Recent content by PowerElite

  1. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Yeah, Marley can already know Layna.
  2. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Oh sorry xD Idk, I thought pirate = parrot I guess and just didn't think. I definitely read it was a crow too but just typed on auto pilot lol And I was thinking we could meet up at the spot where the giant bird appeared. Kind of like we were already there, just off to the side talking or...
  3. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (A Dark Fantasy Roleplay)[IC]

    Layna Hurst Interactions: @BuggaBoo Location: The Hive District(?) It was passed mid-day and Layna has been walking around town, seeing the state its in. She could tell that there's plenty of gossip occurring about the execution from earlier. She wasn't too interested in partaking in said...
  4. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Oh, sorry. I read it and forgot to respond lol Yeah, that's fine.
  5. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Layna's going to be out late to try and gather information on what people are saying about the execution and the beast if anyone wants to be together for that.
  6. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Yeah, took all week lol
  7. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (A Dark Fantasy Roleplay)[IC]

    Layna Hurst Interactions: JSPD2000 Location: Marketplace (Hurst Weapons & Equipment) Layna positioned the button beside the guard's collar and began to stitch it on. She was fairly skilled all things considered and seemed to have done this before. As she did so, she heard what he was saying and...
  8. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Yeah, it's fine. The store's been around for a while so anyone could've entered at anytime prior to the present.
  9. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (A Dark Fantasy Roleplay)[IC]

    Layna Hurst Interactions: JSPD2000 Location: Marketplace (Hurst Weapons & Equipment) Layna continued to shuffle through the drawer as the guard spoke about the earlier events during the execution. It's true that those who are desperate will do anything for survival, especially if they're on...
  10. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (A Dark Fantasy Roleplay)[IC]

    Layna Hurst Interactions: @JSPD2000 Location: Marketplace (Hurst Weapons & Equipment) There was suddenly a lot to do, at least in comparison to how things usually are for her. Perhaps she was overthinking, but with the recent execution and news, she felt inclined to go out into town for the...
  11. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (A Dark Fantasy Roleplay)[IC]

    Layna Hurst Interactions: None Location: Central Marketplace It was an average day for Layna. She woke up bright and early to take care of some household chores then opened up the shop. However its seen better days. Being a weapons and equipment store, its inventory was dwindling. She didn't...
  12. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    A year's good, that's when her father fell ill. Layna could've heard of a new doctor in town when she was searching for help for him. If he was in your care then we could know each other fairly well by now.
  13. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Works for me, they can be acquaintances/friendly with each other that way. How long have you been in Bellus for? Layna's father was sick for a year before he passed, so she might've went to you for help with that. You could've been the doctor for him if you want.
  14. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (OOC/Discussion)

    Layna's lived in Bellus her whole life and for the past year was actively trying to getting involved in business circles, so there's a good chance she bumped into Comet from time to time. Fish is a completely different kind of business than Layna's weapons/equipment shop, but them being friends...
  15. PowerElite

    Fantasy Blood & Ruin (A Dark Fantasy Roleplay)

    Alright, here's my character. It's a bit sad, but I wanted an unfair 'fall from grace' sort of situation for her. Now she has to struggle to get it back.