    Comfortable in his place, sitting by while more enfranchised souls talked of him, Edric looked over the various fineries. A fleeting curiosity he had never fully realized, fashion and the like. Something highborn nobles obsessed over- while he quietly dotted over it. "Ahhh, it is my business!"...