Recent content by amateur

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    Multiple Settings Realistic/Historical/Modern/Anything Looking for not so serious roleplayers.

    I like to rp but all i can see here are people that rp very seriously. I like to write a little bit and go with the flow. Things I like - Governing over some areas of city and keeping it up and maybe selling it and overall rping as a citizen and working up to be something. - War RP - Some kind...
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    Other What made you smile today?

    Ok i'm not gonna die today because of eggos, nice!
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    Other What made you smile today?

    Oh yeah sure take them out... wait can i get one?
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    Other Why did you pick your name?

    Because its a cool name.
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    Other Does anybody else always wake up early?

    no lol
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    Other What made you smile today?

    The toaster on my bath made me smile that soon i will not be anymore living on this planet :csmile:
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    Other How much does education affect your capacity to roleplay, if at all?

    Almost not at all. Sometimes if I get alot of homework i will work on it a bit but usually i do the homework on school time.
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    Other What languages do you speak

    English, Finnish and Swedish.
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    Other If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

    Being Immortal and thus not aging and i could live forever.
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    Other Fave Netflix/Hulu shows?

    Family guy xD
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    Other If you could be any animal (even fictional) what would you be?

    I'd be a dragon cause why not.
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    Other What is the most disturbing thing you've ever witnessed?

    what the fuck lol
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    Other What is the most disturbing thing you've ever witnessed?

    When i saw my teacher dab.