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Fandom Planar Binding (CLOSED)

The glaive was massive, a slab of pure metal atop a pole as long as the monstrous god was tall, and it had weight to match. Tera only managed to slow Rhonas' lift. but she did slow it; there was the sound of rock scratching against itself as its floating arms struggled for a moment to get the purchase they needed, and Corrin used that moment to launch herself from her perch with a battlecry as she flourished her own blade, the edges humming with blue light as she aimed for a section between the creature's scales and slammed it home true.

She felt the give of metal piercing flesh, but it was far from lethal, the creature's armor to thick, and even the divine blade's potent magic sputtering as it came in contact with the lazurite. She grunted in frustration as the god eternal tilted its head down towards her, and open its jaws once more.

Her eyes shot wide as more of the noxious gas from the before suddenly spewed out from its dessicated lungs, but only for a moment til Kratos' blade and body slammed into the top of Rhonas' headplate, the impact far more thunderous than her own in a way that made the god eternal's head whip backwards with sounds of cracking and grinding.

That didn't change that a cloud of flesh melting mist was hurtling towards her, and corrin let go of Yato with one hand to extend it towards the cloud, and in a twist of flesh and metal the dragon's jaw she'd had before became her arm; an upwards whirlpool of water caught the cloud in it as it shout upwards and at an angle, where it fell to the street below in a slosh.
A strained grunt just barely hissed out past tightly clenched teeth. All that effort and she only managed to slow it down...not surprising, she had to admit, given the size of it, and all the strength and power she imagined at its disposal. Not surprising, but vexing, nevertheless. Still, even just slowing it down for those moments was advantageous, as the pale big one seized the opening to go right for the head, and Corrin...well. Inability to currently fly aside, what the once Sith witnessed was a sight to behold. To change one's own body in such a manner...incredible. Only one species that she knew of in the whole galaxy could change themselves in a similar manner, but that was beyond even their ability. I may owe her an apology, she couldn't help but think.

But that was for a later time, when they were not dealing with this giant foe, or any other dangers for that matter. Her hands lowered, with her right one removing the saber from her belt and activating it in one smooth motion, bathing her in silver light. She remained still for just a moment before she took a page out of the latest arrival's book. The sounds of her rapid steps filled the air as she sprinted towards the god eternal, and at the last second she gave her leap some extra push with the Force, taking her high up into the air towards the thing's head. But whereas Kratos put his seemingly considerable strength into a brute force blow to the top of the giant's skull, she aimed to be a little more precise while it was still reeling from that powerful attack, with a slice across the face to hopefully take out at least one of the thing's eyes.​
Ink continued to sprint up the Eternal's opposite arm, having gone back to running on two feet, all while keeping his right arm splayed out at his side. "Just like back in the day..."


"Ink! Get out here! NOW!"

Ink didn't want to listen. Were it anyone else, he would have told them what they could do with their demands. But this wasn't just some rude jagoff. This was Agent Thomas Gorman. Black Ink's adoptive grandfather and one of the government's toughest elementals. A water elemental to be more specific.

Water. Why did it have to be water??

Peering outside from the back entrance of the apartment building Tom's crew lived in, Ink grumbled. "Do we HAVE to do training today?? I mean it's raining cats and dogs outside! It'll activate my condition!"

"Do NOT start whining. Only concentrated amounts of water should meet your condition. Raindrops shouldn't mean a damn thing and even if they did?? That just means you haven't been training hard enough. Christ alive, Ink. When I was a quarter of your age, I had built up a resistance to MY condition! Now, get out here before I drag you out here by that mop you call a hairdo. How your father let you have that I'll never know..." Thomas grumbled. "Makes you look like a *****"

Ink glared but otherwise complied with his grandfather's orders. The water pelting his skin made him wince, but he didn't feel the innate sense of vulnerability that his condition being met brought about. Still, it didn't feel comfortable in the slightest and it was also why Ink freaking HATED taking showers. Running with his arms swinging carefree at his side, he stopped a few feet away from his grandfather. "Don't run like that either! Jesus...Ink, ya...Keep your arms straight when you run. Don't just let them dangle in the wind like that when you run! You look like a queer!"


"Don't you 'dude' me! It is what it is!" Tom shouted back. As he'd gotten older, Ink had still been nervous around Tom. Guy was an oldhead and had major attitude problems. But the glamour he'd chosen was none other than Jack Nicholson of all people (Tom enjoyed him in those old Roger Corman movies) and as the years had gone on, Tom alerted his glamour just enough to look sufficently 'aged' since in his natural form you'd hardly be able to tell he was in his late 40s/early 50s. "Mac's got a glamour going up around the perimeters of, uh, himself. So nobody's gonna see or hear us."

"bogus. how is anyone gonna call CPS if they can't hear me calling for help?" Ink mumbled which earned him a slap upside the head. "Ow!"

"Can it. You want abuse, I'll give it to you. Now focus, will you? Your training today is gonna suffice of climbing up Mac and getting to the top."

"...that's it?"

"That's it."

"But I've been able to do that since I was a little kid..."

"Yeah? Well, now you'll have to fight me while you climb him."


"Best get to it, kid." Tom quipped before stepping back and tucking his hands in the pocket of his jeans. Ink didn't really favor his chance in winning a straight up brawl with his grandpa. Which meant he'd have to improvise. "Alright, gramps. Here I COME!" Ink spread his legs apart, kicking up a splash of rainwater. He stretched his arm back, further and further. Seeing how far the limb was going, Tom's eyes widened. "HEY! WATCH IT! YOU STRETCH THAT TOO FAR, YOU'RE GONNA GO PAST MAC'S GLAMOUR!"

That brief bit of distraction and annoyance at his grandson's stupid antics was the moment. Ink grinned and threw his foot forward, cracking the ground under it as his arm whipped forward like a bullwhip on a collision course straight with his grandfather.

Tom couldn't help but smile.

"son of a bitch."


Ink reached the top of the floating limb and snapped his right arm back as far as it could go. There were all kinds of twists in the extension. At the end of his own elongated limb, he closed his hand up into a fist and bared his fangs at Rhonas. "Take this!" He screeched and whipped his arm forward, the twists came loose releasing ALL of the tension they'd built up. But all that excess energy had to go somewhere.

The eye that wasn't being targeted by Tera seemed like a particularly choice locale!

Which meant it had a date with Ink's fist as it streamed forward at rapid speeds.
Delivering the devastating blow was all he intended and he was the sort that oft improvised his next steps, his demeanor the essence of nonchalance as his face bore eminent focus. As if he'd done this time and time again.

Dropping down, Leviathan was extended to the side in a bid to decelerate the Spartan's descent using the body of the God-Eternal length-wise, dragging its edge against the lazurite if he could make purchase at all. A dangerous gambit in of itself given that the other two were striking at the undead god's eyesockets following his crushing strike to the headplate.

A rigid HRMM was all he offered as he landed with a heavy grunt, knees nearly meeting his chest as he pivoted to transfer whatever remaining momentum he could to embed the crescent length of his axe into the snake's ankle. A starter laceration into the lazurite that would be followed by frenetic hacking, the Spartan's efforts obvious to everyone around that he aimed to sever the foot to hobble Rhonas's movement.

And when he realized he was hewing through desiccated flesh, Kratos had something of an idea: embedding it so deep that the flesh reached past its beard to the shaft such that it seemed to be inextricable at that point. Then Kratos coaxed the legendary axe to breathe the iconic cold imbued into it to usher in the rapid flash freezing of the god's leg, if he could.

The next step was self explanatory. Pun intended.
As Tera and Ink both struck for Rhonas' eyes, they're timing couldn't have been better; the beast's head was just beginning to reel back from the blow Kratos had delivered, a small but present crack in the headplate visible.

But while their timing was excellent, their targets were not; they both swiftly discovered that it wasn't just that the god-eternal's eyes were hidden in the shadows of his faceplate; they didn't exist anymore, mere caverns of nothingness where his skull had been sculpted over with Lazurite. Tera left a gash in his socket, and Ink's fist clanged against it with an echo, but it did all but nothing to slow Rhonas down. Tera felt what was coming next rather than saw it; the God eternal's floating half halo crown was apparently not just for show. It rotated with a violent burst of motion around the creature's skull like a single swipe of a buzz saw that aimed to bisect the sith in two, while its head itself turned towards ink and began to heave out a breath, the miasma visible within it before suddenly corrin appeared between it and Ink in a leap from her perch, transforming from warrior to Dragon mid flight as she planted two claws on either side of his mouth and roared out a breath of her own, a violent torrent of water gushing out from her and into the monster's mouth, catching the deadly mist on the way down and causing the creature to stumble in surprise at the sudden influx of liquid to its decrepit inner workings.

Kratos had flesh to hack through to, but Leviathan's edge seemed blunted to its usual might against the creature's strange armor, and Kratos' own strength was likewise not the monstrous power it was before whatever was occuring had torn him from his son. It would take work to get through these heavier, thicker plates that supported the monster's weight, though if the others kept Rhonas' attention it was work that could get done

The warning sense of incoming danger saved her life as it had countless times in the past, it was thanks to it now that she narrowly avoided becoming a fifty percent off deal at some dirty shop on Nar Shaddaa. It was a far too close dodge for any degree of comfort, with a few locks of hair sliced off and falling away from her, but she nevertheless escaped harm. The problem was that she herself had failed to cause seemingly any harm herself, the creature's eyes were not merely obscured in the shadows as she first thought, they simply were not there. Sockets of nothing...the mystical, unnatural force at work here was even more similar to her own than she first imagined. Just as she did not need eyes to see if the situation called for it, so too did this giant not require them. As soon as she landed on the street below, she fell back a bit and out of view, putting some distance between herself and the giant.

The former Emperor's Wrath shut her eyes and knelt down, focusing her mind. Her hands clasped together as she projected outward, and a vague sense of displeasure washed over the other three before her rich Imperial accent filled their minds. Okay, I believe that is quite enough playing around. I realize we have only just met, but we need to get over that and coordinate properly. Simply continuing as four individuals taking their own shots is wasting time. Much as I enjoy a good fight, we should not prolong this when we have answers to seek. Thanks to Corrin, I have a thought...the horde of before were not affected by my lightning alone, but they did burn well. To that end, oily one! If the other two keep the giant distracted, do you think you can repeat what Corrin did just now with the water and flood its mouth and insides? A precise lightning strike or a throw of my saber and we can ignite this monstrosity. Burn it from the inside out.
As Tera and Ink both struck for Rhonas' eyes, they're timing couldn't have been better; the beast's head was just beginning to reel back from the blow Kratos had delivered, a small but present crack in the headplate visible.

"Yeah! Take that, you stupid giant son of a-"

But while their timing was excellent, their targets were not; they both swiftly discovered that it wasn't just that the god-eternal's eyes were hidden in the shadows of his faceplate; they didn't exist anymore, mere caverns of nothingness where his skull had been sculpted over with Lazurite. Tera left a gash in his socket, and Ink's fist clanged against it with an echo, but it did all but nothing to slow Rhonas down.

Ink's bottom jaw trembled and his fangs rubbed against his upper lip.

That...didn't go as well as he'd been hyping himself up to believe it would.

His arm and the claw at the end of it went wide, dinging off the empty eyesocket, going wiiiide. Ink nearly tripped off the limb he'd been standing upon. Crap, crap, crap! This had gone from seeming like a real badass oppertunity and a good moment for a motivational flashback or two. Instead, it'd taken a sharp turn for the worse. Recalling his distended limb back to him, the limb writhed through the air as Ink recalled it.

while its head itself turned towards ink and began to heave out a breath, the miasma visible within it


Ink's arm wasn't going to be pulled back in time.

He couldn't dodge it...

In that moment, he felt his blood run cold as though he'd been dipped from head to toe in freezing water.

He was no longer staring down a fearsome eternal.



within it before suddenly corrin appeared between it and Ink in a leap from her perch, transforming from warrior to Dragon mid flight as she planted two claws on either side of his mouth and roared out a breath of her own, a violent torrent of water gushing out from her and into the monster's mouth, catching the deadly mist on the way down and causing the creature to stumble in surprise at the sudden influx of liquid to its decrepit inner workings.


Corrin's sudden intervention had brokered Ink a trip back to the here and now.

It'd also likely saved his life. He wasn't sure what kind of effect this thing's breath WOULD have on him/how it'd react with his oily body.

He was 100% certain it'd do him no favors to find out.

"Corrin!! You saved me!"
The former Emperor's Wrath shut her eyes and knelt down, focusing her mind. Her hands clasped together as she projected outward, and a vague sense of displeasure washed over the other three before her rich Imperial accent filled their minds. Okay, I believe that is quite enough playing around. I realize we have only just met, but we need to get over that and coordinate properly. Simply continuing as four individuals taking their own shots is wasting time. Much as I enjoy a good fight, we should not prolong this when we have answers to seek. Thanks to Corrin, I have a thought...the horde of before were not affected by my lightning alone, but they did burn well. To that end, oily one! If the other two keep the giant distracted, do you think you can repeat what Corrin did just now with the water and flood its mouth and insides? A precise lightning strike or a throw of my saber and we can ignite this monstrosity. Burn it from the inside out.

Ink's arm returned with a satisfyingly wet *SMACK*.

He then shook his head like a dog who'd just got done taking a bath. Thought-speak/telepathy was never going to feel good. No matter how much he'd grown up around people like elementals who had to use it just to converse (lack of mouths was a real problem sometimes). Hearing voices in his head just wasn't gonna feel right no matter what he did.

His own attempts at thought-speak hadn't been great. Truth be told, they were so rusty you'd likely need a tetanus shot just being in the vicinity. Still, he made something of an effort to reply.

<"Yeah, yeah I think I can go for it. Corrin scored me a perfect chance.">

Ink placed his hands together, his palms inches away from eachother. Oil began to spray out, melding together in a quickly expanding sphere of tar that reeked something fierce. <"Corrin!! Hang on for just a bit longer!!"> Ink called out, locking his thought speak to the dragon warrior alone. Provided Corrin did what he'd asked of her and continued to hang on for dear life with her claws, the sphere that Ink had been crafting quickly expanded in size to eclipse Black Ink himself as he held it aloft, the shadow hanging overhead.


As soon as Corrin was clear, Ink threw the oil ball straight for Rhonas's mouth, still probably wet and sore. Kind of like the feeling one got when they threw up in their mouth.

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Corrin heard Tera's suggestion and Ink's plea, and she tried to listen, she truly did. Her reply was a feral grown, her claws straining against Rhonas' jaws as the God eternal tried to force them shut. She could feel her muscles burning, practically hear her bones creaking, and her growl became a defiant roar as she pushed with all her might.

It wasn't enough. Right before Ink called out it was time for Corrin to let go, the crack of bones and scales resounded through the air like a gunshot, and Corrin's roar became far more anguished then furious. She barely managed to shove herself backwards, the pain of the fracture stunning her senses as she transformed back to human mid fall before she hit the ground with enough force to crack the stones beneath her.

Rhonas' mouth was shut before Ink managed to take his shot, and he began to turn towards the oily creature as he violently shook his arm upwards to send Ink unwillingly flying upwards into the air, his other arm beginning an arcing swing with his glaive

Then another crack sounded from below, much louder, as Kratos Finally hewed through Lazurite and into decaying flesh. The water Corrin had pumped in started to gush out, but only for a moment before Leviathan's edge, free from the Lazurite's magic dampening, found something much easier to freeze. Rhonas' momentum was already going into the swing, but as he tried to twist his leg into it, it shattered at the knee, and the beast began to topple. Surprise was not something an eternal was capable of, yet it seemed stunned itself, the magic pushing its decaying form into motion unsure of how to process this turn of events, before it finally managed to at least swing its arms out to catch itself in its fall and end on its remaining knee, the glaive slammed into the ground as a staff to keep its balance
Corrin heard Tera's suggestion and Ink's plea, and she tried to listen, she truly did. Her reply was a feral grown, her claws straining against Rhonas' jaws as the God eternal tried to force them shut. She could feel her muscles burning, practically hear her bones creaking, and her growl became a defiant roar as she pushed with all her might.

It wasn't enough. Right before Ink called out it was time for Corrin to let go, the crack of bones and scales resounded through the air like a gunshot, and Corrin's roar became far more anguished then furious. She barely managed to shove herself backwards, the pain of the fracture stunning her senses as she transformed back to human mid fall before she hit the ground with enough force to crack the stones beneath her.

The ink had splattered across Rhonas's mouth, little more than a sticky mess across it's mummified lips. Not quite what Ink had been hoping for.


Ink yelled, absolutely forgoing the whole tediousness of thought-speak. He'd never been good at it and honestly when you saw someone who'd just seconds ago pulled your ass out of the proverbial fire get crunched, you really just wanted to-
Rhonas' mouth was shut before Ink managed to take his shot, and he began to turn towards the oily creature as he violently shook his arm upwards to send Ink unwillingly flying upwards into the air, his other arm beginning an arcing swing with his glaive



When he'd been a lot younger and maybe a touch naiver, Ink had thought about trying to use his Gift to fly. He cllimbed to the top of the apartment building his team stayed at and jumped. He had multiple set of arms erupt from his back and clasp together as they tried to 'flap' in sync to give Ink the same benefit of having fully grown feathered wings. Only Ink hadn't so much calculated how much it'd take to support his weight and to generate a consistent pattern of flight, rather than just flapping back and forth in one spot.

Needless to say, the experiment ended up with Ink splattering on the ground, his 'grandfather' furious and the government having to explain that what people saw fall off the roof was little more than a dummy.

They weren't wrong on that.

But he was older, tougher, and a lot more creative.

His jacket flapped in the wind behind him as Ink pulled his arms free of it's sleeves and let it descend to the ground below. Holding his two arms out to the side, there were multiple sloshing sounds of oil & tar being pushed through as multiple arms pushed their way out through Ink's sleeveless white(soaked) tee. Enough arms to make any spider jealous. Ink was wagering that there'd also be a sufficient amount to wrangle an angry giant zombie. The absolute wave of oily limbs shot out towards Rhonas, wrapping around his neck. Each pair of hands grabbing onto the pair right above it and so on until Rhonas had a sticky, highly flammable, collar. Ink swung himself down, yodeling as he did so (it felt like what should have been done, swinging through the air and all. All he was missing was a vine and a loincloth) "AHHHHOOOOOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Once his clawed feet hit the small of Rhonas's absolutely massive back, Ink began running up it with reckless abandon. The nest of arms gave a sharp PULL and Rhonas felt his neck being pulled back, just enough so he was staring straight ahead, and not an inch higher.

Once he'd gained enough altitude, Ink clasped his two main hands together as you would for a 'hammer blow' and stretched them high. Once they were up enough in Ink's opinion to do some (hopefully) wicked damage, he jumped up, the claws on his left foot scratching against one of the metal plates as his hands came down like a wrecking ball. Their target for destruction: The top of Rhonas's head.

Corrin heard Tera's suggestion and Ink's plea, and she tried to listen, she truly did. Her reply was a feral grown, her claws straining against Rhonas' jaws as the God eternal tried to force them shut. She could feel her muscles burning, practically hear her bones creaking, and her growl became a defiant roar as she pushed with all her might.

It wasn't enough. Right before Ink called out it was time for Corrin to let go, the crack of bones and scales resounded through the air like a gunshot, and Corrin's roar became far more anguished then furious. She barely managed to shove herself backwards, the pain of the fracture stunning her senses as she transformed back to human mid fall before she hit the ground with enough force to crack the stones beneath her.

Rhonas' mouth was shut before Ink managed to take his shot, and he began to turn towards the oily creature as he violently shook his arm upwards to send Ink unwillingly flying upwards into the air, his other arm beginning an arcing swing with his glaive

Then another crack sounded from below, much louder, as Kratos Finally hewed through Lazurite and into decaying flesh. The water Corrin had pumped in started to gush out, but only for a moment before Leviathan's edge, free from the Lazurite's magic dampening, found something much easier to freeze. Rhonas' momentum was already going into the swing, but as he tried to twist his leg into it, it shattered at the knee, and the beast began to topple. Surprise was not something an eternal was capable of, yet it seemed stunned itself, the magic pushing its decaying form into motion unsure of how to process this turn of events, before it finally managed to at least swing its arms out to catch itself in its fall and end on its remaining knee, the glaive slammed into the ground as a staff to keep its balance
The ink had splattered across Rhonas's mouth, little more than a sticky mess across it's mummified lips. Not quite what Ink had been hoping for.


Ink yelled, absolutely forgoing the whole tediousness of thought-speak. He'd never been good at it and honestly when you saw someone who'd just seconds ago pulled your ass out of the proverbial fire get crunched, you really just wanted to-

She more than heard that snap, she almost felt it, connected as she was to the dragon. The Sith mentally called out in alarm before she rose up and receded from their minds.


Things did not go exactly as she had outlined, Ink's oily shot only stained the thing's face instead of getting in, but that was sufficient. This creature needed to burn, and that was enough to get a fire started. She stepped into view again, capitalized on the giant's currently vulnerable state and thrust a hand out, with a precise blast of lightning coursing straight for that oil across the face to ignite it. That likely would not finish it on its own, but she did not dwell on that. After what the big pale one had just done, she trusted that the two of them could handle this from here. Crippled, under assault, she reasoned the situation would be resolved fine. She was already turning away before the lightning had even fully reached her target.

While they handled that, she rushed to where the now once again human Corrin had landed...a bad impact simply judging from the stones beneath and around her. To say nothing of the condition of Corrin herself. "My apologies, this may sting a little. Or a lot." Tera reached out, telekinetically lifting the dragon warrior and likely aggravating the injury with the movement, but she deemed it necessary. She pulled Corrin along as she moved to once again put more distance away from the giant and get out of sight, before gingerly lowering her back down to the ground. With what she was about to attempt, she did not need any distractions.

Tera knelt down beside her. "I believe I can mend this. Back home, I have a..." Ally? Friend? Follower? What would be most accurate to describe Kira? "...friend--" She decided to go with that. "-and I've been learning a technique from them that should mend your injury. I'll admit, however, that I've never actually attempted it in the field." It was more a Jedi thing than a Sith thing, and truth be told she had not practiced it much. She had not seen a reason to, when she had allies and companions close by who were far more proficient in doing it, but now she was alone. Still, she had enough degree of confidence to try. Tera reached out, holding her hands a few inches above the fractured leg and focused the force into healing the damage.​
Inkโ€™s blow did more than just crack the top of Rhonasโ€™ head plate; It had already been damaged by Kratosโ€™ opening blow, and his fists did the rest of the work, sending shards of lazurite and gold directly into the desiccated brain held in the grip of necromancy as the top of the god eternalโ€™s head caved in. It was as silent as ever, but its attempt to push itself back to its feet went awry as it listed to the side. However the magic powered it worked in tandem with the creatureโ€™s remains, the damage had been vital. It barely caught itself on the side of a building with one arm, and it swung its glaive in a savage blow that sheared through the side of another tower with ease. But it was nowhere near any of them; it didnโ€™t seem to have an idea where any of them were anymore.


Corrin was limp as Tera began to pull her along, blood pooling on the street in spurts and splatters as she dragged her around a corner. Her breaths came out ragged, and if she could hear Tera she didnโ€™t give any sort of indication. The fall had opened up the wounds sheโ€™d gotten from the eternals on the first street, red seeping through the armor on her left side, but it was hard to give that the attention it probably needed compared to the leg; a clean break of bone that had pierced straight through the unarmored flesh at her inner thigh, the wound pouring blood in time with every beat of the dragonโ€™s heart.

This was hardly Teraโ€™s first time seeing carnage, however, and she felt the Force flow through her as it ever did as she went to put her comradeโ€™s teachings to work.

It didnโ€™t work.

Tera could feel the power course through and leave her, but Corrinโ€™s body wouldnโ€™t accept it. She wasnโ€™t from Teraโ€™s universe, wasnโ€™t connected to the Force in the same way every living thing had been; she couldnโ€™t be a conduit for it, no matter how good the intent of that power was. Corrin was getting pale, her breathing less fervent, her eyes beginning to glass over.

โ€œAlright. This is getting a little sadโ€

Tera had a scant few moments to make a decision about that new voice before someone knelt next to her, rolling up the sleeves of a black jacket and began to reach for Corrinโ€™s leg. She was dressed in all blacks and whites save for where her jeans and striped top were splattered with a deep red that looked as if sheโ€™d had her own run-ins with sharp objects recently. She had a pale complexion that seemed to match Corrinโ€™s own state of blood loss, and her expression was inscrutably calm save for the slightest tilt of judgemental exasperation in her voice

โ€œIโ€™m not sure what youโ€™re doing, but letโ€™s do the basics of first aid first. That canโ€™t be that different hereโ€

If the sith didnโ€™t interrupt her, the girl gripped the outside of Corrinโ€™s leg, then the bone, and shoved with a grunt of effort. If nothing else, it woke Corrin up as the sudden shock of pain of the bone going back from whence it game made her gasp in air as her eyes started to whip wildly from side to side.

The newcomer glanced over at her as she shrugged the jacket off with the intent to use it as a tourniquet

โ€œCalm down or youโ€™re just going to bleed out faster. Can you knock her out?โ€ she directed, presumably at Tera
This was hardly Teraโ€™s first time seeing carnage, however, and she felt the Force flow through her as it ever did as she went to put her comradeโ€™s teachings to work.

It didnโ€™t work.

Tera could feel the power course through and leave her, but Corrinโ€™s body wouldnโ€™t accept it. She wasnโ€™t from Teraโ€™s universe, wasnโ€™t connected to the Force in the same way every living thing had been; she couldnโ€™t be a conduit for it, no matter how good the intent of that power was. Corrin was getting pale, her breathing less fervent, her eyes beginning to glass over.

"...I am truly beginning to despise this world." Her tone was icy, to say the least. Nevermind that it had already thrown legions of enemies and giant foes at her, those were hardly new experiences. Her power being rendered ineffectual, on the other hand, was utterly aggravating. Multiple times, even! First her lightning, and now this attempt. The power went through, as it was meant to, but nothing...stupid otherworldly nonsense I swear. Her thoughts continued to voice her annoyance, even as she opened her mouth to speak to Corrin: "It seems it will have to be the old fashioned method th--"

โ€œAlright. This is getting a little sadโ€

She blinked in surprise, gaze shooting over in the direction of that new voice. Who could this possibly be now?​

Tera had a scant few moments to make a decision about that new voice before someone knelt next to her, rolling up the sleeves of a black jacket and began to reach for Corrinโ€™s leg. She was dressed in all blacks and whites save for where her jeans and striped top were splattered with a deep red that looked as if sheโ€™d had her own run-ins with sharp objects recently. She had a pale complexion that seemed to match Corrinโ€™s own state of blood loss, and her expression was inscrutably calm save for the slightest tilt of judgemental exasperation in her voice

She didn't get to say anything before the stranger knelt beside her...not that she would have said anything, instead using that time to study this person at a quick glance. Ah. A child. We are all saved now. Being sassy ran as deep in her being as the force did.
โ€œIโ€™m not sure what youโ€™re doing, but letโ€™s do the basics of first aid first. That canโ€™t be that different hereโ€

"I was attempting to--it doesn't matter." She interrupted herself, not really keen on delving into either the failure of her power or in the heat of the moment, overlooking that the force as she knew it didn't exist here, or within any of them. "Do not get judgmental with me, child. I've been through countless conflicts and battles. I know how battlefield triage works." Already annoyed with this world in general, she moved to brusquely shove the child out of the way to set the bone herself.
The newcomer glanced over at her as she shrugged the jacket off with the intent to use it as a tourniquet

โ€œCalm down or youโ€™re just going to bleed out faster. Can you knock her out?โ€ she directed, presumably at Tera

"I sure can." She raised a hand, intending to simply wave it and induce unconsciousness onto the wounded warrior, but she hesitated. Her attempt at healing had not worked, and there was a chance that would not either. She grimaced, her fist clenching by her side as she looked down at Corrin. Sorry, she mouthed, before she lashed out with a punch right to the face with the mandalorian beskar gauntlet she wore and knocked her out.​
"...I am truly beginning to despise this world." Her tone was icy, to say the least. Nevermind that it had already thrown legions of enemies and giant foes at her, those were hardly new experiences. Her power being rendered ineffectual, on the other hand, was utterly aggravating. Multiple times, even! First her lightning, and now this attempt. The power went through, as it was meant to, but nothing...stupid otherworldly nonsense I swear. Her thoughts continued to voice her annoyance, even as she opened her mouth to speak to Corrin: "It seems it will have to be the old fashioned method th--"

She blinked in surprise, gaze shooting over in the direction of that new voice. Who could this possibly be now?

She didn't get to say anything before the stranger knelt beside her...not that she would have said anything, instead using that time to study this person at a quick glance. Ah. A child. We are all saved now. Being sassy ran as deep in her being as the force did.

"I was attempting to--it doesn't matter." She interrupted herself, not really keen on delving into either the failure of her power or in the heat of the moment, overlooking that the force as she knew it didn't exist here, or within any of them. "Do not get judgmental with me, child. I've been through countless conflicts and battles. I know how battlefield triage works." Already annoyed with this world in general, she moved to brusquely shove the child out of the way to set the bone herself.

"I sure can." She raised a hand, intending to simply wave it and induce unconsciousness onto the wounded warrior, but she hesitated. Her attempt at healing had not worked, and there was a chance that would not either. She grimaced, her fist clenching by her side as she looked down at Corrin. Sorry, she mouthed, before she lashed out with a punch right to the face with the mandalorian beskar gauntlet she wore and knocked her out.​

The girl looked mildly offended as Tera shoved her, but didn't bother with getting into a scuffle over who got in there. She was already out of the jacket by the time Tera had set the bone, and the same instruction followed. The panicked look in Corrin's eyes abate as Tera drew back her fist, and she sucked in a breath of fear and tried to say something that died on her lips the same moment the back of her head cracked into the stone of the road behind them. The girl paused her frankly professional tourquineting to glance at the sound before her eyes dragged over to Tera, unblinking as she continued in the same monotone as she gripped both ends of the sleeves and yanked them hard to tighten it.

"If that bleeds this is all going to be very counterintuitive."

She let go of the jacket and pressed a finger into the wound to check the blood flow with a short pause. Satisfied, she then glanced to where the blood was seeping out of the armor on Corrin's side as she pressed two fingers to Corrin's neck next to check her pulse.

"Any idea how to get her out of this?"
The girl looked mildly offended as Tera shoved her, but didn't bother with getting into a scuffle over who got in there. She was already out of the jacket by the time Tera had set the bone, and the same instruction followed. The panicked look in Corrin's eyes abate as Tera drew back her fist, and she sucked in a breath of fear and tried to say something that died on her lips the same moment the back of her head cracked into the stone of the road behind them. The girl paused her frankly professional tourquineting to glance at the sound before her eyes dragged over to Tera, unblinking as she continued in the same monotone as she gripped both ends of the sleeves and yanked them hard to tighten it.

"If that bleeds this is all going to be very counterintuitive."

She let go of the jacket and pressed a finger into the wound to check the blood flow with a short pause. Satisfied, she then glanced to where the blood was seeping out of the armor on Corrin's side as she pressed two fingers to Corrin's neck next to check her pulse.

"Any idea how to get her out of this?"

โ€œSheโ€™s a dragon. Or part dragon, I am not entirely sure how it works, but the point being, Iโ€™m confident she can endure a punch like that.โ€ Tera replied. โ€œLikely wonโ€™t be a big fan of me when she wakes up again but weโ€™ll cross that hurdle when we get to it. As for your questionโ€ฆno.โ€ She shook her head. โ€œI havenโ€™t the faintest idea how to start removing this armor, at least in the normal manner. I could pull it off with my power, however.โ€ That ability she knew worked here, the giant had been slowed by her force pull earlier.​

โ€œSheโ€™s a dragon. Or part dragon, I am not entirely sure how it works, but the point being, Iโ€™m confident she can endure a punch like that.โ€ Tera replied. โ€œLikely wonโ€™t be a big fan of me when she wakes up again but weโ€™ll cross that hurdle when we get to it. As for your questionโ€ฆno.โ€ She shook her head. โ€œI havenโ€™t the faintest idea how to start removing this armor, at least in the normal manner. I could pull it off with my power, however.โ€ That ability she knew worked here, the giant had been slowed by her force pull earlier.​

"Don't bother" The girl said as she pulled her fingers away. The next words were perhaps lacking the gravity they deserved.

"She's already dying. Not enough blood left to keep her pulse from slowing, so closing the wound's not going to do anything unless you can shovel said blood back in. might as well let her suffer just death instead of death and nudity."

She slipped one of her own fingers into her mouth, sucking it clean of Corrin's lifeblood before she her eyesbrows raised slightly and she hummed.

"hm. High oxygen count. Maybe thats why dragon's bl-

Her neck snapped backwards with enough force that it almost was if it broke itself as her arms went limp and her eyes began to shine with a bright, white light. It lasted a moment before she went slack, and caught herself before she fell over by placing her hands atop Corrin's armor. When she spoke, it was with an entirely different accent and cadence, the girl's dry monotone given way to a soft fervor.

"Not yet, pequeรฑo dragรณn. Not yet."

Her palms began to glow, and Tera felt it again; the same thing she felt when Corrin had tried to grasp at the strange new power she'd been describing, the strange power that Tera herself could feel and see even as it fell between Corrin's fingers uselessly.

Whoever was inside this girl's mind had a practice Corrin did not.

The energy coalesced faster and brighter, and didn't drift away as soon as it arrived, shining with a soft and warm light that pulsed over Corrin once, twice, thrice. Every pulse, Tera could see the wound on the dragon princess' leg glow as the flesh knitted closer and closer together, the visible bits of bone fusing before they were covered once more by muscle and skin.

By the time the sixth pulse of light had washed over Corrin, the wound was gone entirely, and her breathing had deepened to that of sleep instead of the shallow heaves of death.

The light faded from the girl's hands and her eyes closed as she slumped backwards, hitting her back with a graceless thud.
"Don't bother" The girl said as she pulled her fingers away. The next words were perhaps lacking the gravity they deserved.

"She's already dying. Not enough blood left to keep her pulse from slowing, so closing the wound's not going to do anything unless you can shovel said blood back in. might as well let her suffer just death instead of death and nudity."

"..." Tera didn't quite know what to say. She was no stranger to death but she was a stranger to Corrin, so she could not offer comforting words for the fading dragon as was customary. That had to be one of the--​

She slipped one of her own fingers into her mouth, sucking it clean of Corrin's lifeblood before she her eyesbrows raised slightly and she hummed.

"hm. High oxygen count. Maybe thats why dragon's bl-

Her neck snapped backwards with enough force that it almost was if it broke itself as her arms went limp and her eyes began to shine with a bright, white light. It lasted a moment before she went slack, and caught herself before she fell over by placing her hands atop Corrin's armor. When she spoke, it was with an entirely different accent and cadence, the girl's dry monotone given way to a soft fervor.

"KRIFF!" She cursed, nearly jumping up in alarm at the utterly unexpected snap beside her. An out of nowhere second demise??? No, wait...those eyes...eyes of pure white light that put her silver ones to shame. A snapping neck, limp as can be arms, eyes like that...something strange was definitely occurring here.​

"Not yet, pequeรฑo dragรณn. Not yet."

Her palms began to glow, and Tera felt it again; the same thing she felt when Corrin had tried to grasp at the strange new power she'd been describing, the strange power that Tera herself could feel and see even as it fell between Corrin's fingers uselessly.

Whoever was inside this girl's mind had a practice Corrin did not.

Strange but yet familiar at the same time. That sensation that rippled through the air before, and more. But unlike then, it wasn't ultimately useless attempts at trying to grasp an unknown ability. The presence, entity, whatever it was that was possessing the child whose name she didn't yet know, it had experience with power like this. That much was clear, as...​

The energy coalesced faster and brighter, and didn't drift away as soon as it arrived, shining with a soft and warm light that pulsed over Corrin once, twice, thrice. Every pulse, Tera could see the wound on the dragon princess' leg glow as the flesh knitted closer and closer together, the visible bits of bone fusing before they were covered once more by muscle and skin.

By the time the sixth pulse of light had washed over Corrin, the wound was gone entirely, and her breathing had deepened to that of sleep instead of the shallow heaves of death.

...as the young girl made her look bad, with how the Sith's attempt to do the same thing failed so utterly and yet this one succeeded so completely. Many Sith would have taken that as a huge blow to their pride and would have lashed out in anger or frustration. She had counted herself among their number once, but not anymore. While she did feel a degree of annoyance, she was more intent on learning how the child had done that rather than throwing a fit. "Hey, do you think you could share how--"

The light faded from the girl's hands and her eyes closed as she slumped backwards, hitting her back with a graceless thud.

"--nevermind." She finished lamely. Tera looked between the two unconscious individuals and let out an exaggerated sigh. "This is like the cargo ship in the Outer Rim all over again." She sounded less than pleased but the slight smile on her face stood in contrast to that tone. Her gaze settled on Corrin.

That was good, for sure, but there was still the one other matter. Tera stepped past the unconscious two and leaned just enough of her head around the corner to see if the others had the giant handled.​
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That was good, for sure, but there was still the one other matter. Tera stepped past the unconscious two and leaned just enough of her head around the corner to see if the others had the giant handled.

Well, the timing was just... poorly timed on both entities' parts. Tera would've seen the field of her vision eclipsed almost entirely by alabaster as as a clangorous smack resonated from the likely-demigod-for-now Spartan palm as Leviathan found its way home.


"... How is she?" He'd uttered a whisper that was more akin to a boom than a whisper thanks to the baritone of his voice, seeking to gauge the situation with Corrin as he gazed down to Tera given his lofty stature. Before a brow was lifted in cursory fashion, the Spartan already having alighted his eyes on the newcomer side by side with the formerly wounded dragon.

As what he'd done in the intervening time-frame, just before then?

Kratos'd taken the severed leg of the God-Eternal and evaluated what remained of his strength by hefting it before growling and flinging it for the hobbled dead thing's torso, with Leviathan somehow screaming after the makeshift projectile almost immediately, overtaking it with their trajectories seemingly aligned for the same target at a glance before it was clear.

The axe had a mind of its own and viciously assaulted designated sections of the blue shell where they seemingly met, the aim to weaken connective areas in the chest to allow for the approaching God-Eternal's foot to cave its chest in and/or careen it into the tower it rested against, the ensuing rumble perhaps enough to entomb and bar its movement to allow for a moment's reprieve.
Inkโ€™s blow did more than just crack the top of Rhonasโ€™ head plate; It had already been damaged by Kratosโ€™ opening blow, and his fists did the rest of the work, sending shards of lazurite and gold directly into the desiccated brain held in the grip of necromancy as the top of the god eternalโ€™s head caved in. It was as silent as ever, but its attempt to push itself back to its feet went awry as it listed to the side


Ink exclaimed, jubilant as could be.

He'd brained this thing something good! It's just too bad it was too big to eat.

"Whoa!" Nearly sliding off the top of Rhonas's head, the hundreds of arms linked around the gigantic zombie's throat tightened their hold. All in an attempt to try and continue locking it's head in place. Whatever was animating this thing was still having a go at it. It'd had it's head cracked like an egg but you didn't get anywhere without breaking a couple of eggs. Omlettes needed lots of the things. "I'll clean your clock, you dusty old ******************************" The oily creature snarled as two holes opened at the front of his thumbs. Just big enough for a pin. Opening his mouth, Ink stuck the thumbs in either side of his mouth, wrist over wrist.

The chain of limbs snapped back, pulling Rhonas's head back so it was gazing skyward. Some of the arms broke off from the rest, shooting up to wrap around Rhonas's head/mouth, clearly in an attempt to try and keep it shut in much the same way a human might wrangle a crocodile or aligator. Looping over and over again, Ink jumped up and blew into the holes on his thumb. The oil spread across his arms bubbled and toiled like a witch's cauldron, puffing up like a bodybuilder's biceps, as Ink raised them above his head and glared down at the giant who in such a short span of time had caused so many, so much pain.

.... Given Ink's line of 'work' before he'd been defeated by the Crusaders, maybe there was some kind of repentance here. Writing away his various wrongs by doing one good deed after another.

Either way as he sailed back down towards Rhonas's bound head, he held his arms behind him, bubbles spread across them like you'd find on bubblewrap.




Pumped up as he was though, Ink hadn't given much thought to what may have happened if his attack were as successful as he'd hoped it'd be. When a giant like Rhonas fell, everyone needed to steer clear....
The God Eternal had no recourse for defense; the severed limb crashed into its side with the force of a giant's crossbow bolt sending it stumbling from its precarious perching into tower with a thunderous crash; Stone and mortar came tumbling atop it in an avalanche of destruction that it bore with silent fury.

When the dust had begun to settle, the beast still lived; its arms were pinned under tons of rock and its gleaming carapace was cracked and shattered in a hundred different places, filling the air with the scent of dried, rotted flesh and bone, atrophied muscles pierced by a thousand pieces of shrapnel. Yet still it moved, those trapped arms creaking and groaning as the weight that kept them pinned began to shift, and streams of poisonous miasma beginning to leak in every direction.

Then Ink's massive fists came crashing down on its exposed rib cage, shattering the bones into dust and piercing the creature's desiccated heart. A black light came in a starburst that pierced the rubble and the clouds of dust as a horrific scream suddenly rippled through the streets, deep and sharp and full of anguish.

Then the light faded, and the old god's corpse finally did what all corpses were meant to; laid still.


That scream was what made the girl's eyes snap back open. She sat straight up, back ramrod straight as she glanced left that right, brow furrowed slightly and eyes less sharp than they had been before as her brain processed the noise.


Then she seemed to get her bearings, a bit of focus returning to those eyes as she caught sight of Tera and Kratos looming above. She turned towards Corrin, eyes flicking across her form with a studious frown.

"What happened? One moment I'm trying to figure out the best way to harvest dragon pieces and then... something... warm." Her frown turned concerned. "Bright. Like I was holding the essence of life in my hand. As if death held no power h-here" The longer that sentence went, the more queasy she looked, and she pulled herself to her feet as she reached the end of that sentence to stumble back a few feet down the alleyway the other direction.

The other two heard retching.

Whatever concern or disgust they had would have to wait, as the direction they had chosen as their destination suddenly exploded with a bright white, a pillar of energy that pierced the sky itself before it suddenly expanded over the entire city, blinding them all with white.


It had been a few minutes later that a squad of pegasus riders, covered in flesh and armor rather than stone and death, had swooped over the scene of their battle and come to a landing. Questions were asked and answered; The conclave they had chosen as their heading had been annihilated at the start of the battle; consumed entirely in a burst of energy with the dreadhorde's arrival, leaving a perfect half circle crater as the only sight it had ever existed. But the conclave itself lived, as did the name they'd been hunting. The squadron didn't seem surprised that they group was seeking Jace Beleran, and they knew where he and what they called the 'Gatewatch' had been keeping their war counsel. Space on the back of the equine fliers was offered, Corrin's still unconscious form carefully tied around the waist of their best rider, and off they went.

As they flew over the city, they could see; fires still raged, but the dreadhorde no longer moved. Their thousands laid in haphazard repose across every street and rooftop. Some below gave them a wide berth, some came at their now immobile terrorizers with rocks, sticks, and anything else they could get their hands on, but whatever that light had been, it had signaled the end of this conflict

It was a large building they arrived at, what looked to be some sort of indoor market. People ran every which way, dealing with the hardest part of war; what came after. Sections were dedicated to wounded civilians and soldiers, staffed with healers whose hands were filled with the same energy that the girl had held in her hands, though to a magnitude less. the captain of the pegasus' squadron told them he would find someone to let Jace know they were looking for him; he'd want to know about the planeswalkers that had felled one of the god eternals. For now, Corrin was handed off to one of the others, and they were directed to a partially walled off section; what had formerly been some hawker's permanent stall. there were a few cots along the walls to the back, and a bit of blood still staining the floor, but little else of note. The black haired girl moved to one of pillars that bordered the archway to the rest of the market and leaned against it, eyes roving across the crowd of medics, logistic officers, confused nobles, and harried soldiers going about their work outside, apparently intending to wait in silence for whoever this other person was
Even for a Sith with superior reflexes, that had been way too close. It was only just barely that she stopped herself before she truly collided with the large man. As it were, her face was still uncomfortably close to his chest, and it remained there for a few awkward seconds. Awkwardness that was evident in her eyes as said eyes traveled up to meet his own gaze. She coughed and pulled back away immediately after, putting extra effort into regaining composure and dispelling any remaining awkwardness. "She is fine, stranger, but you--" Whatever else she would have said was lost to the all encompassing scream that seemed to not only echo in her ears but in her mind as well, more than enough to chill the blood of most lesser beings...not that she was fazed. That was confirmation, the enemy had been vanquished, and with it, one of the two returned to consciousness.

Her stare shifted from Kratos to the particularly stiff child, listening in silence as the girl spoke, and it was only when she stood that Tera opened her mouth to offer her perception of what had transpired, but her lips closed again without saying anything yet as the girl stumbled off. It was plain on her face. Any moment now, and...yes. There it was.

"Puke on the giant, will yo--" She shut up mid-joke, the sudden light immediately drawing her focus...for the few seconds she could see, at least, before she was blinded by it.

Decidedly more friendly people showed up not long after, even though she was initially wary, but that didn't last too long as the squadron knew who they sought and offered a lift. It was...not a pretty view. The signs of war scattered all about. A familiar sight. She was silent the whole trip as she took it all in, and it was not long before they landed. What usually seemed to be a sort of market, from the looks of it. Not at all that dissimilar from the one she'd seen on Onderon, though it was not serving as a market today. Battlefield triage, not a surprise. A flurry of chaotic yet expected activity. She didn't spare more than a surface glance around though, her gaze dropping to the still unconscious Corrin she now held in her arms. A twinge of guilt emerged for the method of knocking her out, but it had been the option that she was confident would work, given the force's...uncertain success rate here.

Said guilt was swiftly buried. It had been necessary at the time, and moreover, she had been healed in full. She should be, no, would be fine. There was no reason to feel guilty for the punch. So the Sith moved away from that feeling, and a growing curiosity took it's place. Her own attempt at healing proved fruitless but the child's had not, and now some of these people were doing the same thing, if not quite...as intense. She observed, watching in silence, trying to determine how it was done by these healers. It reminded her less of the Jedi way and more akin to the methods of the Voss back home.

So perhaps if I went about it more like one of them? Hrm.

Food for thought. Not at all envious thought.​
Even for a Sith with superior reflexes, that had been way too close. It was only just barely that she stopped herself before she truly collided with the large man. As it were, her face was still uncomfortably close to his chest, and it remained there for a few awkward seconds. Awkwardness that was evident in her eyes as said eyes traveled up to meet his own gaze. She coughed and pulled back away immediately after, putting extra effort into regaining composure and dispelling any remaining awkwardness. "She is fine, stranger, but you--" Whatever else she would have said was lost to the all encompassing scream that seemed to not only echo in her ears but in her mind as well, more than enough to chill the blood of most lesser beings...not that she was fazed. That was confirmation, the enemy had been vanquished, and with it, one of the two returned to consciousness.

Her stare shifted from Kratos to the particularly stiff child, listening in silence as the girl spoke, and it was only when she stood that Tera opened her mouth to offer her perception of what had transpired, but her lips closed again without saying anything yet as the girl stumbled off. It was plain on her face. Any moment now, and...yes. There it was.

"Puke on the giant, will yo--" She shut up mid-joke, the sudden light immediately drawing her focus...for the few seconds she could see, at least, before she was blinded by it.

Decidedly more friendly people showed up not long after, even though she was initially wary, but that didn't last too long as the squadron knew who they sought and offered a lift. It was...not a pretty view. The signs of war scattered all about. A familiar sight. She was silent the whole trip as she took it all in, and it was not long before they landed. What usually seemed to be a sort of market, from the looks of it. Not at all that dissimilar from the one she'd seen on Onderon, though it was not serving as a market today. Battlefield triage, not a surprise. A flurry of chaotic yet expected activity. She didn't spare more than a surface glance around though, her gaze dropping to the still unconscious Corrin she now held in her arms. A twinge of guilt emerged for the method of knocking her out, but it had been the option that she was confident would work, given the force's...uncertain success rate here.

Said guilt was swiftly buried. It had been necessary at the time, and moreover, she had been healed in full. She should be, no, would be fine. There was no reason to feel guilty for the punch. So the Sith moved away from that feeling, and a growing curiosity took it's place. Her own attempt at healing proved fruitless but the child's had not, and now some of these people were doing the same thing, if not quite...as intense. She observed, watching in silence, trying to determine how it was done by these healers. It reminded her less of the Jedi way and more akin to the methods of the Voss back home.

So perhaps if I went about it more like one of them? Hrm.

Food for thought. Not at all envious thought.​
"Distressing, isn't it?"

The girl's voice carried over to Tera, her eyes flicking from her back to the healers that she'd been studying, apparently having picked up on Tera's frustrations.

"Using magic takes all the fun out of surgery"

Or at least something adjacent to it.
The God Eternal had no recourse for defense; the severed limb crashed into its side with the force of a giant's crossbow bolt sending it stumbling from its precarious perching into tower with a thunderous crash; Stone and mortar came tumbling atop it in an avalanche of destruction that it bore with silent fury.

When the dust had begun to settle, the beast still lived; its arms were pinned under tons of rock and its gleaming carapace was cracked and shattered in a hundred different places, filling the air with the scent of dried, rotted flesh and bone, atrophied muscles pierced by a thousand pieces of shrapnel. Yet still it moved, those trapped arms creaking and groaning as the weight that kept them pinned began to shift, and streams of poisonous miasma beginning to leak in every direction.

Then Ink's massive fists came crashing down on its exposed rib cage, shattering the bones into dust and piercing the creature's desiccated heart. A black light came in a starburst that pierced the rubble and the clouds of dust as a horrific scream suddenly rippled through the streets, deep and sharp and full of anguish.


Ink screamed at the top of his lungs.

This thing had been a thorn too big for his liking. To have finally taken it down left him absolutely delighted. The arms he'd created to wrap around Rhonas's neck ripped themselves free of his oily body with revolting splllisssssh and splooooshing sounds. Leaving him free to sail over the chaos, his eyes closed and his fangs on full display as the air hissed out of the holes on his thumbs. The bubbles on his arm shifted and rumbled as his arms gradually began to return to their normal size. The scream made him howl.

Both in pain due to just how ear piercing it was and in much the same way a predator would have salivated over hearing it's prey's dying croaks. Ink continued to fly through the air, his arms held out to either side of him as he seemed to be on a crash course for the massive pile of rubble that Rhonas had left in his death throes. "HAHAHAHA! I DID IT!!! I'M NOT A CHUMP! IT WAS LUCK! JUST LUCK THAT THEY 'BEAT' ME!!!" Ink screeched, something that would have made absolutely no sense to his peers but it warmed his black heart. He'd been getting up there in size (though not at all comparable to Rhonas. The Crusaders hadn't afforded him that much time.) and had believed that the terrorists/'freedom fighters' were done for. Even after Multi(that goddamn traitor!!!) had informed them about the existence of Conditions and how Ink's worked, he had them on the ropes.

But they'd managed to get one over on him at the final hour.

A bullet had lodged itself inside Ink's massive frame and before he could realize it, the explosion was already underway. One of the Crusaders had lined the bullet with his explosive blood and the liquid activated Ink's condition and sent him flying through the air. Much in the same way he was now! Though a lot less painful and on the verge of dying!

"Next time...! They won't BE so lucky-"


Ink disappeared beneath the debris. The rubble didn't seem to shift for a few moments. Though if anyone were curious enough to look, they'd see a torrent of tar blow out from a patch of shattered building refuse as though Rhonas's death had struck an oil well. The foul-smelling liquid splattered across anything within it's reach, absorbing it, as something began to step out of the quickly spreading tar. "blurgh....urgh....regh.....Ahhhh!" Ink yelped as he hopped to his feet, all his limbs intact and his clothes(minus his jacket) reforming around him. Reforming after being squashed was always a pain in the butt but he'd dealt with worse. Like having a building fall right on top of him. Besides, he was riding high on fumes of victory. Nothing was going to get him down! Hopping from piece of concrete to another, he scooped up his jacket and twirled around.

"We took him down! Got him!!! Showed him something fierce!!!!"


Beating his chest in a primal fashion, Ink looked upwards and gnashed his teeth. He'd done all of this because he wanted to stand by the people like Corrin who'd not only saved his life but hadn't been perturbed by his apperance. Something that he couldn't say for most people. Though, it probably helped, that she could uh...turn her arm into a dragon head amongst other things. Still wasn't really sure why it spit water rather than fire but that was a question for another day. "Ooooh! Ooooh!!!" He bellowed before his ears twitched as the riders came soaring in. Ink listened, calming down and exhaling through his nose slits.


He'd never rode a horse before. Let alone one with wings. He always wanted to eat a live one though. His 'grandpa' would never let it happen though. Something about that being too disturbing, even for him. Still as he watched Corrin's wounded form be carted away to be brought along with the rest of them, Ink growled but otherwise went along for the ride without complaint. Once they got back on solid ground though? He was a nervous wreck. Pacing back and forth to the point that some kind soul pointed out he was leaking through his shirt. All while still standing a fair distance away from the oil humanoid with shark teeth.

"Oh! Sorry...I...lose control of myself if I'm anxious..."

Most elementals struggled with this from an early age and most got it under control by 6/7. Usually wasn't an issue after unless the elemental was ancient and suffering from dementia. Water elementals soaked everything they wore/slept on/couldn't use electronics. Fire elementals had to sleep in the bathtub/run up the water bill so as not to burn the house down. Ink's case was only worsened by the fact that he was how he was 24/7. Attempts at glamours had never worked well for him due to his unique physiology. Meant that if he was stressed out or not fully cognizant of what he was doing, clothes he'd wear would end up stained with oil or reek of gasoline.

"grrrr...." Ink eventually settled for resting on all fours, his head held up and looking around. He'd feel less tense once Corrin was up and moving again...
"Distressing, isn't it?"

The girl's voice carried over to Tera, her eyes flicking from her back to the healers that she'd been studying, apparently having picked up on Tera's frustrations.

"Using magic takes all the fun out of surgery"

Or at least something adjacent to it.

Tera's brow raised up after hearing that, though she did not move an inch from where she stood, not even to glance back at the girl. Mostly to hide the slight smile that slowly emerged on her face. She had to admit, she liked the kid's spunk. "You know, not many people speak so...casually to a Sith lord. People outside my Alliance, I mean. Back home, most are a lot more cautious. But here? Well, you likely don't even know what a Sith is. Any of you, really. You're all a lot more cavalier. It...is refreshing, to tell the truth." She chuckled.

"That aside, it's not about the fun of surgery. My attempt at healing with the force was unsuccessful. This place, how it interacts with my abilities, is a conundrum I've never faced before. My attempt at it failed, but yours did not. Neither is theirs. This magic is working, and very well to judge from Corrin's current condition. Perhaps, if I study how it works, I can adjust my own method to make it work here...or learn how to tap into this...magic."
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Tera's brow raised up after hearing that, though she did not move an inch from where she stood, not even to glance back at the girl. Mostly to hide the slight smile that slowly emerged on her face. She had to admit, she liked the kid's spunk. "You know, not many people speak so...casually to a Sith lord. People outside my Alliance, I mean. Back home, most are a lot more cautious. But here? Well, you likely don't even know what a Sith is. Any of you, really. You're all a lot more cavalier. It...is refreshing, to tell the truth." She chuckled.

"That aside, it's not about the fun of surgery. My attempt at healing with the force was unsuccessful. This place, how it interacts with my abilities, is a conundrum I've never faced before. My attempt at it failed, but yours did not. Neither is theirs. This magic is working, and very well to judge from Corrin's current condition. Perhaps, if I study how it works, I can adjust my own method to make it work here...or learn how to tap into this...magic."
"If the lack of peasants bowing and scraping starts to give you anxiety, then I'm sure the Viking would be happy to give you some of your own sedatives. milady" the girl replied to the first part

"Corrin is the name of the dragon then" she continued, pushing off the wall to glance back at the princess with a stare that was bordering on interested. "That wasn't my doing; just the thought of letting that kind of energy out is making me queasy again." She said with a accompanying shiver. Her next words were tinged with a thoughtfulness " I have my suspicions on where it came from, but explaining it would mean about as much to you as your apparent authority back home means to the rest of the universe"

Ink's growl just made her eyebrow raise slightly, catching her attention enough that she let her gaze fall on him next as she tried to make sense of him with the same halfhearted interest of a kid looking at a picture in their science textbook
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"If the lack of peasants bowing and scraping starts to give you anxiety, then I'm sure the Viking would be happy to give you some of your own sedatives. milady" the girl replied to the first part

"Corrin is the name of the dragon then" she continued, pushing off the wall to glance back at the princess with a stare that was bordering on interested. "That wasn't my doing; just the thought of letting that kind of energy out is making me queasy again." She said with a accompanying shiver. Her next words were tinged with a thoughtfulness " I have my suspicions on where it came from, but explaining it would mean about as much to you as your apparent authority back home means to the rest of the universe"

Ink's growl just made her eyebrow raise slightly, catching her attention enough that she let her gaze fall on him next as she tried to make sense of him with the same halfhearted interest of a kid looking at a picture in their science textbook

"Please. It is hardly like that. In fact, I believe I just said it was refreshing." She finally looked over at the child. "Milady." She repeated under her breath. "Seriously? Tch." What a ridiculous title. "Correct, that is her name. I'm Tera. That one over there is Oily man. And you are...?"

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