Recent content by palmtree219

  1. palmtree219

    Fantasy ♥♦ ~ What Secrets Lie Ahead? ~ ♣♠

    TURN TWO Summer, 200 THE BLACKFIRE CINDARCHY With the success of the ritual, things began to move faster in the Cindarchy. Already, the average littlefolk in the city was beginning to look at Luminous Pyre as something more. The Cindarch herself was unsure yet as to the change in her...
  2. palmtree219

    Fantasy ♥♦ ~ What Secrets Lie Ahead? ~ ♣♠

    TURN ONE Spring, 200 THE BLACKFIRE CINDARCHY 2CE94.31 For nearly 200 seasons, I have watched my fledgling empire grow. Cinderspire has evolved from a mere collection of huts to a bustling city that would be the envy of any of our neighbors. With each passing season, it grows further...
  3. palmtree219

    Fantasy What Secrets Lie Ahead? | Fantasy Interest Check

    Count me as interested!
  4. palmtree219

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: IC

    Turn 2 Sa'Shi (System 0703) "Taskforce B is prepared, Ma'am. Alpha team will be starting in the cargo bay loading zone and will push through to the bridge. Bravo team has already prepared defensive measures to repel them. Non-lethal, for training purposes, of course." Kor'ui Shoerra stood...
  5. palmtree219

    Futuristic Progress as Tau Shall v2: IC

    Turn 1 Sa'Shi (System 0703) "Ma'am, the Gue'Vesa Auxiliary unit has begun organizing and acclimatizing to the new weapon systems." "Thank you, Kor'ui Shoerra. You may return to your post." Sa'Shi dismissed the Tau carrier and turned to her pilot. "Kor'vre Ko'aata, are we ready to begin,"...
  6. palmtree219

    Fantasy A World Forsaken

    Aisyr All of a sudden, things began moving fast, almost too fast. Aisyr's world felt as though it slowed ever so slightly, analyzing the situation as centuries, if not millennia, of adventuring experience flowed through her mind. Calculations - environment, objective, combatants...
  7. palmtree219

    Fantasy A World Forsaken

    Aisyr The crowd became thicker as the pair approached the Western Gate. Around this same time, Aisyr felt a tug on her hand, which slowed her down to a brisk walk. She turned to send a questioning look at the other god. "I'd rather avoid undue attention, dear," the god supplied. Aisyr...
  8. palmtree219

    Fantasy A World Forsaken

    Aisyr “This is the last I can do for you… it will take you close to the city. A previous residence of mine. Take anything you need, but do not linger long. I fear the Inquisition may investigate it shortly. Farewell my friends… You too, Cervasis.” Aisyr took in the surrounding realm, it's...
  9. palmtree219

    Fantasy A World Forsaken

    Aisyr Guardian’s state was worse than Aisyr had feared. She had hoped that her chatter would at least draw a glimmer of happiness or an iota of nostalgia, but it seemed that she was destined to fail. At least for now. “I don’t believe… my current capacities allow me to care about your...
  10. palmtree219

    Fantasy A World Forsaken

    Aisyr Aisyr finished off the last bandit as the other two adventurers went to check on the merchants they were escorting. As the light faded from his eyes, she let out a sigh, telling him to challenge her grandpa to a game of chess if he wanted to keep on living. Shaking her head free of...
  11. palmtree219

    Fantasy AWF Character Sheets

    Aisyr Name: Aisyr Titles: The Wanderer, The Traveler, The Kindler of Hearts, The Unbound Major domain: Freedom Minor domain(s): Will, Compassion, Adventure Pronouns: She/Her Mortal alias: Aisling Personality: Generally energetic and prone to distraction, Aisyr is a joyful deity...
  12. palmtree219

    Fantasy A World Forsaken (Closed)

    I'm interested in joining
  13. palmtree219

    Multiple Settings Reclaiming the New World | Feudal, Post-apocalyptic Fantasy Colonialism

    Welcome! Take a look at the link to the character sheets in the first post. The character sheet templates will be on that page.
  14. palmtree219

    Fantasy Lastlands: Pawns of Muurdaan (IC)

    Baris Demir, House Haakon Turn 3 ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ ≡≡≡≡≡ Baris' time in Choss was well spent, gaining a new (and rather terrifying) mount, as well as a means to direct the throngs of "soldier caste" spiders within the region. However, the time spent in Choss let Gleeb slip further out...
  15. palmtree219

    Multiple Settings Reclaiming the New World | Character Sheets

    Nordenum Location: Scandinavia Leaders: Garden Court Silverbark Age unknown, est >1000 She appears to be an ancient dryad with silver bark for flesh and greying leaves for hair. Silverbark has reigned as queen of the Garden Court for centuries, having taken the throne long before...