Recent content by SliceThePi

  1. SliceThePi

    joke's on them, my brain is done developing at age 21. i refuse to mature any further

    joke's on them, my brain is done developing at age 21. i refuse to mature any further
  2. SliceThePi

    Fantasy [CLOSED] DMed Group RP (but you don't know who the other players are for extra immersion and fun)

    Howdy! Have you ever had one of those "drop everything, this is happening RIGHT NOW" ideas? Because that's what this post was for me. Normally, I'd take a bit more time writing the intro but I am SO EXCITED and I want to get this going as soon as possible. Player posts should be around a...
  3. SliceThePi

    Multiple Settings Back from the grave, ready to rave (Closed for now)

    I love worldbuilding as well! I'll DM ya.
  4. SliceThePi

    Multiple Settings Back from the grave, ready to rave (Closed for now)

    Alright, I'll DM y'all!
  5. SliceThePi

    Multiple Settings Back from the grave, ready to rave (Closed for now)

    I've had fun with them before! I particularly enjoy ones where my character is in over their head.
  6. SliceThePi

    Multiple Settings Back from the grave, ready to rave (Closed for now)

    Hi! I'm Sammy, SliceThePi, Pi, or "loser," as the cool kids call me. I've been pretty dead on here for the past year, but I'm back now and ready to party (cue a single sad individual party horn sound effect followed by several seconds of crickets chirping). So, story time! When I was little...
  7. SliceThePi

    Digital i wanna code a game but i have no ideas or art skills please help me

    It's really not that amazing haha. Once you've learned one or two programming languages, learning new ones isn't that hard. Thanks though! :D And yeah, my favorite kind of setting is the preindustrial type fantasy thing. Not quite medieval but definitely not industrial.
  8. SliceThePi

    Digital i wanna code a game but i have no ideas or art skills please help me

    Yep! That's why I'm doing this haha.
  9. SliceThePi

    wait you weren't a mod before? you're so... mod-ly

    wait you weren't a mod before? you're so... mod-ly
  10. SliceThePi

    Digital chaotic doodles

    I love your art style!
  11. SliceThePi

    Digital i wanna code a game but i have no ideas or art skills please help me

    That's not a bad idea! That or a turn-based strategy game. That way, art doesn't have to be quite as dynamic, so the artist won't have to have as much experience with game art. Those all sound super-cool! DM me! I'll stalk your profile real quick to find your art thread Yeah, that sounds cool!
  12. SliceThePi

    Digital i wanna code a game but i have no ideas or art skills please help me

    Just do whatever interests you! I just happen to very easily get interested in some things.
  13. SliceThePi

    Digital i wanna code a game but i have no ideas or art skills please help me

    Actually, though! If you have a cool idea, pitch it to me! I take care of the coding, you take care of the art, and we work together on design and such. My experience: - 6ish years of programming - Languages: C#, JavaScript (including jQuery and node.js), Java, C++, HTML/CSS/PHP, MySQL...
  14. SliceThePi

    Fantasy SliceThePi's Partner Search (Always open!)

    Awesome, I'll DM you!