
Hi~! Call me Absenthe Rose, Or Rose for short if you want.
I prefer to RP on discord as i have it on all of my devices so if you can RP on discord brownie points~ 💚
I have an RP repository account with my most used OCs so if we begin to discuss RPing together im sure that will come into play! :)
I like fantasy the most, Demonic/angelic plots, And i have quite a few Furry Fandom OC's. (So if you play a male fur for oc's DEFINITELY hit me up if you find this page interesting! :)
I also like to blend modern day with threads of fantasy and furries, I'm pretty flexible lol.

I live in the central time zone, and i will try to reply as often as i can but i'm in the middle of a move and some other personal life things so it may be spotty. 💚

Again, if you are interested by any of this, feel free to dm me~💙 Hope to hear from you, Absenthe R.​
Jul 12, 1996 (Age: 27)
Kentucky, U.S.


Doll Of A Requiem#3211


The fire from lamb's palm faded as her body straightened back up and she receded into the pool of blood, the pink of the diluted ichor from Arakkna's broken body staining her lilac hooves, though the rain passed through her as if she were naught but a vision. The rain began to lighten it's intensity as she spoke, though lightning still crashed in the background, thunderous and angry. "You have made a decision then. Come, dear wolf." Her voice was beckoning and kind, almost hollow in a way, but wolf was filled with dismay at the turn of events, and spoke harshly, creeping steadily towards the broken girl on the ground. "But she is meant to come now!" But lamb wrapped her arms comfortingly around wolf and pulled him closer to her as she began to sink into the blood pool, back to the Tenebris, back to their home. "Time is but a vision, eternal as we are... And there is never one..." Her voice seemed to wash comfort and acceptance over wolf's spirit as they hit waist deep in the pool, the pair seemingly sinking into the grassy ground itself. His masked face becoming level with her own, he panted out a response quite a bit more rationally than before. "Without the other... but all life?..." The spirit fire that seemed to glow dimly behind the eye sockets of lamb's mask would brighten as if smiling mischievously, to which she replied to him, "Ends with us." As the grass prepared to overtake the last of their visage the forehead of their masks pressed against each other, whilst the ground overtook them. The last bit of spirit fire seemed to die, leaving only the mortal couple and the rain.


