Recent content by Illuminate

  1. Illuminate

    The Lion and The Mouse

    I've been told that many people would like to get inside the minds of those of us who chose this career. We- a conglomerate label of street whores. Or bag brides, depending on who you ask, and what we like. What many don't realize is that we're all different. Our stories vary greatly, with only...
  2. Illuminate

    Poetry Lumi's Scrapbook

    Can we go back? To a time once had.. take a trip to the past of what we once knew Can we go back? I miss the smell of dew the song of the bird in flight the bright grin of sun's rays. the turn of night Can we go back? To a place we both met...
  3. Illuminate

    And love... it never happens like you really think it should.

    And love... it never happens like you really think it should.
  4. Illuminate

    Poetry Lumi's Scrapbook

    In the Glaring Do you ever feel the quaking? The soul-- S .....................h ...................a ......................k Repressed by glaring screens and raised keys? Don't you ever just want to SCREAM!? Out...
  5. Illuminate


    "Twenty-bucks, pay up." Josi slapped a receipt to the bar-top and slid it across the surface, staying it there before the inebriated fellow. He frequented the bar often, coming only to drink his cares away, and stare at the rim of his glass for hours on end until finally it was time for the...
  6. Illuminate

    "Plague" Sign up and character sheet!

    I'm gonna post in the next couple days, so sorry for being MIA! I've been really busy, and haven't had the time to sit down and write. <3
  7. Illuminate

    -is the first! :D

    -is the first! :D
  8. Illuminate

    Broken Ground (sign up)

    Thank you! ^.^
  9. Illuminate

    May's Roleplay of the Month! (2013)

    Congratulations, Fi Fi! <3
  10. Illuminate

    Poetry Lumi's Scrapbook

    Here you'll find pieces of what makes me who I am. I've never been great at expressing emotion, however I'm finding as of late that I can show you the inner-most parts of my heart through written language. That's all I want, really.. To share with you glimpses of the person behind the screen...
  11. Illuminate

    "Plague" Sign up and character sheet!

    So, I totally slipped out of the loop somehow. My alerts weren't letting me know when people posted. I'm behind, but if you're okay with it, I'll jump into the RP thread sometime tomorrow.
  12. Illuminate

    Broken Ground (sign up)

    If you're still accepting, I'm interested! I likely won't be able to post into the roleplay, or get a character sheet up until next Monday (Busy week ahead), but if you'll have me, I'd like to join y'all :)
  13. Illuminate

    Fantasy RP, need partner

    <_< >_> So.. How did you imagine this playing out? Will she, the human, be hunting your charac--- I suppose I should PM you my questions? Haha.. I'm interested.
  14. Illuminate

    "Plague" Sign up and character sheet!

    Name: Josaphina (Josi) Rutger Age: 26 Height: 5'8'' Weight: 145 lbs. Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde/Red Eye Color: Blue-Green Complexion: Fair skinned with light freckles dabbled along the bridge of her nose and bulbs of her cheeks. Career: Bartender Personality: Josi is a complex...
  15. Illuminate

    Now Recruiting for the RP "Plague"!
