
”We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” - Oscar Wilde

Pronouns: She/Her(s)

Style: Multiple paragraphs, I usually match my partner’s length

Years of Experience: 4-ish, Oof! Still relatively new compared to some veterans, but I know enough to get by

Activity Level: Super Duper Casual, I usually reply once or twice a week for posts and check PMs everyday for plotting and ooc

Genres: Anything except “Mature” scenes, Fade to black or Time skip for any adult situations please

Pairings: Open Gender-wise (Male, Female, LGBTQ+, Non-binary) and Relationship-wise (Platonic, Familial, Romantic, Antagonistic are all fair game)

Looking For: Super chill writing buddies, Patient people, Creative Collaborators, Anyone who’s cool with OOC chats and random plots/headcanons

Blurb: Role-play is one of my many, many hobbies. I love art in all forms - visual/paintings/film, auditory/music, kinaesthetic/dance/movement, and literary/books. Super low-key/casual gamer. Memes and OC headcanons are my love language. I’m easily distracted by nature and want to photograph landscapes often. I’m either really busy so I’m not always on or not busy at all and I’m always on. I’m still figuring it out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


