Recent content by Massacre

  1. Massacre

    Realistic Romances Wanted!

    Hello there. ^^ I can definitely comply with the rules and regulations that you have listed, as they're what I usually look for in a parter too. I really like the pairing idea of Supernatural [Angel / Demon / Vampire / Werewolf / Etc.] x Human, so if you'd be willing, I'd love to do a roleplay...
  2. Massacre

    Looking for 1x1 partner? Take a look here. C:

    Of course! I'd love to see your character. Shall we discuss over PM?(:
  3. Massacre

    Looking for 1x1 partner? Take a look here. C:

    If you're still looking, I'd love to do either a future apocalyptic gifted war, gifted x human, or a slice of life/genetic manipulation/supernatural roleplay with you. ^^
  4. Massacre

    Realistic Action Gang-ish RP

    @Ree Sounds good! ^^
  5. Massacre

    Realistic Action Gang-ish RP

    I'd love to do this with you if you're willing to do it with more than one person. c:
  6. Massacre

    Need a member for your romances? Then this post is for you!

    I know that you said that you didn't want to do 1x1's as of now, but if you ever wanted to you should shoot me a message. ^^
  7. Massacre

    Yes, exactly. I wasn't sure if my explanation was intelligible or gibberish. Sure, go ahead. ^^

    Yes, exactly. I wasn't sure if my explanation was intelligible or gibberish. Sure, go ahead. ^^
  8. Massacre

    The lasts weeks of anything class related (for me anyway) is usually "lets see if we can cram...

    The lasts weeks of anything class related (for me anyway) is usually "lets see if we can cram all of these tests in to five days."
  9. Massacre

    Well, that italicization didn't work. Anyway, she always wears a black hooded cape/cloak and...

    Well, that italicization didn't work. Anyway, she always wears a black hooded cape/cloak and has a colder type of persona, although she, just like my other characters, can change depending on the genre that I throw them in to. I hope that made sense~
  10. Massacre

    My characters aren't usually the dark part. I guess they sort of do better in some sort of a...

    My characters aren't usually the dark part. I guess they sort of do better in some sort of a supernatural setting with vampire, werewolves, demons and such — that kind of darkness. For example; the new character that I was making, the one I meantioned before, is a vampire hunter (not the kind...
  11. Massacre

    Not in particular, no. I have the startings of a new character floating around, but it's still...

    Not in particular, no. I have the startings of a new character floating around, but it's still in the making. Although for genre I was thinking something a little darker. My characters tend to have quirks or looks about them that don't make them very suited for the clichéd topics or anything...
  12. Massacre

    Ah, that's what I thought. Your status says your doing summer courses; is that what's...

    Ah, that's what I thought. Your status says your doing summer courses; is that what's overworking you?
  13. Massacre

    I'm going to go ahead and assume (tell me if I'm wrong) that means ‘how are you’, so I'm doing...

    I'm going to go ahead and assume (tell me if I'm wrong) that means ‘how are you’, so I'm doing well, thanks. Yourself?
  14. Massacre

    Good to know I'm not the only one, hah. Sure, sounds lovely. ^^

    Good to know I'm not the only one, hah. Sure, sounds lovely. ^^
  15. Massacre

    You're welcome. ^^ I stalked some of the roleplays that you're in (merely for my own amusement...

    You're welcome. ^^ I stalked some of the roleplays that you're in (merely for my own amusement; don't worry, I'm not some oddball creeper) and I really enjoy your writing style. Maybe we could roleplay sometime?~