Recent content by Nyklus

  1. Nyklus

    Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

    Kimichi giggled as he watched people talk from afar. 'This is interesting' he thought to himself. He still doesn't feel like he fit in being younger than all the others.
  2. Nyklus

    Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

    He blinked. "Nani?" Tilting his head he looked into her eyes. Opening his mouth to speak he looked away. "Are you blind miss?" He held his notebook in front of his face as if he was shielding himself from something.
  3. Nyklus

    Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

    Kimichi walks in and accidentally bumps into Mikan. "S-sorry." He stutters. He blinks and looks around. "Today is my first day at this school. Do you know how I can get to my classes?"
  4. Nyklus

    Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

  5. Nyklus

    The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

    Name: Kimichi Babo Gender: Male Age: 12 Grade: 9th Occupation: Artist. Quote(s): "Hey mister I'm 12 in the 9th grade so I'm over 100 times smarter than you!" Personality: Intellegent, Lazy, 4D, Bratty, Picky, Positive, Lovable, Brave Appearance: Kimichi Likes: Manga Sleeping...
  6. Nyklus

    Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

    (Ah, true. Hmm... Let me try that again then. Hmm...)
  7. Nyklus

    Realistic or Modern The Daily Lives of Toyko Teens

  8. Nyklus

    Character Sign-Ups & Available Spots

    Name: "I am Red King. My real name is Lato Nadroj, but everyone calls me Red King because no one knows my real name." Sexual Orientation: Straight. Appearence: Personality: Hot tempered, Can be rude at times, Is a lone wolf, Quiet, Highly depressed, Mischievous-at times, Picky Group...