Recent content by Stormblooded

  1. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo gritted her teeth as she was pulled from the truck, and remained calm, if only for Jason’s sake. She glared at the man before her, and looked confused at the sight of the younger girl. “Five...” she glanced over and waited for Jason to speak. When he didn’t, Halo looked at the man and...
  2. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    “Halo... Wake up.” “JASON?” Her eyes snapped open, and Halo shot up from the face-down position she’d been in. Her head smacked against the cover of the truck, and she rocketed back down, onto her chin. God, her whole jaw hurt like hell. She went to wipe off some blood that had crusted along...
  3. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    “Jason?” Halo started, as the younger boy began to shake. Her heartrate spiked dramatically when he fell to the ground, and she dropped and crouched beside him, eyes wide, palms sweating. “What do I do? What do I do? What do I-“ her breathing became shallow and erratic, the panic fully setting...
  4. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo raised an eyebrow at Jason and thought for a moment. "He could have backup waiting, but that also means he could have people tailing us." She reached back and cracked open one of the monster cans, and took a heavy swig from it. "Might as well deal with it now." She grumbled, wiping her...
  5. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo nodded, sealing the gas tank and handing the keys to Jason. "Crash my car and I'll break your arm." She said slowly, pulling his head close to whisper in his ear. She ruffled his hair. "I'm just messing with you, but I will be pissed." She said before making her way into the gas station...
  6. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo blinked slowly and shook her head. "N-nah, I can keep- uuuuuuuuuuuuh" She trailed off once more. "Yeah, maybe you should drive..." She nodded, stopping at the nearest light. "Gas station ahead. Peeeerfect." She made her way in the direction of the station, and turned the car off. "Go grab...
  7. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo dared a quick glance to her right and smirked. "Mornin sleeping beauty!" She yawned. She rubbed her eyes as dawn crested over them. "Figured I'd shed some uh..." she blinked a few times, regaining her train of thought. "Shed some time, an kept driving. We're about halfway through Missouri...
  8. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo sighed. "Yeah, yeah you're right. Sorry, I didn't mean to freak out on you like that." She took a deep breath. "One step at a time..." She exhaled. Halo gave a somber smile as Jason offered her the cigarettes, and tossed it right back into the seat behind. "Nah, wouldn't want to destroy...
  9. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo had to swerve in order to keep the car straight as she nearly slammed her foot on the brake. "Russia? Jason, you've lost your damn mind!" She quickly pulled over and parked the car, turning on her flashers. "Jason... It- It was hard enough leaving the house. It was hard enough getting a few...
  10. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo's lip curled in a snarl as she reached down and pulled out another cigarette. "These things aren't exactly cheap, kid." She glared, switching the car into drive and pulling out of the parking lot. She drove up to the intersection's light before turning to face Jason. "Cali? What's gonna...
  11. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo sighed, shrinking back to her normal form. She stood up and brushed herself off. "Again with that bullshit. They act like we wanted what happened. They act like we didn't-" She spat at the ground and started walking out of the alley. "C'mon, lets get out of here." She muttered, with one...
  12. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Halo waited outside the store in an old, beat up jeep that she'd been able to pick up for cheap. She drummed her thumbs on the steering wheel with a huff, when she noticed a group move towards the store's entrance. Within seconds, she watched as Jason tore out of the store and across the...
  13. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    @Loke Fullbuster shit, u rite
  14. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    @Loke Fullbuster
  15. Stormblooded

    Futuristic The Hunted: Silver Lining

    Name: Halo Siege Age: 18 Personality: Though she's become somewhat withdrawn at the loss of her friends, she still retains her snarky attitude and her fierce protective instincts over Jason. She has become easier to agitate, and suffers from PTSD, but attempts to shrug it of, as to not worry...