Recent content by MrThe

  1. MrThe

    Fantasy Fresh Off The Boat (Modern Fantasy)

    Are humans naturally aggressive then? Like is it in their temperament to just start throwing hands? Or would that possibly be a stereotype? Cause that is kind of fascinating to me. I'll probably play an Elf though.
  2. MrThe

    Fantasy Fresh Off The Boat (Modern Fantasy)

    This sounds really cool. What does Human Magic look like? Also what do you mean when humans were killed by many wars? Like was it a concerted Genocide by other races or was it mostly humans killing each other? @TanteRegenbogen
  3. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear: Militia RP

    Bump time
  4. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear OOC

    @Blitzkrieg Bob Well I hope you are having better lux than me finding a new one. Welcome aboard my friend.
  5. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear OOC

    It's all good my friend. Have fun
  6. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear OOC

    Your character would be like the equivalent of a big city wildlife biologist moving to Alaska. Only with vampires and magic. Tech level is modern. @Luna4s
  7. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear OOC

    It's all good, there are cattle prods and such. But stun guns are not really good defensive items. Bear Spray/Monster Spray is probably his best bet. And as a monster ecologist you probably can make your own specific concoctions. The city is not safe because it's not a city but a small Frontier town
  8. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear OOC

    It's all good. Also it's dangerous in the wild but not necessarily lethal every time you go outside. The truly dangerous monsters are pretty rare. I'm also sure that there are countries without training for civilians because it's pretty safe. I was just going for the idea that this is more of a...
  9. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear OOC

    @Luna4s Sorry for the delete. I just realized we were clogging up CS
  10. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear OOC

    Hey guys this is our ooc
  11. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear Militia Roll (CS)

    Um, I am kind of bad at making Character Sheets so please let me know if I should make any changes. Name: Your name Gender: Combat Role: What you do when monsters attack the town Field Specialty: What kind of monsters do you know a lot about Job: What do you do for a job when monsters aren't...
  12. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear: Militia RP

    Sweet, I'll put out a character creation page then. Realistic or Modern - Citizen Spear Militia Roll (CS) @SMTFan @Luna4s
  13. MrThe

    Realistic or Modern Citizen Spear: Militia RP

    @Lost Martian @SMTFan @Blitzkrieg Bob Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't kept up with stuff. Right around when the last post happened I got fired from my Job. Are you still up for joining?
  14. MrThe

    Fantasy The Righteous Age Teahouse (OOC)

    @DovahBeat Looking forward to your character sheet my man
  15. MrThe

    Fantasy The Righteous Age Teahouse (OOC)

    Well actually thinking back it isn't too long, I am just on mobile so the text looks more intimidating than it actually is.