Recent content by TacoBadgers

  1. TacoBadgers

    Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [ACCEPTING]

    Appearance: Jesse Eisenberg in a suit Name: Lucius Prower Age: 30 Strengths: Intelligence, Inventiveness, Scientific Prowess, Money Personality: Snobby, Charming to those he likes, Precocious Side: Heroes Role: Millionaire Inventor Power: Incredible Intelligence Weaknesses...
  2. TacoBadgers

    Dice The Group Who Travel The Mojave~ (1x1)

    Name: McCormick, Officer Harry Age: 50 Gender: Male Ethnicity: African American Height: 5'9 Appearance: Looks and Outfit: S P E C I A L (40 Points) Strength . . ...
  3. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    Lux walked to his abode, alone, and depressed. Not a single girl was attractive enough for him to pester. It almost seems as if his flirting days were over. That's when he bumped into the knee of Aria, and fell over nose bleeding. "God damnit!" He clenched his bursting nose.
  4. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    Jay walked in, seeing Beatrix and Justin talking about bodies. "Bodies? What happened now, did you guys cause a massacre?" Despite the manner of the question, two cigarettes remained in his jaw.
  5. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    "Well, I just call most dames Trixie, to be honest, and secondly, if you have no idea whatsoever about what company may have been in this mine at all, than I'd like to just take my shotgun and leave, thank you very much." He was extremely disheartened. If they didn't know, how would he ever find...
  6. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    "Ok, Miss English is my Second Language, do you know who may have sponsored the mine back when? Or was this a hug waste of time Trixie?" he couldn't believe the state of English in this girl's mouth. It's as if someone stood upon her tongue, scrambling the sentences as they came out.
  7. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    "Just call me Stacks, now do you know where the hell I can find the company that sponsored this God forasken place?" A migraine had kicked in. He lit another cigarette, and started to smoke it. "You think you can help me out, lady?"
  8. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    Lord of the Rings elves are. I'm talking Christmas/Keebler.
  9. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    Lux had been watching this drama unfold. He had been to frightened to speak, but he followed them to scope out the area and keep a clear schedule. However, he stepped too close, and tripped, smashing his head into a nearby locker.
  10. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    "What's it to ya, Slim Pickins?" He took another swig of whiskey, and set it down at his feet. "All I need from you is a way of getting to the leader of the industry who used to sponsor this mine. If you really want to help any further, be my guest after we've done that."
  11. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    (He's old, he can barely tell.
  12. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    "Alright alright." He sat down where guided and blew smoke out like a chimney. He twiddled his thumbs akin to the Conga, and eyed the Usual Suspects he had seen. The tough as nails one was Reid. The tense one was Rino. Justin was the Prom King. Madison was the Prom Queen. Red was the guy who...
  13. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy High School for special kids

    Name: Lux Carbourne Age: 16 Race: Elf Appearance: half a foot tall, red haired, caucasian, black overcoat, white t shirt, blue jeans, green crocs Power: Speed, Fitting through small places, shrinking to an inch tall Bio: Born to the tree elf family, Lux Carbourne has always had a...
  14. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    "Alright, step up, don't get too frisky, I have a wife." He was aggravated by them. He practically bit his cigarette in two. "Done yet, Mr. McFeely?"
  15. TacoBadgers

    Fantasy Apocalyptic survival

    He picked up his Jack and noticed the firey haired sniper. "How many of you are there?" He took a large gulp of whiskey, and put the bottle in a sachel. He belched, and started to light a smoke.