Recent content by Mocha Bloke

  1. Mocha Bloke

    an uneventful introduction thing.

    Oh my. The things I say when I'm on natural brain simulators. It's what you people would call "Shrooms" I believe.
  2. Mocha Bloke

    an uneventful introduction thing.

    But I don't like boys, good sir.
  3. Mocha Bloke

    Definitely Excited to Start!

    No need to apoligize. Bad boys don't know what "taken" means. And I cannot comprehend what that word means. Aside from that, I will be sending you an invitation to a hotel room with a plane ticket to Flordia via penpal so we can meet in person. That way when I see you I can be sorely...
  4. Mocha Bloke

    Other Where do I begin?

    I see. That is one of the few reasons I quit role playing. It seemed that the main age group of role players was 14 - 17. Then again, I suppose when you hit a certain age you have a lot of nerdy friends that want to game, watch anime in a group, or D&D with booze of course. That must be the...
  5. Mocha Bloke

    Other Where do I begin?

    I kindly thank you for your forward response, Fus ro dah. And highly enjoy your name. I will give you a pretend hug in the world of role playing if I ever lay characters on you in the depths of endless space of threads. I may attempt the use of the Shout Box. But knowing me. It's better if I...
  6. Mocha Bloke

    What is your favorite videogame?

    Dota 2 of course. It's easily the best game than any of the many games suggested/mentioned in this entire site. Don't have Dota 2? I pity you since it's free on Steam, and I may actually go play a match or Four in a moment.
  7. Mocha Bloke


    You need to roll Five D-20's, and all the D-20's need to land on 20. Only then will your suggestion come true, good sir.
  8. Mocha Bloke

    New Rule?

    You need to roll 5 D-20's and they all need to land on 20, then will your request happen, good sir.
  9. Mocha Bloke

    Other Where do I begin?

    Seriously? I highly enjoy fantasy role plays. Do people mind an asshole like me jumping into a role play mid-scene/post or do I join the discussion area and scavenge for fantasy role plays? I am just curious because when I see a bunch of anime remake, one-liner ideas, high school anime drama...
  10. Mocha Bloke

    Definitely Excited to Start!

    I like you already. When do you turn 18, Leah?
  11. Mocha Bloke

    an uneventful introduction thing.

    Do not worry, my friend. I will still cherish our time together writing each other flirtatious notes towards one each other via micro wifi waves. <3
  12. Mocha Bloke

    Definitely Excited to Start!

    What do you do when a random stranger on the internet likes you? I seek advice.
  13. Mocha Bloke

    an uneventful introduction thing.

    I see. Yes, such events can get in the way of a young soul's hobbies. That will only dim in the future, my dear friend. Of course, with the exception of drugs. Fun would become limitless.
  14. Mocha Bloke

    an uneventful introduction thing.

    Hello, Colorful Winds. By reading your introduction, I was breath-taken at how extravagant your intro was. I will personally shake your hand and vote for you to get "Best Intro of The Year" award, if such a thing exists. And claim that it is "New meta" that got you said award. Aside from my...