Recent content by Nyelle

  1. Nyelle

    One x One Stealing a princess

    Name: Princess Nessimalle Estela AureOnin Age:16 Appearance: Lithe, pale skin, green eyes, white/blond hair.
  2. Nyelle

    Looking for reliable RP partner

    Sounds good!
  3. Nyelle

    Looking for reliable RP partner

    Wonderful! PM me, please! (^U^)
  4. Nyelle

    Looking for reliable RP partner

    I am a long time RPer, but I am new to this site. I am looking for a role play partner. Specially, I would like a male partner who is interested in fantasy/medieval settings. Someone who loves writing and is around a good amount of time. I have a lot of online time, and I can be online at work...
  5. Nyelle

    One x One A call in the Wood

    @Nyelle, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  6. Nyelle

    One x One A call in the Wood

    @Nyelle, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  7. Nyelle

    A call in the Wood

    You enter into a vast forest. Finding yourself lost, you try to follow the sounds of water. Nearing the brook, you find yourself face to face with a white and gray dire wolf. It's scarlet eyes scan your face, and in the next instant, the beast's head tilts back and gives a shrilling howl...
  8. Nyelle

    New to the site!

    Hello! I am new to the community, but I have been roleplaying for a little over ten years. I love fantasy settings and creating characters. I have a passion for writing, and I hope to find an RP partner to share stories with.