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Fandom Fandomronpa [Closed]

Stiles " Ultimate Sarcasm" Stilinski

Stiles was quiet as he knew that working against someone who had them trapped was a bad idea. He had said so himself. It was weird to think about, but he had to wonder why the audience and the mastermind cared about their deaths. He wasn't sure. " I wouldn't be surprised that there will be some surprises here, like a death. It feels like the perfect place to commit a kill, a crowded dinner where we all attend. But like in a subtle way. Maybe through the food. I'm rambling, but I think that's the paranoia talking."

themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9
"Oh, believe me, I'm keeping a close eye on my food and drink for sure. I've - been to too many parties not to do that. I think - it's about the drama. I mean, it always is, but I think they'll try to stir up gossip, find ways to break up alliances. Gatherings are normally where a lot of rumors start and spread, so I'd recommend being - on guard, and figure out what others are saying about you. And I'd say the more popular you are, the safer you are. I mean, it's all theory, but it's safer than nothing..." She elected not to bring up her own absence from the rankings - she had slipped through timelines before, and if the Actor wasn't involved after all, maybe the mastermind didn't want him figuring out they were using one of his cast members.
Stiles "Ultimate Sarcasm" Stilinski

Stiles was quiet for a moment and let loose a small chuckle. " I know this is going to come out of left field from me, but I think my paranoia about the food might have come from a dream I had last night where I was a party with I want to see someone who looked like me named Thomas- or was it Stephen? Let's just say that dream food had some weird side effects like hugging people and like aging and beards. I want to say that that is out of the realm of possibility here, but there's a talking bear, a guy who has changed forms and a ton of other things. You know, I feel like just the opposite. The more popular you are, the more in danger you are. People want to get rid of the favorites to get ahead in rank to my knowledge. I could be wrong though. God, I hope that I'm wrong."

themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9

"I've seen enough strange things to know it's possible. It could be safe, solidly in the middle. Not hated, not a threat to others. Find your archetype niche, and cater to it. Think about your audience, what they'd want. This is a game of death, but everything with media is a popularity contest. Politics, fame, business - it's all the same. Play to the script." Her eyes took on that odd blank quality again, recording for a separate audience altogether, someone watching through her. "They're the rules, and - we follow the rules, work inside the system to get rescued, or we all fall. And the bear wins."
Stiles "Ultimate Sarcasm" Stilinski

Stiles would look over at her. "I've also seen a lot of strange things in my life, it's probably the only thing we have in common. I don't think catering to the audience is going to matter, they are only here for the deaths. Sure, they are going to be upset if their favorite dies, but I don't think they actually have a say in anything. I think playing to the script is going to help us. Things like this want you to play to your role so people are entertained. But you know- not playing to what they want is probably just as important. You know what happen to unpopular things? They get cancelled. So, there's more than one way to win this. The bear is definitely thriving off popularity, so if we make it and the show lose that- well- it might end sooner."

themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9

"But if we break the rules - we die. If we're unpredictable, the audience might find it fun, and it makes things popular. If we play to tropes, people find it comfortable, and it makes things popular." She frowned, tapping her nail against the table. "As long as they're in control, we have to - as least outwardly- be worth more alive than dead," Louise explained, holding her hands palm up in front of her like dishes on a balance scale. "It's about money. If we're an expense, more trouble to the game or the others than the ratings we earn, they'll want us gone. They'll arrange something, or manipulate the others. If... I can tell you a secret-" she lowered her voice. "I think... they're keeping me as forgettable as possible, because they think I might cause trouble."
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah Zenterfold Zenterfold

Save for a pair of houndstooth tights to match her skirt and freshly painted nails, Yumeko was dressed the same as she usually was in her pleated skirt, black tie, crisp white shirt, and blood red suit jacket. Her shoes echoed across the nearly empty room as she made her way to a seat, pulled the chair out, and sat down, a calm smile across her face.

"Sorry, am I interrupting anything?" She asked, folding her hands in her lap.​
Stiles " Ultimate Sarcasm" Stilinski

"I don't think we are going to die if we break the rules. He keeps saying that he's going to punish us- but excluding the end of Menma's trial, the bear hasn't gone through on a single threat he has made. I think like us, he has to play by a set of rules himself and that means everything that is happening is only words. Oh, I didn't say to be unpredictable or play into the tropes, the best thing to do is to play in a way that doesn't do that. I don't think they are going to kill expenses, this is about a story- a narrative, they are trying to make. And narratives are some of the easiest things to deconstruct, they always have been. I think you already are, it's why they are trying to pretend that you don't exist. It's easier to ignore something that they can't agree with then to destroy them." Stiles turned to Yumeko. "Not really," he replied.

SilverDingo SilverDingo themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
lunar_moth lunar_moth Josh Josh Takumi98 Takumi98

Outside Movie Theater


A noise of confusion came from the pink girl when her hand suddenly got taken out of nowhere. Pinkie looked at the culprit in surprise, not understanding why he did so when she didn't need the comfort. At least... she didn't think she needed the comfort. She stared at him for a moment, confused with the transaction, before giving a smile. Maybe the action the boy did didn't make any sense, but not making any sense was exactly the thing that Pinkie understood. That didn't stop the reasoning that went into her thoughts, however. In Pinkie Pie's head, Atsushi pretty much mostly took her hand when despair found its way into her heart, so... if he was taking her hand now, was she filled with despair currently? Was that the case here? Did... did her laughing strategy not work? Did she still have fear? But... that must not have been the case. It must not be.

The boy then nudged her with his shoulder. She looked at him expectantly as he suddenly revealed her notebook and crayons stacked up, offering them to her. Her face lit up, as if Atsushi had just given her a completely new gift and he didn't just pick up stuff on the ground. Not picking up on his awkwardness, she took the materials from his hands with an overlook of them. "Ooooh, notebook!" She shivered as another wave of nausea hit her body, but she lit her lip to try to ease the feeling. Quickly, as to distract herself, she raised the hand holding Atsushi's and examined his glove. "Are your hands cold?" It was questionable about what made him wear gloves every day. Something told Pinkie Pie he wasn't one to wear those just for show.

But whether Atsushi responded or not, Usagi started speaking. Pinkie turned her head towards the girl, having her (not so centered) attention on her words now. And... wow. With all the knowledge she shared, she was like a... a... a grandma. Something strange to describe someone about four years younger than you, but it was true. When Usagi started speaking about how the past doesn't change if you're a good person or not, Pinkie Pie discreetly gripped Atsushi's hand harder and gave him a look to tell him, This relates to you too. She hadn't forgotten how he brought himself down over text, saying how he had a bad past and he was a bad person. He needed to take Usagi's advice right now as well, even if the advice wasn't directed towards him.

Pinkie thought if what Usagi said about bad people doing bad things was true. It certainly puts a new perspective on things. Most of the villains from her world mostly did the things they did because they were empty of the Magic of Friendship, and they didn't see the hope and happiness of this type of magic. Most of the time, when they saw the goodness of the light, they changed their ways because they knew there was another way. It was like with... mmm... that was weird. Pinkie felt like she should connect a specific someone to this, but she couldn't think of their name right now.

Moving on, Pinkie was gladly agreeing to most of what Usagi said. All of what she said was deemed to be full of hope and truthful. One certain part made her expression sadden somewhat, but Usagi had done a good job with that. And when the girl was done talking...

"That's right!" She nodded her head in agreement, flashing Usagi a smile that said that Pinkie Pie liked her little mini speech. "And you know it's right because she's wearing a Wanda crown. Those were some of the... Oh! And, and!" Completely forgetting about what she was going to say to Usagi, she stood slightly on her tippy toes, trying to make herself taller. "Thank you for telling that story, Wanda! It was very..." How should she describe it? "...thank you for telling us!!"

After a second of staring at the red woman, Pinkie looked at Atsushi with a questioning glance as something was left empty inside of her head. Something didn't make sense. What just happened didn't make sense. Atsushi didn't seem to react much to the story or seem surprised at all from when Wanda was telling it. Usagi wasn't surprised herself, yes, but she had to take a moment to process. Atsushi just sort of... looked at the people who heard the story. Along with this, Wanda only really directed the story at the two girls, even though Atsushi was in their group and deserved to know the truth as well. She knew Atsushi was there as well. Nothing connected. Maybe... maybe he could read minds! Maybe.

Nighttime quickly approached them all. All of the movies must have finished for the 10 PM time to have come so quickly, but even though they were all standing in front of the theater, Pinkie never really processed the people who passed by them. Maybe she was still thinking of what Wanda had done in the past. Even though Pinkie reacted well, that didn't mean she didn't have to think it over for a while. But... okay! She had enough time during the night. It was fine.

With a tug on Atsushi's hand, she said happily, "Bedtime!" She was still planning on them walking each other to their rooms at the same time. Actually... second thinking about it... she had no idea how to do that. But hey! If Monokuma and the rest of the villains got to snatch them all up from different multi... multiver... whatever the word was, then Pinkie could definitely do the impossible as well.

Takumi98 Takumi98 Capri Capri lunar_moth lunar_moth

While it was true that not much seemed to happen throughout the week for the others, this case was not true for the Ultimate Party Planner here. Not as much murder and despair happened through the week, yes, but things changed over these seven days. Even seeing Pinkie Pie right now, currently peacefully sleeping (sleeping! peacefully! when was the last time she had done that since coming here?) proved life had done good for her over the week. Her head had bounced into curls again- although a small patch of hair was still straight. The usual clutter of used clothes that bombarded her desk was gone, replaced with folded, clean Pinkie clothing. Laid next to Pinkie Pie was a crumpled piece of paper with a few words written on it in crayon and the red crown Wanda had given her earlier. The biggest change with Pinkie Pie, however, was the pink backpack that laid next to her beige-sheeted, singular bed.

To those who have been paying attention, they would notice that the pink backpack was the same from the Gift Shop. The same backpack that Pinkie refused to take earlier out of denial and despair. The pink backpack that she turned her back from, the pink backpack that she despised purely because it was obviously based off of her. The pink backpack that, besides all of this, was now sitting by her bed. That, of course, was Atsushi's fault. They had met up as usual like they had done at 2 PM every day of the week at the reception to go exploring to any area (besides the office, daycare, cafe, and the sports store). That day, they decided to head to the Gift Shop, which had recently been packed in with merchandise of every single participant in this killing game. When they arrived at this store, very quickly, Pinkie picked up the backpack. She didn't really do it because of any of Atsushi's actions or words, but merely because he was there.

On the first day of their exploration, Pinkie Pie took Atsushiโ€™s hand at the reception and practically dragged him over to the Gift Shop. She was clearly ready for their great adventure of exploration to start. Even though Pinkie had already been to the Gift Shop when making cards with Usagi, she wanted to show everything inside of there to Atsushi, even if he already saw it all himself. Quite opposite to the present, only some strands of hair seemed to pop out, and the bottom of her eyes were dark from unpeaceful nights. This didn't stop the glimmer in her eyes when thinking of the potential fun they could have at this place, though. That was right: Pinkie Pie agreed to go exploring with Atsushi because she believed it would be fun for them both. That should be expected from when the white-haired boy asked her to go. None of these trips were going to be in the slightest helpful for trying to find a way to escape/trying to look for clues. When getting the Ultimate Party Planner involved, it should never be assumed that she would be productive.

She only stopped excitedly leading the boy when they stepped foot into the Gift Shop, letting go of his hand, turning her head to examine it all. She looked over it again as if she had seen it for the first time- except without the sense of dread and fear. It was no surprise that Pinkie seemed to look at the Gift Shop more excitedly now that Atsushi was here. After all, Pinkie was noticeably more happy and cheerful when around her friends versus when she was alone (ex: bursting out into tears and panicking at night, reacting slightly better when having any of her friend group around). Still... the excitement seemed a little... forced. Maybe he wouldn't notice. They didn't know each other that long, anyways. She scoured the shop, soon having her attention on one specific item that was connected to Atsushi. Before the white-haired boy could look for anything himself, she grabbed his arm and said, โ€œLook! Look-ie here!โ€

Her hand went away from Atsushiโ€™s again (although she would grab at him again if he tried to get away from her) as she quickly nabbed at an Atsushi jacket-copy that Monokuma- or whoever was behind the control of him- seemed to have here. With a keen determination, she put the jacket and Atsushi shoulder-to-shoulder to compare. A detective aura seemed to emit from her as she tried to see if the jacket actually fit with Atsushi's. โ€œHmmmโ€ฆ lemme see!โ€ Having some motiveโ€ฆ oops. Poor choice of words. Having some.. reasoning behind whatever she was doing, she quickly placed the Monokuma-made jacket over her body. It was easy to say that Pinkie didn't look as mature as Atsushi did when wearing his own jacket, but the girl didn't know that. In fact, she widened her eyes when wearing it with admiration.

โ€œWooaahh. I feel allโ€ฆ serious now.โ€ She paused for a second, looking over her thin body, before attempting a voice mimic of Atsushiโ€™s. It sounded much too high to ever become close to what his sounded like, but... it did have that tone of his. โ€œIโ€™m Atsushi Naka- Nakaj- Nakar- uhh." She took a moment to mouth his last name to herself. "Na-ka-ji-ma, and Iโ€™m timid, fearful, and loyal. Iโ€™m cool and mysterious, yet for some reason, I donโ€™t know that yet, since I think Iโ€™m not cool, even though it's not true." Rambling on her part. "I have burnt marshmallow eyes,โ€ Maybe he would understand the metaphor behind her choice of words, โ€œand I also think Pinkie Pie is the greatest-est person ever. I think sheโ€™s so cool and mature and responsible, and sheโ€™s my bestest friend here.โ€ She placed a frown on her face- a frown that seemed to mimic Atsushiโ€™s resting facial features- before bursting out into laughter. It was a bad performance on her part, which was just to show how she could never really become serious.

When in a game like this, though, people should never say never.

โ€œDonโ€™t you worry, Atsu-โ€œ

She was words away from telling another joke. Words away from telling another Pinkie-like thing in this tragedy-induing place. But then her eyes landed on other Monokuma-jacket copies. One that wasnโ€™t her friendโ€™s. Even though they were all fakes, and all the copies weren't the real deal, her body still tensed as her eyes stared at these objects. It reminded her of that one time. It was the object that the certain girl couldnโ€™t bring with her, the certain item that Pinkie hoped not to be so pained about, having it remind her about the lies and the investigation and the trial. No cheerful party planner would want to be reminded of that. Would want to be reminded of the despair that Menma Izumi has cast upon them all with her killing and death. Would want to have sadness ridden on her shoulders when seeing all the jackets peacefully laying there, stirring in the cold for little to pick up and use.

Like the little mood changing gal she was, her chipper attitude died down rather quickly. The lack of sleep and the fact that she had been in a bad mood during the night didn't seem to help with the jacket sight in front of her. A little push to the edge may have caused her hair to fall again completely. She physically turned her head away from the jackets, evidently upset about seeing the Menma jackets. She took off the Atsushi jacket-copy, placing it back with the others before laying her eyes on the little backpack that made her upset earlier. It was excellent timing to have this unsettling creation that she didn't like pop up in front of her once again when being disturbed by something else. Some ultimate being in some other world probably planned this all out in order for her.

But her eyes landed on Atsushi immediately after seeing this. Perhaps it was just a habit from the trial earlier to look at him in comfort when in need, but as she did so, she felt guilty. Like she was using him as she had done before when upset, clinging onto his calmness when she was sad. Like she was taking in his strength for her weaknesses. And she didn't want to be weak. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to walk through these despairing times with hope and smiles, laughing away the fears that came into her. Although... in a way, it was good that she didn't feel happy in this situation. It would be bad if she laughed at dead bodies.

But, back on track. She didn't want to be weak. Stubbornly, she picked up one of the pink backpacks and swung it onto her back. Wearing this... actually... was she overreacting? She didn't know why she feared it so much. The design was actually pretty cool, and it did fit her pinkness and fun. She had a wide smile of pride in herself for wearing this, and even felt a little bit of her spirits rise at doing something she didn't want to do at first. Without hesitating, she gave a less forced excited point towards a sticker pack, saying loudly, "Look! Look! STICKERS!"
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Inside of this pink backpack by her bed, of course, was an opened packet of stickers, as well her crayons and notebook from earlier. The notebook had many more pages taken out of it, and if anyone had observation skills, they would see that most of the pages were taken out unskillfully. Weirdly enough, though, one specific page was ripped out neatly. It was as though Pinkie Pie saw something in her notebook and idolized it, tearing it out carefully as to preserve it. Maybe she saw a certain message written by a specific mafia member. Hm. Strange. And completely unimportant! Anyways, it wasn't a big surprise that Pinkie Pie had so many pages taken out of her notebook, given her morning, card-making meetings with Usagi.


Even though they were meeting in a small space where not many people, if any, were at, Pinkie still yelled out to the Ultimate Magical Girl as she waved at her. It was early in the morning, yet Pinkie still had the energy to be like this. All the perks of an energetic, excitable, child-like girl. Or maybe it was just the perks of Pinkie being excited about having her first ever card-making session with her friend. Although she was still a little deflated, Pinkie was Pinkie. Still, the blond-haired girl surely would have seen where Pinkie was inside of the Gift Shop, with her practically jumping up and down to have Usagi come over to her.

While Pinkie Pie didn't remember how or when, somehow, both of the girls agreed and arranged to meet early in the mornings throughout the week inside of the Gift Shop to make the motivational cards that would distract themselves, help them bond, and (hopefully) give kindness to others. Pinkie seemed to have taken camp for their cardmaking in this little corner, away from the portrait displaying the fight between Menma and Trixie, the cards of everyone who had died, the pink backpacks, and the jackets. The placement of Pinkie Pie was probably purposeful... and she wouldn't move from this spot anytime soon unless to get supplies.

Maybe she wouldn't need to get up to get supplies, though. If Usagi went over to where Pinkie now sat, the fourteen-year-old girl would be able to see paper and colored crayons already laid out for them both. It seemed a certain pink someone was excited and prepared earlier for this little meet-up before it even happened. Or maybe she's just really quick with setting up. Anyways, if Usagi added her own materials that she already gathered, they could probably sit there all day.

Even though Pinkie's gaze was tired and still filled with sadness from all the deaths earlier/the motive, she gave a grin and said, "Let's-a-go, Usagi!" For some reason, she felt as though that was someone else's catchphrase. "Master card-making Pinkie Pie will teach you all about making these thingies!"

Usagi was most likely smart enough to figure out how to make cards on her own, but Pinkie was still quite talkative as to try to explain Card Making 101. Most of it was instructions that were unhelpful, such as "Now flip over the paper", "Now you place the crayon ON the paper", "Now you pause a second before taking the next crayon" etc. etc. Every once in a while, though, actual good advice came from Pinkie. Like this one.

"A bunch of good cards are personal, Usagi!" In front of Pinkie was a crayon and a piece of folded paper as she nodded contentedly at her own words. "Even if it's something tiny or something not important... even if it's not the biggest thing..." Her face had a stubborn glint in her eyes. "You still need to add it!! You ONLY don't have it directed towards someone if it's a random card. Like that one!" She pointed at the avocado Marie card.

Only after Pinkie saw Usagi getting the hang of it or until Usagi told her that she was okay now did the pink-haired girl stop yapping away. Pinkie Pie would only be less teacher-y and helicopter-y after that. Still, whatever happened, after that first day, the sessions could be seen to be more laid back. Pinkie, instead of teaching, would simply have asked for card ideas, memorized about her past parties, or just chatter about something random. Later on in the week, Pinkie Pie seemed to bring a singular pair of cooking scissors for if they needed to use it for cutting paper out. She didn't seem to talk about where it came from. Other than that, though, everything was normal.

And, for all the days they were card making, Pinkie Pie thought it was fun.
lunar_moth lunar_moth

The pink backpack seemed to be stuffed with other supplies other than the small items already in there. Pinkie and Atsushi had visited most of the areas in the buildings, but the items in her backpack were only certain objects taken from certain places. They would only be apparent to those who have already visited the area Pinkie took the entity from, although some had special circumstances. For instance, a singular CD laid by itself, and only Atsushi and perhaps those who already listened to the song would understand where it was from and why Pinkie took it.

Even though Atsushi had already explored this area, Pinkie certainly hadn't herself. That's why they were inside the Radio Broadcasting Room now. Pinkie Pie's pink backpack was on her back- she carried this pack everywhere now since their Gift Shop visit- and, as what happened earlier with the Music Venue, her eyes started glimmering with interest. Even though the room was not as large as the Music Venue area was, there was still much to look at: the computer, the recording booth, the things inside the booth, and even the glass itself. Pinkie immediately smooshed her face against this recording booth glass when entering the room, having her eyes widened as to take in everything.

And then she saw she could just go inside the recording booth instead of trying to peer inside.

"Oh." Pinkie let out a small noise of realization when seeing this, but didn't spend too much time queering over it. She pointed inside, giving a, "Let's go, Atsushi!" before running inside. She seemed to be doing that a lot with these trips: grabbing his hand and making him follow or just running off. What more could you expect from this hyperactive girl, though?

"Look!" She pointed at the collection of records when entering inside. "It's those old things that go on the spinney thingies!" She made a circular motion with her hands, and the way she described it- old things, spinny thingies- just showed how she had much more advanced technology in her world. Most of the music played in her world was usually from high-tech stereos, so not a lot of vinyl showed. Except for when DJ Pon-3 popped up. They always used those "old things".

Strangely enough, as Pinkie Pie looked at the artists for these records and CDs, there were many she weren't familiar with. She tilted her hand, a small frown forming on her lips. Usually Pinkie Pie recognized various forms of music; she was a party planner, after all. Yet, as she looked at all of these different forms of musical singers and bands, it was filled with names and artists she didn't recognize. Like... "The Battle of Heisenburg"...? Pinkie Pie was sure she would remember trying to play a song that had "battle" in it! Was there any artists in here that she recog-


The familiar bump of pain exploded across the Ultimate Party Planner's chest once again. The similar hard beating that Atsushi witnessed before came back, ramming across her chest with a BAM, BAM, BAM at what she saw. Thoughts swarmed through her head as she saw this- questions such as, "What is this?" "How did I forget about this?" "How did this get here?" were unanswered as her breathing quieted. After a second, as if placed back into time, she lurched forward to the CD, clutching at it and staring at it as to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. Coloratura. "The Magic Inside". This... this was it. This was from her world. She knew this. She opened her mouth, asking quietly, "How do I play this?"

Without herself or anyone answering her question, though, she ran towards the computer and the equipment near it. She fiddled around a little, quite desperate to play this song, and eventually started to play the music. Anyone would be able to tell that she was anxious to see the results of what would be played, to hear the melody that would remind her of home. She didn't seem too occupied with going through the computer or going through the equipment here: her main, top priority right now was to listen to the song behind this.

And she was soon welcomed with the opening, piano intro. She knew it. Pinkie knew it! It was Applejack's friend! Somehow, in some way, the popular singer's song got transferred here. Not that Pinkie Pie was complaining. Her muscles relaxed, and she hoped that Atsushi didn't say anything when the song was playing, for her attention was fully on the audio.

"That's Rara." As soon as the song ended, Pinkie Pie couldn't help it as she soon started rambling. Perhaps she was doing it to distract herself from missing her friends, or maybe it was just the usual Pinkie ramble, but words flew out of her mouth at that moment. "She's this super popular singer from home. She used to make these high-techy songs, but after my best friend Applejack helped her, she started making stuff like this." Applejack. Pinkie Pie. The way her world operated could be guessed simply from the names of all the people in them. She bit her lip as a look of concentration came over her. "When we get back to our worlds from here, I'll find you all. 'Cause... if Monokuma can get all of you then I can, too, with the Magic of Friendship! We'll get out of here and keep on being friends. Then... then..."

She flashed the CD towards him with a smile, making an example. "...then we can listen to fun thingies like this together sometime!" It sounded like a fantasy, all that she was saying. It sounded like a dream, like something impossible that could never happen, like all of their movies. But... perhaps looking at hope for the future helped with the present despair in their lives. Perhaps it was this that kept Pinkie going. She took out the CD from the computer and stuffed it into her backpack- a gesture saying that she either didn't want anyone else listening to this or that she wanted a momentum from home to be by her side.

The sad thing about this moment was that Pinkie Pie most likely wouldn't be able to keep this promise she was expressing out loud. And anyone who knew Pinkie Pie knew that she was serious about promises.
Takumi98 Takumi98

An unusual object seemed to stick out from her backpack, though. The stickers, notebook, CD, and crayons all seemed to fit with what Pinkie Pie would take from areas, but this uncharacteristic object sat in here as well. Yes, there were people who already carried around weapons to protect themselves (for example, a particularly sarcastic individual), but Pinkie isn't one of those types of people. That's why the singular pair of sharp cooking scissors was a suspicious factor to be inside such a pink backpack. Only Usagi, Atsushi, and perhaps those who connected the dots would know what these scissors were for, and the innocent reason she took them.


After managing not to trip on the stairway down here, Pinkie Pie's eyes widened as she looked around the small kitchen room underneath the restaurant. Pinkie Pie made sure to make this one of the last places that they explored, although not because she just didn't like this place. Ever since the restaurant had been swarmed with Monokuma clones in the mornings (she suspecte Never in a million years did she expect a room to look like this. It was like... a baker's paradise in here. Everywhere she looked laid cooking supplies and equipment, all spread out for whoever to use at their expense. Perhaps... perhaps it was a bad thing for all this equipment to have been out with no one monitoring it, but Pinkie thought nothing of it as she ran over to a refrigerator.

She let off a dramatic gasp at the overflow of colors and ingredients that was seen inside of this cold, electrical box. How come a place like this wasn't in her world? She was a baker, for goodness' sake! Before she was kidnapped as well, her last memory was delivering cupcakes that she made herself. "This has everything!! Not even Sugar Cube Corner has all of this!"

She took an apple from the fridge into her palm, looking at it with awe before looking at her friend in the room. "I could cook everything in here!! How come I didn't notice this place before!?" Quite disappointed in herself for not seeing this place earlier, she bit inside of the apple and closed the refrigerator door. For someone who has baked before, she certainly wasn't being very careful about rinsing the apple or even checking it for poison before consuming it. Maybe this would tell how uncareful she was being.

Being in here helped ease her nerves, though, as it was a place that had something she liked and wasn't a massive murder spot. Pinkie Pie did enjoy going to the Daycare Center before, yet it got ruined for her with Menma using it to spread clothing out to help with the murder/covering it up. She could come in this kitchen whenever she wanted... and it wasn't used for a murder! Of course, it was closed after 10 PM, but hey! That's when she went to bed anyway.

Her eyes quickly landed on the equipment as she looked at all of them with admiration. Even though she should be cautious around them, the thought of it being dangerous didn't even cross her mind right now as the oblivious side of her kicked in. She happily looked over it all, naming some equipment out. "Graters, scrapers, tongs, whisks, can openers, paring knives..." And then she paused. Her eyes latched onto a specific thing that was in front of her. A singular pair of kitchen scissors was right there. Gears began turning in her mind when seeing this particular item.

"I can use these for making cards..." She muttered quietly, obviously meaning for only herself to hear it. If Atsushi had a heightened sense of hearing, though, or if he was just listening in intently and carefully, he would be able to hear her. She didn't know that, though. She looked over her shoulder to look at the white-haired boy and hastily grabbed the scissors, hiding it behind her back. He couldn't see her take them! It was a surprise, after all! If she ever made a card for Atsushi again and he saw the scissors, he could probably already guess what she could do. You can't just ruin surprises for anyone! Rarity taught her that.

Only after she thought Atsushi looked away from her- and she was determined to stand there until he did- did she place the scissors inside her backpack with a sigh of relief. Pinkie Mission Success.
Takumi98 Takumi98

"Ahem! This is an announcement from your host, Monokuma! Rise and shine, everyone!"

The usual morning announcement rang through Pinkie's ears as a rejecting noise escaped through her lips. She snuggled further down underneath her covers as she squinted her eyes shut, covering her whole body with the blanket she was under. She reached out to the piece of paper on her bed, as if checking to make sure it was still there, before preparing to doze off again. It was quite a drastic change: first, Pinkie Pie can't sleep at all, and now she's refusing to get out of bed, both of which were unusual for her. Well- she was planning to refuse to get out of bed... until that new announcement came up.

"Everyone! This is a very important announcement! It has been a whole week since you saw the films I prepared for you! In celebration of everyone being such well-behaved boys and girls, I would like to commemorate the opportunity with a very special dinner! You must be at the restaurant at 6PM. No latesies! No skipping out! For those of you underage, you will be given access to alcohol for the evening. Toodle-oo~!"

"Hm?" Pinkie Pie blinked her eyes open as she squinted off into a wall, trying to process the new sentences Monokuma announced to them all. While she didn't like being reminded of the films once again from the black and white bear, she didn't mind hearing it as much as last week. Yes, thinking of it was still quite terrifying, but she had hope. A whole seven days had passed, and not one person did anything about the movies. Nobody did something to one another, and peace had filled the air while they were here (as much peace as could be brought). While the temptations hung above their heads, nobody went to grab at it. Nothing would happen. They would all be okay. But even if nothing would happen... what was this about a dinner?

She sat up, rubbing her eyes to try to get any sign of tiredness out of her soul and body. She tilted her curly haired head up towards the ceiling, squinting as she tried to get the fogginess out of her mental capacity. Now... what had Monokuma said again? Something about an announcement... well-behaved... commemorate... opportunity... underage... the bear used too many big words. If he wanted for them to understand what he was saying, he should speak simpler, especially if he's piling this on them this early in the morning. She did happen to hear the part about alcohol being allowed for underaged ones in the evening, although most likely because that part of the announcement was near the end. ...Alcohol? Was that a drink? Was that the thing that was locked from them in the restaurant? She rubbed her head slightly. Why would it be revealed to them now if they couldn't access it earlier? It was too early to think about stuff like this.

"Mm.. good morning, Sophie!" She let out a big yawn and stretched inside of her bed, trying to wake the sleepiness out of her muscles. While she got a slight bad feeling with this dinner Monokuma was speaking about, she didn't worry too much about it. Even though the last time Monokuma invited them all to one place, he blew up and caused chaos, she didn't think anything that bad would happen here. She doubted that after a week someone would randomly act upon their movie now, and plus: all of her friends were going to be there. Nothing was going to happen. This would just be a fun gathering. Nothing despair-like was going to come for them. "Good morning, Pinkie. Good morning, world!"

Done with her usual morning introductions, she reached to her side where the crumpled note laid. She did it reactively, as if it were a routine by now. Similar to holding Atsushi's hand. Even though the paper was wrinkled- like the wrinkles on Atsushi's card- it still seemed like it was well taken care of... for Pinkie standards, of course. The words were still obvious on her paper if anyone were to look distinctively at it.

We're here for you, so stay strong.

In all honesty, Pinkie Pie had no idea who wrote it. She had left her notebook laying out in a majority of areas in this place, so anybody who had been near her could have looked through her notebook while she was looking away and wrote in it. Or maybe it was prewritten. It could be possible. Someone could have grabbed a random notebook before Pinkie entered the Gift Shop, wrote something random yet kind in crayon, and then left. Anything and probably anyone could have written it for whatever reason.

Whoever wrote it, though, she still deeply appreciated the message. She appreciated the message that made her feel appreciated. She gave the paper a hug (explaining all the wrinkles on the paper) before slipping it underneath her pillow. She needed to leave. She still needed to meet with Usagi to make new cards, after all. No more time to spend. She grabbed the pink backpack off of the floor, put on Wanda's spare crown, and was about to leave before stopping. If this were a cartoon show, a literal lightbulb would have appeared over her head. Should she...? She paused, hesitating, deciding between multiple options in her head before opening her drawer and grabbing both a blue headband and a hair tie of hers. Recently, she found out that besides her two outfits, there were a majority of hair accessories underneath the clothing that she certainly wasn't going to waste here. There. That was good.

After saying goodbye to Sophie and sending Atsushi a message that said that she still wanted to meet up at two, she headed to the Gift Shop to meet with Usagi. At their little meeting, Pinkie herself had quite the stack of cards already made from throughout the week. She didn't know if Usagi had already started passing out the cards that she made herself, but Pinkie certainly hadn't. That's what made her say the following things.

"Usagi! Let's pass these out at the dinner thing!" She grinned as she pointed at the stack of cards. The cards were filled with an arrangement of colors, kind words, and overall randomness. "Everyone will be there, and it's gonna be a fun party/dinner, so it'll be the perfect time to give others these! Y'know... unless Monokuma's doing something. But then we can just hand it out after!!" Even though Pinkie Pie seemed to just be suggesting an idea, her eyes gave the message that she wanted to go this and she was asking for permission to. If Usagi agreed with the idea, at the end of their cardmaking session, Pinkie would have placed the stack in her pink backpack and said that they could pass them out together at the event. If Usagi refused for it to happen, though, Pinkie would agree and quickly move on, making more cards.

Eventually, they split ways, as had done in all the past meetings before. After a while, the 2 PM meeting with Atsushi appeared at the reception once again. This meeting was going to be shorter and end differently, though. Why else had she brought the hair tie and blue headband? When she saw her eighteen-year-old friend, she immediately walked over, attempting to take his hand with a "Let's go to your room!" before going over to the elevator which led to the dorms. With how hurriedly she did it, he may have even thought she needed to talk to him about something. Only when the elevator doors closed did she start explaining why she needed them to go to his room.

"It's a special dinner, Atsushi." She made a wide hand gesture at the word special, pressing the elevator button. "If it's special, then you have to dress special! Your aun- ...your best friend Pinkie Pie is gonna help you out!" She nodded her head to this statement, although this wasn't why she wanted him to dress special. It was more of a fact that she was still processing and coping with not thinking of the movie... even though she was failing miserably. She was imitating some of how her friends would think and act, and right now, she was imitating Rarity. Her thoughts led to her fashionista friend who always wanted to wear a new outfit to new events- such as dinner parties like this. Pinkie... Pinkie couldn't find the strength to keep her friends out of her head because of that movie. Maybe if she covered her eyes and ears... maybe she could've avoided watching it entirely. Maybe she could've, in some way, avoided ever seeing it. Maybe if she did something, even if she wasn't allowed to, she would have not had to deal with it.

And then the elevator ride was over. She pulled Atsushi off again quickly, having some sort of plan inside of her head until they arrived in front of Room A. She let go of him again, standing off to the side to wait for him to open the door. She was polite enough not to go barging his own room down to wait for him to open it up himself.

The moment Pinkie Pie stepped into the boy's room, she placed her backpack on the floor and began to rummage through it. If his roommate happened to be in the room, she would have cheerfully waved at the stranger before moving on. She took out her blue headband, her pack of stickers, and her hair tie; it was all for the usage of something special. She rummaged through the packet she got at the Gift Shop, taking out two stickers that seemed to be based off of Atsushi. She placed one on each one of his cheeks, careful to center it, before taking a step back to observe what she had done. Any sort of serious or intimidating vibe that Atsushi could give off would fade away with these two stickers that popped out greatly on his face. Just one look, though, and people could guess that Atsushi wasn't the one who put these stickers on himself.

Pinkie Pie now moved onto his hair. Instead of looking for a brush or even trying to make his hair look nice at all, she stood on her tippy toes and ruffled his hair messily with what seemed like no purpose until she was satisfied with what she was going for. She took the hair tie and shifted over to his back, taking a small portion of his hair and tying it into a small ponytail. It's... was quite difficult with his short hair, but she managed. The hair tie looked like it would fall at any moment, but she was sure it would hold... hopefully. She smiled with pride for being able to do so- the second time she had done so in front of Atsushi here- as she took the blue plastic headband and shifted over to his front. With his hair already ruffled, she snuggled the headband into his head until it fit. He looked ridiculous.

Pinkie Pie didn't know that, though. She took a few steps back, examining the work she had just created before clapping her hands. She jumped up and down- the usual Pinkie jump- as she widened her arms once again. "Successs!! Ooh, you know what? Instead of party planning, I should become one of those serious people who helps people get fancy." Hopefully no one would break the news that Atsushi didn't look fancy. If anything, Pinkie made him less fancy.

"Oh!" She picked up her pink backpack, suddenly coming to a realization. "I need to make myself look good now with my skills. But, but! Atsushi!" She pointed at him. "You can't take all of that off, or else all your matureness will fade away!!" A weak argument from her, but she clearly didn't want him to take it off until after the dinner. He could do what he wanted, but if he did so, he would have to sit through a not-so-intimidating talk from Pinkie Pie. After that pleading statement, she walked to the door and waved at him like a young child. Even though they had just met up today, they would see each other at the dinner later, anyway. With her backpack bouncing off her back, she ran towards her own shared room, completely ready to take on the dinner party that awaited them.

R U S T R U S T Zenterfold Zenterfold + others

As people entered the nicely lit restaurant for the 6 PM special dinner, they would see a mixed-clothed girl with stickers on her legs standing off to the side, looking around as she noticed more and more people entering. While she didn't seem to dress as well as people like Stiles or Louise, she at least wasn't at all wearing what she normally would wear. To start, even though it wasn't clothing, the straight patch of hair on her head seemed to be braided. She seemed to wear her blue boots for this event, matched with the skirt that had the yellow and blue balloon logo. A white tank top with the same balloon picture was the cherry on top. Her two blue bracelets were still on her left and right hands, as well as the Wanda crown remaining on her head. Her pink backpack could be seen to be at hand also. Even though Pinkie Pie took the effort to put something together, somehow, in some way, Yumeko managed to look better than her. Perhaps that said something, given the Ultimate Gambler was wearing the same she did as usual.

The cluelessness of what to do at the moment was apparent on her face as she examined the room and the people in it. It seemed others had the same idea to arrive early before the actual dinner started in order to not risk coming late, even communicating with each other now. It was a dinner, after all. For some reason, people really want to talk while they eat at sophisticated events. It was weird. But... yeah. Taking her eyes off the people already discussing with each other, she attached her eyesight to the loner by his ownsome.

Tobi. Even though Pinkie only slightly got a feeling at how others operated, she felt like the ninja had a different vibe to him at this moment. Even though he was wearing a mask and Pinkie couldn't see his reactions/emotions, he seemed... strange. Not like the childish persona he usually was. Was he... upset in some sort of way? Saddened? She frowned at this thought, and before she could stop herself, she walked over to the orange-masked male. The Ultimate Ninja's peaceful times of watching from a distance were now over with the Ultimate Party Planner here.

"What's that?" She pointed at the ring apparent on his finger as if she were a toddler, not sitting down as she stood next to him. She didn't seem to let the unnerving sensation of the ninja stop her from talking to him. As the neighboring group was discussing serious topics, she started rambling on about... something. "Is it a wedding ring? Heirloom? Was it a gift? OOH, ooh! Or is that a special ninja ring? Does it help make you the Ultimate Ninja? Does it give you special ninja powers?" As she had done many times before, she let off a dramatic gasp. "I want special ninja powers!"

She did a small karate chop with her arm in the air to prove her dedication to wanting to have "special ninja powers" before looking at the actual ninja again. Even though she had never really interacted with him (pardoning the times she had briefly interacted with him as Pyramid Head), she had seen some parts of him. Y'know, like all the times he basically encouraged this killing game to go on, or he told others to mind their own business. She would expect herself to try to distance herself, with him not really discouraging the fact that murders can happen, but...

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" Even though most of the people here probably knew each other's names by now due to either the PROFILE app or just from plain knowledge, she still introduced herself to the male. Her arm sticking out from the karate chop quickly got turned towards Tobi, as if she were expecting him to stop watching from afar and shake her hand. She kept an eye for if the event was going to start or if her friends arrived, but she occupied the time by speaking to someone. Standing around awkwardly was killing her.

...sorry. Poor choice of words- again.​
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 SilverDingo SilverDingo

"Just talking about... the situation." Louise gave a small shrug. "All the cliches, and tropes, and... storytelling, you know." She folded her arms on the table. "...to tell you the truth, I just hope I don't end up as the damsel type. I feel like that'd be really pushing things."
Stiles " Ultimate Sarcasm" Stilinski

"Yeah, it's all we can do until the bear decides to tell us what we are doing here. Somehow, I don't think it's just for a nice dinner. Well, don't worry, I hope I get more than just being the sarcastic powerless one, so I will be right there with you in the damsel in distress archetype."

themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah SilverDingo SilverDingo
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah

"If it is a game" She said, leaning forward slightly. "We need to figure out what's being hidden from us. Where the games master is cheating or bending the rules, and how we can uncover it." She rapped her fingers against the table. "As they say, the House Always Wins. But, in order to always win, the House must be cheating."
lunar_moth lunar_moth Josh Josh Takumi98 Takumi98

Outside Movie Theater


A noise of confusion came from the pink girl when her hand suddenly got taken out of nowhere. Pinkie looked at the culprit in surprise, not understanding why he did so when she didn't need the comfort. At least... she didn't think she needed the comfort. She stared at him for a moment, confused with the transaction, before giving a smile. Maybe the action the boy did didn't make any sense, but not making any sense was exactly the thing that Pinkie understood. That didn't stop the reasoning that went into her thoughts, however. In Pinkie Pie's head, Atsushi pretty much mostly took her hand when despair found its way into her heart, so... if he was taking her hand now, was she filled with despair currently? Was that the case here? Did... did her laughing strategy not work? Did she still have fear? But... that must not have been the case. It must not be.

The boy then nudged her with his shoulder. She looked at him expectantly as he suddenly revealed her notebook and crayons stacked up, offering them to her. Her face lit up, as if Atsushi had just given her a completely new gift and he didn't just pick up stuff on the ground. Not picking up on his awkwardness, she took the materials from his hands with an overlook of them. "Ooooh, notebook!" She shivered as another wave of nausea hit her body, but she lit her lip to try to ease the feeling. Quickly, as to distract herself, she raised the hand holding Atsushi's and examined his glove. "Are your hands cold?" It was questionable about what made him wear gloves every day. Something told Pinkie Pie he wasn't one to wear those just for show.

But whether Atsushi responded or not, Usagi started speaking. Pinkie turned her head towards the girl, having her (not so centered) attention on her words now. And... wow. With all the knowledge she shared, she was like a... a... a grandma. Something strange to describe someone about four years younger than you, but it was true. When Usagi started speaking about how the past doesn't change if you're a good person or not, Pinkie Pie discreetly gripped Atsushi's hand harder and gave him a look to tell him, This relates to you too. She hadn't forgotten how he brought himself down over text, saying how he had a bad past and he was a bad person. He needed to take Usagi's advice right now as well, even if the advice wasn't directed towards him.

Pinkie thought if what Usagi said about bad people doing bad things was true. It certainly puts a new perspective on things. Most of the villains from her world mostly did the things they did because they were empty of the Magic of Friendship, and they didn't see the hope and happiness of this type of magic. Most of the time, when they saw the goodness of the light, they changed their ways because they knew there was another way. It was like with... mmm... that was weird. Pinkie felt like she should connect a specific someone to this, but she couldn't think of their name right now.

Moving on, Pinkie was gladly agreeing to most of what Usagi said. All of what she said was deemed to be full of hope and truthful. One certain part made her expression sadden somewhat, but Usagi had done a good job with that. And when the girl was done talking...

"That's right!" She nodded her head in agreement, flashing Usagi a smile that said that Pinkie Pie liked her little mini speech. "And you know it's right because she's wearing a Wanda crown. Those were some of the... Oh! And, and!" Completely forgetting about what she was going to say to Usagi, she stood slightly on her tippy toes, trying to make herself taller. "Thank you for telling that story, Wanda! It was very..." How should she describe it? "...thank you for telling us!!"

After a second of staring at the red woman, Pinkie looked at Atsushi with a questioning glance as something was left empty inside of her head. Something didn't make sense. What just happened didn't make sense. Atsushi didn't seem to react much to the story or seem surprised at all from when Wanda was telling it. Usagi wasn't surprised herself, yes, but she had to take a moment to process. Atsushi just sort of... looked at the people who heard the story. Along with this, Wanda only really directed the story at the two girls, even though Atsushi was in their group and deserved to know the truth as well. She knew Atsushi was there as well. Nothing connected. Maybe... maybe he could read minds! Maybe.

Nighttime quickly approached them all. All of the movies must have finished for the 10 PM time to have come so quickly, but even though they were all standing in front of the theater, Pinkie never really processed the people who passed by them. Maybe she was still thinking of what Wanda had done in the past. Even though Pinkie reacted well, that didn't mean she didn't have to think it over for a while. But... okay! She had enough time during the night. It was fine.

With a tug on Atsushi's hand, she said happily, "Bedtime!" She was still planning on them walking each other to their rooms at the same time. Actually... second thinking about it... she had no idea how to do that. But hey! If Monokuma and the rest of the villains got to snatch them all up from different multi... multiver... whatever the word was, then Pinkie could definitely do the impossible as well.

Takumi98 Takumi98 Capri Capri lunar_moth lunar_moth

While it was true that not much seemed to happen throughout the week for the others, this case was not true for the Ultimate Party Planner here. Not as much murder and despair happened through the week, yes, but things changed over these seven days. Even seeing Pinkie Pie right now, currently peacefully sleeping (sleeping! peacefully! when was the last time she had done that since coming here?) proved life had done good for her over the week. Her head had bounced into curls again- although a small patch of hair was still straight. The usual clutter of used clothes that bombarded her desk was gone, replaced with folded, clean Pinkie clothing. Laid next to Pinkie Pie was a crumpled piece of paper with a few words written on it in crayon and the red crown Wanda had given her earlier. The biggest change with Pinkie Pie, however, was the pink backpack that laid next to her beige-sheeted, singular bed.

To those who have been paying attention, they would notice that the pink backpack was the same from the Gift Shop. The same backpack that Pinkie refused to take earlier out of denial and despair. The pink backpack that she turned her back from, the pink backpack that she despised purely because it was obviously based off of her. The pink backpack that, besides all of this, was now sitting by her bed. That, of course, was Atsushi's fault. They had met up as usual like they had done at 2 PM every day of the week at the reception to go exploring to any area (besides the office, daycare, cafe, and the sports store). That day, they decided to head to the Gift Shop, which had recently been packed in with merchandise of every single participant in this killing game. When they arrived at this store, very quickly, Pinkie picked up the backpack. She didn't really do it because of any of Atsushi's actions or words, but merely because he was there.

On the first day of their exploration, Pinkie Pie took Atsushiโ€™s hand at the reception and practically dragged him over to the Gift Shop. She was clearly ready for their great adventure of exploration to start. Even though Pinkie had already been to the Gift Shop when making cards with Usagi, she wanted to show everything inside of there to Atsushi, even if he already saw it all himself. Quite opposite to the present, only some strands of hair seemed to pop out, and the bottom of her eyes were dark from unpeaceful nights. This didn't stop the glimmer in her eyes when thinking of the potential fun they could have at this place, though. That was right: Pinkie Pie agreed to go exploring with Atsushi because she believed it would be fun for them both. That should be expected from when the white-haired boy asked her to go. None of these trips were going to be in the slightest helpful for trying to find a way to escape/trying to look for clues. When getting the Ultimate Party Planner involved, it should never be assumed that she would be productive.

She only stopped excitedly leading the boy when they stepped foot into the Gift Shop, letting go of his hand, turning her head to examine it all. She looked over it again as if she had seen it for the first time- except without the sense of dread and fear. It was no surprise that Pinkie seemed to look at the Gift Shop more excitedly now that Atsushi was here. After all, Pinkie was noticeably more happy and cheerful when around her friends versus when she was alone (ex: bursting out into tears and panicking at night, reacting slightly better when having any of her friend group around). Still... the excitement seemed a little... forced. Maybe he wouldn't notice. They didn't know each other that long, anyways. She scoured the shop, soon having her attention on one specific item that was connected to Atsushi. Before the white-haired boy could look for anything himself, she grabbed his arm and said, โ€œLook! Look-ie here!โ€

Her hand went away from Atsushiโ€™s again (although she would grab at him again if he tried to get away from her) as she quickly nabbed at an Atsushi jacket-copy that Monokuma- or whoever was behind the control of him- seemed to have here. With a keen determination, she put the jacket and Atsushi shoulder-to-shoulder to compare. A detective aura seemed to emit from her as she tried to see if the jacket actually fit with Atsushi's. โ€œHmmmโ€ฆ lemme see!โ€ Having some motiveโ€ฆ oops. Poor choice of words. Having some.. reasoning behind whatever she was doing, she quickly placed the Monokuma-made jacket over her body. It was easy to say that Pinkie didn't look as mature as Atsushi did when wearing his own jacket, but the girl didn't know that. In fact, she widened her eyes when wearing it with admiration.

โ€œWooaahh. I feel allโ€ฆ serious now.โ€ She paused for a second, looking over her thin body, before attempting a voice mimic of Atsushiโ€™s. It sounded much too high to ever become close to what his sounded like, but... it did have that tone of his. โ€œIโ€™m Atsushi Naka- Nakaj- Nakar- uhh." She took a moment to mouth his last name to herself. "Na-ka-ji-ma, and Iโ€™m timid, fearful, and loyal. Iโ€™m cool and mysterious, yet for some reason, I donโ€™t know that yet, since I think Iโ€™m not cool, even though it's not true." Rambling on her part. "I have burnt marshmallow eyes,โ€ Maybe he would understand the metaphor behind her choice of words, โ€œand I also think Pinkie Pie is the greatest-est person ever. I think sheโ€™s so cool and mature and responsible, and sheโ€™s my bestest friend here.โ€ She placed a frown on her face- a frown that seemed to mimic Atsushiโ€™s resting facial features- before bursting out into laughter. It was a bad performance on her part, which was just to show how she could never really become serious.

When in a game like this, though, people should never say never.

โ€œDonโ€™t you worry, Atsu-โ€œ

She was words away from telling another joke. Words away from telling another Pinkie-like thing in this tragedy-induing place. But then her eyes landed on other Monokuma-jacket copies. One that wasnโ€™t her friendโ€™s. Even though they were all fakes, and all the copies weren't the real deal, her body still tensed as her eyes stared at these objects. It reminded her of that one time. It was the object that the certain girl couldnโ€™t bring with her, the certain item that Pinkie hoped not to be so pained about, having it remind her about the lies and the investigation and the trial. No cheerful party planner would want to be reminded of that. Would want to be reminded of the despair that Menma Izumi has cast upon them all with her killing and death. Would want to have sadness ridden on her shoulders when seeing all the jackets peacefully laying there, stirring in the cold for little to pick up and use.

Like the little mood changing gal she was, her chipper attitude died down rather quickly. The lack of sleep and the fact that she had been in a bad mood during the night didn't seem to help with the jacket sight in front of her. A little push to the edge may have caused her hair to fall again completely. She physically turned her head away from the jackets, evidently upset about seeing the Menma jackets. She took off the Atsushi jacket-copy, placing it back with the others before laying her eyes on the little backpack that made her upset earlier. It was excellent timing to have this unsettling creation that she didn't like pop up in front of her once again when being disturbed by something else. Some ultimate being in some other world probably planned this all out in order for her.

But her eyes landed on Atsushi immediately after seeing this. Perhaps it was just a habit from the trial earlier to look at him in comfort when in need, but as she did so, she felt guilty. Like she was using him as she had done before when upset, clinging onto his calmness when she was sad. Like she was taking in his strength for her weaknesses. And she didn't want to be weak. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to walk through these despairing times with hope and smiles, laughing away the fears that came into her. Although... in a way, it was good that she didn't feel happy in this situation. It would be bad if she laughed at dead bodies.

But, back on track. She didn't want to be weak. Stubbornly, she picked up one of the pink backpacks and swung it onto her back. Wearing this... actually... was she overreacting? She didn't know why she feared it so much. The design was actually pretty cool, and it did fit her pinkness and fun. She had a wide smile of pride in herself for wearing this, and even felt a little bit of her spirits rise at doing something she didn't want to do at first. Without hesitating, she gave a less forced excited point towards a sticker pack, saying loudly, "Look! Look! STICKERS!"
Takumi98 Takumi98

Inside of this pink backpack by her bed, of course, was an opened packet of stickers, as well her crayons and notebook from earlier. The notebook had many more pages taken out of it, and if anyone had observation skills, they would see that most of the pages were taken out unskillfully. Weirdly enough, though, one specific page was ripped out neatly. It was as though Pinkie Pie saw something in her notebook and idolized it, tearing it out carefully as to preserve it. Maybe she saw a certain message written by a specific mafia member. Hm. Strange. And completely unimportant! Anyways, it wasn't a big surprise that Pinkie Pie had so many pages taken out of her notebook, given her morning, card-making meetings with Usagi.


Even though they were meeting in a small space where not many people, if any, were at, Pinkie still yelled out to the Ultimate Magical Girl as she waved at her. It was early in the morning, yet Pinkie still had the energy to be like this. All the perks of an energetic, excitable, child-like girl. Or maybe it was just the perks of Pinkie being excited about having her first ever card-making session with her friend. Although she was still a little deflated, Pinkie was Pinkie. Still, the blond-haired girl surely would have seen where Pinkie was inside of the Gift Shop, with her practically jumping up and down to have Usagi come over to her.

While Pinkie Pie didn't remember how or when, somehow, both of the girls agreed and arranged to meet early in the mornings throughout the week inside of the Gift Shop to make the motivational cards that would distract themselves, help them bond, and (hopefully) give kindness to others. Pinkie seemed to have taken camp for their cardmaking in this little corner, away from the portrait displaying the fight between Menma and Trixie, the cards of everyone who had died, the pink backpacks, and the jackets. The placement of Pinkie Pie was probably purposeful... and she wouldn't move from this spot anytime soon unless to get supplies.

Maybe she wouldn't need to get up to get supplies, though. If Usagi went over to where Pinkie now sat, the fourteen-year-old girl would be able to see paper and colored crayons already laid out for them both. It seemed a certain pink someone was excited and prepared earlier for this little meet-up before it even happened. Or maybe she's just really quick with setting up. Anyways, if Usagi added her own materials that she already gathered, they could probably sit there all day.

Even though Pinkie's gaze was tired and still filled with sadness from all the deaths earlier/the motive, she gave a grin and said, "Let's-a-go, Usagi!" For some reason, she felt as though that was someone else's catchphrase. "Master card-making Pinkie Pie will teach you all about making these thingies!"

Usagi was most likely smart enough to figure out how to make cards on her own, but Pinkie was still quite talkative as to try to explain Card Making 101. Most of it was instructions that were unhelpful, such as "Now flip over the paper", "Now you place the crayon ON the paper", "Now you pause a second before taking the next crayon" etc. etc. Every once in a while, though, actual good advice came from Pinkie. Like this one.

"A bunch of good cards are personal, Usagi!" In front of Pinkie was a crayon and a piece of folded paper as she nodded contentedly at her own words. "Even if it's something tiny or something not important... even if it's not the biggest thing..." Her face had a stubborn glint in her eyes. "You still need to add it!! You ONLY don't have it directed towards someone if it's a random card. Like that one!" She pointed at the avocado Marie card.

Only after Pinkie saw Usagi getting the hang of it or until Usagi told her that she was okay now did the pink-haired girl stop yapping away. Pinkie Pie would only be less teacher-y and helicopter-y after that. Still, whatever happened, after that first day, the sessions could be seen to be more laid back. Pinkie, instead of teaching, would simply have asked for card ideas, memorized about her past parties, or just chatter about something random. Later on in the week, Pinkie Pie seemed to bring a singular pair of cooking scissors for if they needed to use it for cutting paper out. She didn't seem to talk about where it came from. Other than that, though, everything was normal.

And, for all the days they were card making, Pinkie Pie thought it was fun.
lunar_moth lunar_moth

The pink backpack seemed to be stuffed with other supplies other than the small items already in there. Pinkie and Atsushi had visited most of the areas in the buildings, but the items in her backpack were only certain objects taken from certain places. They would only be apparent to those who have already visited the area Pinkie took the entity from, although some had special circumstances. For instance, a singular CD laid by itself, and only Atsushi and perhaps those who already listened to the song would understand where it was from and why Pinkie took it.

Even though Atsushi had already explored this area, Pinkie certainly hadn't herself. That's why they were inside the Radio Broadcasting Room now. Pinkie Pie's pink backpack was on her back- she carried this pack everywhere now since their Gift Shop visit- and, as what happened earlier with the Music Venue, her eyes started glimmering with interest. Even though the room was not as large as the Music Venue area was, there was still much to look at: the computer, the recording booth, the things inside the booth, and even the glass itself. Pinkie immediately smooshed her face against this recording booth glass when entering the room, having her eyes widened as to take in everything.

And then she saw she could just go inside the recording booth instead of trying to peer inside.

"Oh." Pinkie let out a small noise of realization when seeing this, but didn't spend too much time queering over it. She pointed inside, giving a, "Let's go, Atsushi!" before running inside. She seemed to be doing that a lot with these trips: grabbing his hand and making him follow or just running off. What more could you expect from this hyperactive girl, though?

"Look!" She pointed at the collection of records when entering inside. "It's those old things that go on the spinney thingies!" She made a circular motion with her hands, and the way she described it- old things, spinny thingies- just showed how she had much more advanced technology in her world. Most of the music played in her world was usually from high-tech stereos, so not a lot of vinyl showed. Except for when DJ Pon-3 popped up. They always used those "old things".

Strangely enough, as Pinkie Pie looked at the artists for these records and CDs, there were many she weren't familiar with. She tilted her hand, a small frown forming on her lips. Usually Pinkie Pie recognized various forms of music; she was a party planner, after all. Yet, as she looked at all of these different forms of musical singers and bands, it was filled with names and artists she didn't recognize. Like... "The Battle of Heisenburg"...? Pinkie Pie was sure she would remember trying to play a song that had "battle" in it! Was there any artists in here that she recog-


The familiar bump of pain exploded across the Ultimate Party Planner's chest once again. The similar hard beating that Atsushi witnessed before came back, ramming across her chest with a BAM, BAM, BAM at what she saw. Thoughts swarmed through her head as she saw this- questions such as, "What is this?" "How did I forget about this?" "How did this get here?" were unanswered as her breathing quieted. After a second, as if placed back into time, she lurched forward to the CD, clutching at it and staring at it as to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. Coloratura. "The Magic Inside". This... this was it. This was from her world. She knew this. She opened her mouth, asking quietly, "How do I play this?"

Without herself or anyone answering her question, though, she ran towards the computer and the equipment near it. She fiddled around a little, quite desperate to play this song, and eventually started to play the music. Anyone would be able to tell that she was anxious to see the results of what would be played, to hear the melody that would remind her of home. She didn't seem too occupied with going through the computer or going through the equipment here: her main, top priority right now was to listen to the song behind this.

And she was soon welcomed with the opening, piano intro. She knew it. Pinkie knew it! It was Applejack's friend! Somehow, in some way, the popular singer's song got transferred here. Not that Pinkie Pie was complaining. Her muscles relaxed, and she hoped that Atsushi didn't say anything when the song was playing, for her attention was fully on the audio.

"That's Rara." As soon as the song ended, Pinkie Pie couldn't help it as she soon started rambling. Perhaps she was doing it to distract herself from missing her friends, or maybe it was just the usual Pinkie ramble, but words flew out of her mouth at that moment. "She's this super popular singer from home. She used to make these high-techy songs, but after my best friend Applejack helped her, she started making stuff like this." Applejack. Pinkie Pie. The way her world operated could be guessed simply from the names of all the people in them. She bit her lip as a look of concentration came over her. "When we get back to our worlds from here, I'll find you all. 'Cause... if Monokuma can get all of you then I can, too, with the Magic of Friendship! We'll get out of here and keep on being friends. Then... then..."

She flashed the CD towards him with a smile, making an example. "...then we can listen to fun thingies like this together sometime!" It sounded like a fantasy, all that she was saying. It sounded like a dream, like something impossible that could never happen, like all of their movies. But... perhaps looking at hope for the future helped with the present despair in their lives. Perhaps it was this that kept Pinkie going. She took out the CD from the computer and stuffed it into her backpack- a gesture saying that she either didn't want anyone else listening to this or that she wanted a momentum from home to be by her side.

The sad thing about this moment was that Pinkie Pie most likely wouldn't be able to keep this promise she was expressing out loud. And anyone who knew Pinkie Pie knew that she was serious about promises.
Takumi98 Takumi98

An unusual object seemed to stick out from her backpack, though. The stickers, notebook, CD, and crayons all seemed to fit with what Pinkie Pie would take from areas, but this uncharacteristic object sat in here as well. Yes, there were people who already carried around weapons to protect themselves (for example, a particularly sarcastic individual), but Pinkie isn't one of those types of people. That's why the singular pair of sharp cooking scissors was a suspicious factor to be inside such a pink backpack. Only Usagi, Atsushi, and perhaps those who connected the dots would know what these scissors were for, and the innocent reason she took them.


After managing not to trip on the stairway down here, Pinkie Pie's eyes widened as she looked around the small kitchen room underneath the restaurant. Pinkie Pie made sure to make this one of the last places that they explored, although not because she just didn't like this place. Ever since the restaurant had been swarmed with Monokuma clones in the mornings (she suspecte Never in a million years did she expect a room to look like this. It was like... a baker's paradise in here. Everywhere she looked laid cooking supplies and equipment, all spread out for whoever to use at their expense. Perhaps... perhaps it was a bad thing for all this equipment to have been out with no one monitoring it, but Pinkie thought nothing of it as she ran over to a refrigerator.

She let off a dramatic gasp at the overflow of colors and ingredients that was seen inside of this cold, electrical box. How come a place like this wasn't in her world? She was a baker, for goodness' sake! Before she was kidnapped as well, her last memory was delivering cupcakes that she made herself. "This has everything!! Not even Sugar Cube Corner has all of this!"

She took an apple from the fridge into her palm, looking at it with awe before looking at her friend in the room. "I could cook everything in here!! How come I didn't notice this place before!?" Quite disappointed in herself for not seeing this place earlier, she bit inside of the apple and closed the refrigerator door. For someone who has baked before, she certainly wasn't being very careful about rinsing the apple or even checking it for poison before consuming it. Maybe this would tell how uncareful she was being.

Being in here helped ease her nerves, though, as it was a place that had something she liked and wasn't a massive murder spot. Pinkie Pie did enjoy going to the Daycare Center before, yet it got ruined for her with Menma using it to spread clothing out to help with the murder/covering it up. She could come in this kitchen whenever she wanted... and it wasn't used for a murder! Of course, it was closed after 10 PM, but hey! That's when she went to bed anyway.

Her eyes quickly landed on the equipment as she looked at all of them with admiration. Even though she should be cautious around them, the thought of it being dangerous didn't even cross her mind right now as the oblivious side of her kicked in. She happily looked over it all, naming some equipment out. "Graters, scrapers, tongs, whisks, can openers, paring knives..." And then she paused. Her eyes latched onto a specific thing that was in front of her. A singular pair of kitchen scissors was right there. Gears began turning in her mind when seeing this particular item.

"I can use these for making cards..." She muttered quietly, obviously meaning for only herself to hear it. If Atsushi had a heightened sense of hearing, though, or if he was just listening in intently and carefully, he would be able to hear her. She didn't know that, though. She looked over her shoulder to look at the white-haired boy and hastily grabbed the scissors, hiding it behind her back. He couldn't see her take them! It was a surprise, after all! If she ever made a card for Atsushi again and he saw the scissors, he could probably already guess what she could do. You can't just ruin surprises for anyone! Rarity taught her that.

Only after she thought Atsushi looked away from her- and she was determined to stand there until he did- did she place the scissors inside her backpack with a sigh of relief. Pinkie Mission Success.
Takumi98 Takumi98

"Ahem! This is an announcement from your host, Monokuma! Rise and shine, everyone!"

The usual morning announcement rang through Pinkie's ears as a rejecting noise escaped through her lips. She snuggled further down underneath her covers as she squinted her eyes shut, covering her whole body with the blanket she was under. She reached out to the piece of paper on her bed, as if checking to make sure it was still there, before preparing to doze off again. It was quite a drastic change: first, Pinkie Pie can't sleep at all, and now she's refusing to get out of bed, both of which were unusual for her. Well- she was planning to refuse to get out of bed... until that new announcement came up.

"Everyone! This is a very important announcement! It has been a whole week since you saw the films I prepared for you! In celebration of everyone being such well-behaved boys and girls, I would like to commemorate the opportunity with a very special dinner! You must be at the restaurant at 6PM. No latesies! No skipping out! For those of you underage, you will be given access to alcohol for the evening. Toodle-oo~!"

"Hm?" Pinkie Pie blinked her eyes open as she squinted off into a wall, trying to process the new sentences Monokuma announced to them all. While she didn't like being reminded of the films once again from the black and white bear, she didn't mind hearing it as much as last week. Yes, thinking of it was still quite terrifying, but she had hope. A whole seven days had passed, and not one person did anything about the movies. Nobody did something to one another, and peace had filled the air while they were here (as much peace as could be brought). While the temptations hung above their heads, nobody went to grab at it. Nothing would happen. They would all be okay. But even if nothing would happen... what was this about a dinner?

She sat up, rubbing her eyes to try to get any sign of tiredness out of her soul and body. She tilted her curly haired head up towards the ceiling, squinting as she tried to get the fogginess out of her mental capacity. Now... what had Monokuma said again? Something about an announcement... well-behaved... commemorate... opportunity... underage... the bear used too many big words. If he wanted for them to understand what he was saying, he should speak simpler, especially if he's piling this on them this early in the morning. She did happen to hear the part about alcohol being allowed for underaged ones in the evening, although most likely because that part of the announcement was near the end. ...Alcohol? Was that a drink? Was that the thing that was locked from them in the restaurant? She rubbed her head slightly. Why would it be revealed to them now if they couldn't access it earlier? It was too early to think about stuff like this.

"Mm.. good morning, Sophie!" She let out a big yawn and stretched inside of her bed, trying to wake the sleepiness out of her muscles. While she got a slight bad feeling with this dinner Monokuma was speaking about, she didn't worry too much about it. Even though the last time Monokuma invited them all to one place, he blew up and caused chaos, she didn't think anything that bad would happen here. She doubted that after a week someone would randomly act upon their movie now, and plus: all of her friends were going to be there. Nothing was going to happen. This would just be a fun gathering. Nothing despair-like was going to come for them. "Good morning, Pinkie. Good morning, world!"

Done with her usual morning introductions, she reached to her side where the crumpled note laid. She did it reactively, as if it were a routine by now. Similar to holding Atsushi's hand. Even though the paper was wrinkled- like the wrinkles on Atsushi's card- it still seemed like it was well taken care of... for Pinkie standards, of course. The words were still obvious on her paper if anyone were to look distinctively at it.

We're here for you, so stay strong.

In all honesty, Pinkie Pie had no idea who wrote it. She had left her notebook laying out in a majority of areas in this place, so anybody who had been near her could have looked through her notebook while she was looking away and wrote in it. Or maybe it was prewritten. It could be possible. Someone could have grabbed a random notebook before Pinkie entered the Gift Shop, wrote something random yet kind in crayon, and then left. Anything and probably anyone could have written it for whatever reason.

Whoever wrote it, though, she still deeply appreciated the message. She appreciated the message that made her feel appreciated. She gave the paper a hug (explaining all the wrinkles on the paper) before slipping it underneath her pillow. She needed to leave. She still needed to meet with Usagi to make new cards, after all. No more time to spend. She grabbed the pink backpack off of the floor, put on Wanda's spare crown, and was about to leave before stopping. If this were a cartoon show, a literal lightbulb would have appeared over her head. Should she...? She paused, hesitating, deciding between multiple options in her head before opening her drawer and grabbing both a blue headband and a hair tie of hers. Recently, she found out that besides her two outfits, there were a majority of hair accessories underneath the clothing that she certainly wasn't going to waste here. There. That was good.

After saying goodbye to Sophie and sending Atsushi a message that said that she still wanted to meet up at two, she headed to the Gift Shop to meet with Usagi. At their little meeting, Pinkie herself had quite the stack of cards already made from throughout the week. She didn't know if Usagi had already started passing out the cards that she made herself, but Pinkie certainly hadn't. That's what made her say the following things.

"Usagi! Let's pass these out at the dinner thing!" She grinned as she pointed at the stack of cards. The cards were filled with an arrangement of colors, kind words, and overall randomness. "Everyone will be there, and it's gonna be a fun party/dinner, so it'll be the perfect time to give others these! Y'know... unless Monokuma's doing something. But then we can just hand it out after!!" Even though Pinkie Pie seemed to just be suggesting an idea, her eyes gave the message that she wanted to go this and she was asking for permission to. If Usagi agreed with the idea, at the end of their cardmaking session, Pinkie would have placed the stack in her pink backpack and said that they could pass them out together at the event. If Usagi refused for it to happen, though, Pinkie would agree and quickly move on, making more cards.

Eventually, they split ways, as had done in all the past meetings before. After a while, the 2 PM meeting with Atsushi appeared at the reception once again. This meeting was going to be shorter and end differently, though. Why else had she brought the hair tie and blue headband? When she saw her eighteen-year-old friend, she immediately walked over, attempting to take his hand with a "Let's go to your room!" before going over to the elevator which led to the dorms. With how hurriedly she did it, he may have even thought she needed to talk to him about something. Only when the elevator doors closed did she start explaining why she needed them to go to his room.

"It's a special dinner, Atsushi." She made a wide hand gesture at the word special, pressing the elevator button. "If it's special, then you have to dress special! Your aun- ...your best friend Pinkie Pie is gonna help you out!" She nodded her head to this statement, although this wasn't why she wanted him to dress special. It was more of a fact that she was still processing and coping with not thinking of the movie... even though she was failing miserably. She was imitating some of how her friends would think and act, and right now, she was imitating Rarity. Her thoughts led to her fashionista friend who always wanted to wear a new outfit to new events- such as dinner parties like this. Pinkie... Pinkie couldn't find the strength to keep her friends out of her head because of that movie. Maybe if she covered her eyes and ears... maybe she could've avoided watching it entirely. Maybe she could've, in some way, avoided ever seeing it. Maybe if she did something, even if she wasn't allowed to, she would have not had to deal with it.

And then the elevator ride was over. She pulled Atsushi off again quickly, having some sort of plan inside of her head until they arrived in front of Room A. She let go of him again, standing off to the side to wait for him to open the door. She was polite enough not to go barging his own room down to wait for him to open it up himself.

The moment Pinkie Pie stepped into the boy's room, she placed her backpack on the floor and began to rummage through it. If his roommate happened to be in the room, she would have cheerfully waved at the stranger before moving on. She took out her blue headband, her pack of stickers, and her hair tie; it was all for the usage of something special. She rummaged through the packet she got at the Gift Shop, taking out two stickers that seemed to be based off of Atsushi. She placed one on each one of his cheeks, careful to center it, before taking a step back to observe what she had done. Any sort of serious or intimidating vibe that Atsushi could give off would fade away with these two stickers that popped out greatly on his face. Just one look, though, and people could guess that Atsushi wasn't the one who put these stickers on himself.

Pinkie Pie now moved onto his hair. Instead of looking for a brush or even trying to make his hair look nice at all, she stood on her tippy toes and ruffled his hair messily with what seemed like no purpose until she was satisfied with what she was going for. She took the hair tie and shifted over to his back, taking a small portion of his hair and tying it into a small ponytail. It's... was quite difficult with his short hair, but she managed. The hair tie looked like it would fall at any moment, but she was sure it would hold... hopefully. She smiled with pride for being able to do so- the second time she had done so in front of Atsushi here- as she took the blue plastic headband and shifted over to his front. With his hair already ruffled, she snuggled the headband into his head until it fit. He looked ridiculous.

Pinkie Pie didn't know that, though. She took a few steps back, examining the work she had just created before clapping her hands. She jumped up and down- the usual Pinkie jump- as she widened her arms once again. "Successs!! Ooh, you know what? Instead of party planning, I should become one of those serious people who helps people get fancy." Hopefully no one would break the news that Atsushi didn't look fancy. If anything, Pinkie made him less fancy.

"Oh!" She picked up her pink backpack, suddenly coming to a realization. "I need to make myself look good now with my skills. But, but! Atsushi!" She pointed at him. "You can't take all of that off, or else all your matureness will fade away!!" A weak argument from her, but she clearly didn't want him to take it off until after the dinner. He could do what he wanted, but if he did so, he would have to sit through a not-so-intimidating talk from Pinkie Pie. After that pleading statement, she walked to the door and waved at him like a young child. Even though they had just met up today, they would see each other at the dinner later, anyway. With her backpack bouncing off her back, she ran towards her own shared room, completely ready to take on the dinner party that awaited them.

R U S T R U S T Zenterfold Zenterfold + others

As people entered the nicely lit restaurant for the 6 PM special dinner, they would see a mixed-clothed girl with stickers on her legs standing off to the side, looking around as she noticed more and more people entering. While she didn't seem to dress as well as people like Stiles or Louise, she at least wasn't at all wearing what she normally would wear. To start, even though it wasn't clothing, the straight patch of hair on her head seemed to be braided. She seemed to wear her blue boots for this event, matched with the skirt that had the yellow and blue balloon logo. A white tank top with the same balloon picture was the cherry on top. Her two blue bracelets were still on her left and right hands, as well as the Wanda crown remaining on her head. Her pink backpack could be seen to be at hand also. Even though Pinkie Pie took the effort to put something together, somehow, in some way, Yumeko managed to look better than her. Perhaps that said something, given the Ultimate Gambler was wearing the same she did as usual.

The cluelessness of what to do at the moment was apparent on her face as she examined the room and the people in it. It seemed others had the same idea to arrive early before the actual dinner started in order to not risk coming late, even communicating with each other now. It was a dinner, after all. For some reason, people really want to talk while they eat at sophisticated events. It was weird. But... yeah. Taking her eyes off the people already discussing with each other, she attached her eyesight to the loner by his ownsome.

Tobi. Even though Pinkie only slightly got a feeling at how others operated, she felt like the ninja had a different vibe to him at this moment. Even though he was wearing a mask and Pinkie couldn't see his reactions/emotions, he seemed... strange. Not like the childish persona he usually was. Was he... upset in some sort of way? Saddened? She frowned at this thought, and before she could stop herself, she walked over to the orange-masked male. The Ultimate Ninja's peaceful times of watching from a distance were now over with the Ultimate Party Planner here.

"What's that?" She pointed at the ring apparent on his finger as if she were a toddler, not sitting down as she stood next to him. She didn't seem to let the unnerving sensation of the ninja stop her from talking to him. As the neighboring group was discussing serious topics, she started rambling on about... something. "Is it a wedding ring? Heirloom? Was it a gift? OOH, ooh! Or is that a special ninja ring? Does it help make you the Ultimate Ninja? Does it give you special ninja powers?" As she had done many times before, she let off a dramatic gasp. "I want special ninja powers!"

She did a small karate chop with her arm in the air to prove her dedication to wanting to have "special ninja powers" before looking at the actual ninja again. Even though she had never really interacted with him (pardoning the times she had briefly interacted with him as Pyramid Head), she had seen some parts of him. Y'know, like all the times he basically encouraged this killing game to go on, or he told others to mind their own business. She would expect herself to try to distance herself, with him not really discouraging the fact that murders can happen, but...

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" Even though most of the people here probably knew each other's names by now due to either the PROFILE app or just from plain knowledge, she still introduced herself to the male. Her arm sticking out from the karate chop quickly got turned towards Tobi, as if she were expecting him to stop watching from afar and shake her hand. She kept an eye for if the event was going to start or if her friends arrived, but she occupied the time by speaking to someone. Standing around awkwardly was killing her.

...sorry. Poor choice of words- again.​


Atsushi had been unaware to Pinkie's initial confusion regarding the hand holding. At least, at first, but seeing as she seemed fine by then, he simply kept holding her hand even after she took the offered utensils, giving her hand a small squeeze.

Pinkie's look towards him as Usagi spoke was understood, as it also made him think of their earlier conversation through the messages even if Usagi's words were for Wanda specifically.

When Pinkie had asked if his hands were cold, he shook his head with a simple 'no, they're not cold,' And left it at that. There were bound to be many different reasons one of his...profession could be wearing gloves, and he didn't feel like going into detail.

Letting her drag him away from the theater he couldn't help the small smile at her announcement of bedtime, though it was hidden from sight behind the jackets high collar.

During the past week, whenever not with Pinkie he explored areas like the office, cafe, sports store, and daycare, as well as places such as the kitchen and radio broadcasting for anything that may have changed in those days, that could possibly help them escape somehow though he wasn't hopeful about finding anything useful in that regard.

โ€œHmmmโ€ฆ lemme see!โ€ Having some motiveโ€ฆ oops. Poor choice of words. Having some.. reasoning behind whatever she was doing, she quickly placed the Monokuma-made jacket over her body. It was easy to say that Pinkie didn't look as mature as Atsushi did when wearing his own jacket, but the girl didn't know that. In fact, she widened her eyes when wearing it with admiration.

โ€œWooaahh. I feel allโ€ฆ serious now.โ€ She paused for a second, looking over her thin body, before attempting a voice mimic of Atsushiโ€™s. It sounded much too high to ever become close to what his sounded like, but... it did have that tone of his. โ€œIโ€™m Atsushi Naka- Nakaj- Nakar- uhh." She took a moment to mouth his last name to herself. "Na-ka-ji-ma, and Iโ€™m timid, fearful, and loyal. Iโ€™m cool and mysterious, yet for some reason, I donโ€™t know that yet, since I think Iโ€™m not cool, even though it's not true." Rambling on her part. "I have burnt marshmallow eyes,โ€ Maybe he would understand the metaphor behind her choice of words, โ€œand I also think Pinkie Pie is the greatest-est person ever. I think sheโ€™s so cool and mature and responsible, and sheโ€™s my bestest friend here.โ€ She placed a frown on her face- a frown that seemed to mimic Atsushiโ€™s resting facial features- before bursting out into laughter. It was a bad performance on her part, which was just to show how she could never really become serious.


"Pfft--" it was a quiet sound, barely audible as his hand covered his mouth as well as the small grin behind it. Any form of smile from him the past week were a rare thing, but he had found that with Pinkie he didn't have to be alert completely when it was just the two of them, and while he had been mire likely to open up throughout their time together it was mostly little things that he could be mostly vague about, such as the fact he grew up in an orphanage. Even so, his eyes gleamed with amusement as he watched Pinkie's attempt at imitating him. While there was some truth in what she said when it came to how he viewed himself (as cool was a descriptor he wouldn't have used in regards to, well, himself) the fact she seemed to think he was cool of all things was almost flattering.

"Burnt marshmallow eyes?" He questioned curiously, though was still amused by her antics.

Her shift in demeanor once spotting the imitation of Menma's jacket had caused a bit of concern to appear in his expression, but it grew into a soft look when she had brightened and grabbed a backpack. He didn't quite understand her prideful look upon grabbing the item, but he was glad that she didn't seem stuck on the thought of Menma's passing at the time and going into a downward spiral full of despair and sadness.

"I can use these for making cards..." She muttered quietly, obviously meaning for only herself to hear it.

The day they had went to the kitchen, he had remained alert, a bit uneasy at the fact that certain utensils were so easily accessible outside of cooking purposes, though he tried not to let it show around Pinkie, instead he simply kept an eye out so she wouldn't possibly get hurt somehow, even if it was highly unlikely. Be it poisoned food or an accident with sharp objects, he'd hope to have some way to avoid such a situation.

Seeing how much food was stocked, he wondered who stocked it and kept it fresh, though figured it was likely the Monokumas. He vaguely recalled once locking himself in the pantry to eat as a child, only to be caught and horribly punished as a result. He had been eleven at the time, and-


He had been pulled out of his thoughts by Pinkie, blinking he turned his attention to her for a moment as he let her drag him along without complaint, he noticed how she eyed a pair of cooking scissors. Heightened senses were part of his ability, but ever since he woke up in this place he never completely had his guard down. He simply pretended not to hear her comment, nor see her snatch up the scissors afterwards from the corner of his eye.

Perhaps, if not just for card making they could be used to defend herself if ever needed. He hoped nothing like that would happen, however. Given their current circumstances though...

Deciding to leave that thought be, he spoke up on something else his companion had said.

"You cook?" It was a question filled with curiosity, as well as a change of subject for them both so as to not.focus on the scissors.


When Pinkie had messaged him about meeting as usual today, he had agreed to it. Though when she immediately grabbed his hand and stated where they would go he had been a little caught off guard.


"Eh? My room?" Were the first words out of his mouth as he let her drag him to the elevator, not sure why she wanted to go there. Maybe to talk? Whatever the reason, it seemed urgent to some capacity.

"It's a special dinner, Atsushi." She made a wide hand gesture at the word special, pressing the elevator button. "If it's special, then you have to dress special! Your aun- ...your best friend Pinkie Pie is gonna help you out!"


"Ah, I had planned on wearing what I usually do." He replied, unsure on how exactly she'd help him with how he dressed once she had explained herself. Besides, most of his clothes seemed the same: turtlenecks, gloves, pants, jackets. If there were any other outfits or accessories among those they were likely buried underneath and he just hadn't bothered to look any deeper.

The moment Pinkie Pie stepped into the boy's room, she placed her backpack on the floor and began to rummage through it. If his roommate happened to be in the room, she would have cheerfully waved at the stranger before moving on. She took out her blue headband, her pack of stickers, and her hair tie; it was all for the usage of something special. She rummaged through the packet she got at the Gift Shop, taking out two stickers that seemed to be based off of Atsushi. She placed one on each one of his cheeks, careful to center it, before taking a step back to observe what she had done. Any sort of serious or intimidating vibe that Atsushi could give off would fade away with these two stickers that popped out greatly on his face. Just one look, though, and people could guess that Atsushi wasn't the one who put these stickers on himself.

Pinkie Pie now moved onto his hair. Instead of looking for a brush or even trying to make his hair look nice at all, she stood on her tippy toes and ruffled his hair messily with what seemed like no purpose until she was satisfied with what she was going for. She took the hair tie and shifted over to his back, taking a small portion of his hair and tying it into a small ponytail. It's... was quite difficult with his short hair, but she managed. The hair tie looked like it would fall at any moment, but she was sure it would hold... hopefully. She smiled with pride for being able to do so- the second time she had done so in front of Atsushi here- as she took the blue plastic headband and shifted over to his front. With his hair already ruffled, she snuggled the headband into his head until it fit. He looked ridiculous.

Pinkie Pie didn't know that, though. She took a few steps back, examining the work she had just created before clapping her hands. She jumped up and down- the usual Pinkie jump- as she widened her arms once again. "Successs!! Ooh, you know what? Instead of party planning, I should become one of those serious people who helps people get fancy." Hopefully no one would break the news that Atsushi didn't look fancy. If anything, Pinkie made him less fancy.

"Oh!" She picked up her pink backpack, suddenly coming to a realization. "I need to make myself look good now with my skills. But, but! Atsushi!" She pointed at him. "You can't take all of that off, or else all your matureness will fade away!!" A weak argument from her, but she clearly didn't want him to take it off until after the dinner. He could do what he wanted, but if he did so, he would have to sit through a not-so-intimidating talk from Pinkie Pie. After that pleading statement, she walked to the door and waved at him like a young child. Even though they had just met up today, they would see each other at the dinner later, anyway. With her backpack bouncing off her back, she ran towards her own shared room, completely ready to take on the dinner party that awaited them.

Confused, but slightly amused, he let her try to help with his look, though blinked as she used stickers, quite sure they were meant for paper, not people.

"?" Atsushi blinked as she moved onto his hair, making it messier than usual before attempting to give him a ponytail. He doubted it'd stay, but she insisted he didn't take any of the items off after giving him a headband of sorts, which he assumed was hers. He'd humor her, since she seemed so excited about the 'special dinner' even if he personally had a bad feeling about it.

By the time he had arrived, the hair tie had fallen out so he had simply wore it on his left wrist like a bracelet so it wouldn't be lost and he could give it back to Pinkie later. There were a few present that had arrived early, and almost immediately he spotted Pinkie trying to strike up a conversation with Tobi, the man's general demeanor similar to the one he had shown in the radio broadcasting room for only a moment. Making his way to the two, he stood beside Pinkie.

"Hello Pinkie, Tobi." He greeted simply, giving a slight nod of his head as he made the pink-hairedgirl and ninja aware of his presence, the lower half of his face buried in his jackets high collar though it didn't completely hide the stickers she put on his face. Admittedly, he was aware he looked childish but he didn't personally care at the moment as the initial embarrassment had passed between Pinkie trying to help him with his look and now.

Xeppy Xeppy R U S T R U S T Zenterfold Zenterfold @Dinner
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Wanda awkwardly smiled, a slight wave of relief. Hugging Usagi, Wanda would move over to Pinkie, giving her a slight tug as well. Wanda mind was, for the first time in a while, calm and centered. He felt like the universe was telling her something as soaked everything in.

"I appreciate all of you. However, I should thank Atsushi the most. He's the one who knew you two could handle it." Wanda lied. She gave the boy a smirk as Wanda left her group.

During the week.

Verite Verite Takumi98 Takumi98 lunar_moth lunar_moth Xeppy Xeppy R U S T R U S T

Wanda kept busy during the week. Wanda enjoyed chess. Finding a chess bored, she talked Usagi into letting her teach the girl how to play. Wanda had played against Masters of the game. the vision, Captain America, the Beast. Usagi was none of those. At first, it was like taking a horse to Water. Not taking it seriously at first, not that it bothered Wanda at first. However, the girl picked it up slowly. It was more fun for Wanda to teach her than play her.

Othertimes, Wanda and Usagi went to the record room and the witch would play "old vinyl records." Wanda loved music; she wasn't sure however if Usagi appeached her taste in Music. It was eclectic, much like the witch. Jazz, Classical, Indie, to "noise rock" and singer song writer.", her taste was everywhere. Some of it might come off borderline unlistenable to the girl, but Wanda liked it.

While she wasn't with Usagi, Wanda would people watch. sometimes she watched Atsuchi and Pinkie. The witch couldn't help but smirk. The fact she could "see" what was "happening" between them, and neither one of them could amused her. "Young love" in bloom. It was sweet that, even in a dark time like this, love blooms. Now one of them just needed to see it. It wasn't her job to tell them.

Other time she'd spend it look after Tobi. She didn't trust the boy, but she did pity him. All locked up in himself. It was sad and to something Wanda understood better than others.

Lastly, Father Kotomine and Wanda would play chess daily. The first thirty games, Wanda lost to the priest. However, it was a ploy. He started playing sloppy, letting her win ten games in a row. Wanda knew at the forty-second game, after she won ten, he'd play for real. And he did, and the witch one quickly. Tension narrowed between the two. Hate stewing like an old married couple. Daily they'd play, and daily "veiled threats were spoken towards each other. The count after a week was Wanda: ninety-five, Kotomine one-hundred-five. Best of three hundred.

Wanda woke up, getting dressed like always. Seeing her "group" Wanda Waved.

"Hello! How is everyone today?"


โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:* ใ€€โ™ก โ™ก โ™กใ€€ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง


The week passed slowly, and all-at-once, like a dream you can only remember the feeling of.

Usagi spent most of it with her friendsโ€” some of the others, she knew, had taken it upon themselves to be brave and explore further, examining the reaches of their gilded prison for clues or simply for curiosityโ€™s sake. A handful of times she might have crossed paths with the pair of Pinkie and Atsushi, who were on their routine exploration trek about the hotel. The two of them alone might have been prime targets for disaster, but Usagi, foolishly or not, trusted each of them so deeply and felt nothing but relief whenever she happened upon the two of them, laughing to themselves and appearing at least temporarily removed from the tragedy of their situation.

Usagi spent many mornings alone with Pinkie herself. Unofficially, the two of them had decided to meet most mornings in the gift shop and work their way through a truly impressive amount of morale-boosting, glitter-filled friendship cards. Those mornings brought a sense of peace and security to Usagi that she hadnโ€™t realized sheโ€™d been missing so badlyโ€” listening to Pinkieโ€™s faux-teacherly explanations of art techniques, or cutting and pasting shapes onto each othersโ€™ masterpieces like they were still two schoolchildrenโ€ฆ it made her ache, yes, but what didnโ€™t these days? Mostly it made her feel a child, back when things were simple and the highlights of her days were coming home to play with baby Shingo or walking to the park with her mother.

She giggled and nodded along to Pinkieโ€™s demonstrations, pleased to play the part of dutiful apprentice. She carefully pasted flowers and butterflies and star-shapes cut out of coloured paper onto her folded cards, and delicately added a touch of beads and glitter on top. She watched as a tiny droplet fell onto the flat of her card on the third morning, and she reached up to touch her cheekโ€” when she pulled her hand back, it came away shiny with tears.

Iโ€™m crying again? How silly! Iโ€™m having a wonderful time. For the first time in ages I feel so young and carefree, itโ€™s like get to be a child again, Usagi thought to herself, puzzled. Then she thought, ah.

I suppose thatโ€™s part of the deal, isnโ€™t it? Children like me donโ€™t get to be children for long, in order to make sure that everyone else does.

Usagi risked a glance up to Pinkie Pieโ€™s face who, thankfully, was busy scribbling away at some sort of message in her card and hadnโ€™t seemed to notice. Usagi quickly patted her face dry so as not to leave blotchy red cheeks.

โ€ฆI wonder if she feels the same, sometimes. Sheโ€™s like me, isnโ€™t she? No, thereโ€™s no way. Pinkieโ€™s the definition of cheerful and carefree. She loves what she does, no doubt!

Just as quickly as that thought had come, however, a memory takes its place: every moment of weakness that had taken hold of Pinkie, every deflating of her normally-bubbly demeanour, and the unmistakable greyish quality that had coloured her once-bright and peppy words. The wheels in Usagiโ€™s head continue to click in the same patient way, and they notch together when she realizes: Oh. She is like me. Or, well, weโ€™re like each other. Of course nobody loves what they do or feels one-hundred percent happy all the time, that would be silly. Weโ€™re not superhuman!

She stills, hand tightening around her glitter pen, and her face empties carefully.

โ€ฆWeโ€™re supposed to be, though. Is it supposed to be this hard or are we doing something wrong?

Mostly, though, the week passed gently. Sweetly, even, in comparison to the horrors that always felt just a second away from reappearing and shaking Usagiโ€™s core again.

She spent a handful of afternoons with Wanda-san. The two of them made good company. Wanda-san, upon procuring a chess board from one of the many treasure troves scattered around the hotel, spent many an hour trying to teach Usagi the basics of chess. Frankly, it was a miracle the woman never gave upโ€” Usagi would laugh sheepishly and scratch the back of her neck, but for what it was worth, she had never been good at logic puzzles like this anyway.

Still, the two plundered onward, and slowly but surely Wanda-san managed to coax something out of Usagi that was almost a real game. The first time they managed to finish a game the whole way through, without Usagi falling asleep or flailing awkwardly and giving up in confusion, the girl was so overjoyed that she stood and did a happy little dance right then and there. It didnโ€™t even matter that she hadnโ€™t been the one to win; Usagi, for another blissful moment, felt just like her old self again, clearly enough so to abandon social etiquette and perform a little jig. She giggled sheepishly again and sat back down, face slowly reddening.

โ€œAhโ€ฆ. Iโ€™m sorry Wanda-san, I donโ€™t know what came over me! I just have so much fun playing with you, I canโ€™t contain myself!โ€ Usagi admitted. It was trueโ€” when was the last time she had felt such immediate joy that she had to break into dance?

Other days the pair spent their hours together listening to music in the record room. Much of the songs that Wanda-san played were unfamiliar to Usagi. After all, the two of them were from different time periods, and from different continents, no less. Still, on plenty occasions Usagi found herself bumping her head or tapping her fingers along to a certain pop-y or jazzy tune. Citypop, she knew she loved already. And if nothing else Usagi could appreciate eclecticism.

Yes, time passed in a blur, and Usagi cherished it for all she could. It wasnโ€™t a matter of if but when that the next shoe would fall, and something utterly unavoidable and tragic would send them all careening back into instability. Still. For now, all they could do was wait, and so wait she did, holding each moment close in her hands as if they would flutter away the moment she opened her palms.


"Ahem! This is an announcement from your host, Monokuma! Rise and shine, everyone!"

The illusion had to be shattered eventually. Usagi can at least be thankful that, as of now, all that their captors had planned wasโ€ฆ.. a dinner?

Shrugging to herself, Usagi rises from her bed and pats the blankets down behind herโ€” it does nothing to dissuade the lumps that have formed after a night of tossing and turning, but she can say she tried.

Her roommateโ€™s found his way out of the bedroom before her. Taking advantage of her solitude for the moment, Usagi decides it might be kind of nice, actually, to wear something a little prettier to dinner tonight. Fancy dinner warranted fancy dress, right?

She opens the top drawer of her dresser and peers at the options before her. When her eyes land on something she recognizes, she pulls it out with a gasp and hold it up to herself. That pleated pink dress, she knows, is something plucked directly from her wardrobe back home. Well, all of it is, of courseโ€” but itโ€™s harder to deny the reality of having had your clothes rummaged through and kidnapped along with you when itโ€™s a perfectly-fitting dress you recall dearly, and not your standard-issue school uniform.

After a momentโ€™s hesitation, Usagi changes out of her nightgown and slips on the dress. Then she plucks a ruby-red jacket out of the drawer and layers that on top, too. The final touch: Wanda-sanโ€™s crown, gifted to her as an expression of devotion and of inspiration. Its red shine coordinates perfectly with the warm hues of her outfit, and Usagi gives a little spin and watches her skirt flare out around her.

Should she have waited to change until closer to dinner? She wouldnโ€™t want to get her nice clothes all dirtied before the main eventโ€” after all, she still had to meet Pinkie for their morning session of arts and crafts.

Steeling her resolve, Usagi changes back into her usual wear and vows to make a pitstop back in her room before dinner to swap outfits. Glitter glue on such a nice dress wonโ€™t do.


Glitter glue on her face, howeverโ€ฆ..

Usagi giggles. โ€œIโ€™m not being messy! Itโ€™s just a new fashion statement, see. All the models in Harajuku magazines are doing it!โ€

Card-making with one of her new closest friends is, once again, just what Usagi needs to settle her soul and feel a little more herself. When Pinkie suggests they hand out their stash of cards to everybody at the dinner tonight, Usagiโ€™s eyes light up.

โ€œGood idea! I havenโ€™t started handing any of mine out yetโ€ฆ. I didnโ€™t want to give some away if I couldnโ€™t give one to everybody else at the same time, ehehe. But Iโ€™m almost done my last one!โ€

Almost, that is, and Usagi quickly turns her gaze back to the beginning of a sparse acrostic poem on the inside of her last card. Remembering the wisdom Pinkie had unleashed upon her in their previous card-making sessions โ€” โ€œA bunch of good cards are personal, Usagi!โ€ โ€” the girl had been attempting to be thoughtful but, wellโ€ฆ she was never the star-student in her literature classes, to be honest.

The card, made of brick-red construction paper, held a half completed poem underneath a drawing of a stick figure with silvery blond hair. It read:

A โ€” Always an ally!

T โ€” Thoughtful, through and through!

S โ€” Smart and stylish, sure thing!

U โ€”

Hmm. Hopefully Usagi could manage to pick her brain and finish writing that poem in time for the dinner โ€” it wouldnโ€™t do to leave only one person out from receiving a little pick-me-up.

Usagi smiles to herself as she goes back to tapping her pen against the page in thought. As much as she worried about what the dinner would bring, she couldnโ€™t help but feel a little bit excited, too. The card addressed to Pinkie, tucked carefully into the middle of her stack and hidden from view, nearly burned a hole into the table where it sat!


At just before 6:00 pm (since the announcement strongly urged no one to arrive late), Usagi plods into the dining room and immediately waaahh!! -s at the sight of it allโ€” clearly, she had been on the right track when she decided to dress up a bit. The room feels surreal, candlelight and all, and it makes her feel a little bit like a movie star, or whatever kind of person went to fancy dinners.

She selects one of the multiple empty seats that remains and sits, carefully smoothing her skirt out like a fancy lady does. She beams at Wanda-san who enters cheerfully, and Usagi calls back, โ€œHi, Wanda-san! Fancy seeing you here!โ€ and giggles at her own joke.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:* ใ€€ Xeppy Xeppy Takumi98 Takumi98 Josh Josh @/Dinner!ใ€€ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง
Zenterfold Zenterfold Xeppy Xeppy Takumi98 Takumi98 Josh Josh lunar_moth lunar_moth

Sophie wasโ€ฆ rather despondent. Ever since seeing the video sheโ€™s been missing Jenny a lot more than normally, and she would ultimately spend a lot of her time holed up in her room.

Pinkie would probably be the only one who saw her daily, and even then Sophie would try to avoid her. Best if she didnโ€™t worry about her mental state

Sophie, however, as soon as the announcement came, went down to the dinner, her hair frizzy with lack of care as she dragged her way into the diner and sat next to Pinkie.

"Heyโ€ฆ" was all she could muster, and for the others around her, her appearance wasโ€ฆ concerning to say the least.

Her hair was more disheveled than normal, her expression was dour, and dark circles formed around her eyes. She yawned and justโ€ฆ sat there.​
"I appreciate all of you. However, I should thank Atsushi the most. He's the one who knew you two could handle it." Wanda lied. She gave the boy a smirk as Wanda left her group.

When Wanda had made her comment and lied, Atsushi glanced at her over his shoulder as Pinkie dragged him along, his brows furrowing at her smirk. Was she, in some way, teasing him? Or was it something else?


Wanda awkwardly smiled, a slight wave of relief. Hugging Usagi, Wanda would move over to Pinkie, giving her a slight tug as well. Wanda mind was, for the first time in a while, calm and centered. He felt like the universe was telling her something as soaked everything in.

"I appreciate all of you. However, I should thank Atsushi the most. He's the one who knew you two could handle it." Wanda lied. She gave the boy a smirk as Wanda left her group.

During the week.

Verite Verite Takumi98 Takumi98 lunar_moth lunar_moth Xeppy Xeppy R U S T R U S T

Wanda kept busy during the week. Wanda enjoyed chess. Finding a chess bored, she talked Usagi into letting her teach the girl how to play. Wanda had played against Masters of the game. the vision, Captain America, the Beast. Usagi was none of those. At first, it was like taking a horse to Water. Not taking it seriously at first, not that it bothered Wanda at first. However, the girl picked it up slowly. It was more fun for Wanda to teach her than play her.

Othertimes, Wanda and Usagi went to the record room and the witch would play "old vinyl records." Wanda loved music; she wasn't sure however if Usagi appeached her taste in Music. It was eclectic, much like the witch. Jazz, Classical, Indie, to "noise rock" and singer song writer.", her taste was everywhere. Some of it might come off borderline unlistenable to the girl, but Wanda liked it.

While she wasn't with Usagi, Wanda would people watch. sometimes she watched Atsuchi and Pinkie. The witch couldn't help but smirk. The fact she could "see" what was "happening" between them, and neither one of them could amused her. "Young love" in bloom. It was sweet that, even in a dark time like this, love blooms. Now one of them just needed to see it. It wasn't her job to tell them.

Other time she'd spend it look after Tobi. She didn't trust the boy, but she did pity him. All locked up in himself. It was sad and to something Wanda understood better than others.

Lastly, Father Kotomine and Wanda would play chess daily. The first thirty games, Wanda lost to the priest. However, it was a ploy. He started playing sloppy, letting her win ten games in a row. Wanda knew at the forty-second game, after she won ten, he'd play for real. And he did, and the witch one quickly. Tension narrowed between the two. Hate stewing like an old married couple. Daily they'd play, and daily "veiled threats were spoken towards each other. The count after a week was Wanda: ninety-five, Kotomine one-hundred-five. Best of three hundred.

Wanda woke up, getting dressed like always. Seeing her "group" Wanda Waved.

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"Hello! How is everyone today?"


โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:* ใ€€โ™ก โ™ก โ™กใ€€ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง

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The week passed slowly, and all-at-once, like a dream you can only remember the feeling of.

Usagi spent most of it with her friendsโ€” some of the others, she knew, had taken it upon themselves to be brave and explore further, examining the reaches of their gilded prison for clues or simply for curiosityโ€™s sake. A handful of times she might have crossed paths with the pair of Pinkie and Atsushi, who were on their routine exploration trek about the hotel. The two of them alone might have been prime targets for disaster, but Usagi, foolishly or not, trusted each of them so deeply and felt nothing but relief whenever she happened upon the two of them, laughing to themselves and appearing at least temporarily removed from the tragedy of their situation.

Usagi spent many mornings alone with Pinkie herself. Unofficially, the two of them had decided to meet most mornings in the gift shop and work their way through a truly impressive amount of morale-boosting, glitter-filled friendship cards. Those mornings brought a sense of peace and security to Usagi that she hadnโ€™t realized sheโ€™d been missing so badlyโ€” listening to Pinkieโ€™s faux-teacherly explanations of art techniques, or cutting and pasting shapes onto each othersโ€™ masterpieces like they were still two schoolchildrenโ€ฆ it made her ache, yes, but what didnโ€™t these days? Mostly it made her feel a child, back when things were simple and the highlights of her days were coming home to play with baby Shingo or walking to the park with her mother.

She giggled and nodded along to Pinkieโ€™s demonstrations, pleased to play the part of dutiful apprentice. She carefully pasted flowers and butterflies and star-shapes cut out of coloured paper onto her folded cards, and delicately added a touch of beads and glitter on top. She watched as a tiny droplet fell onto the flat of her card on the third morning, and she reached up to touch her cheekโ€” when she pulled her hand back, it came away shiny with tears.

Iโ€™m crying again? How silly! Iโ€™m having a wonderful time. For the first time in ages I feel so young and carefree, itโ€™s like get to be a child again, Usagi thought to herself, puzzled. Then she thought, ah.

I suppose thatโ€™s part of the deal, isnโ€™t it? Children like me donโ€™t get to be children for long, in order to make sure that everyone else does.

Usagi risked a glance up to Pinkie Pieโ€™s face who, thankfully, was busy scribbling away at some sort of message in her card and hadnโ€™t seemed to notice. Usagi quickly patted her face dry so as not to leave blotchy red cheeks.

โ€ฆI wonder if she feels the same, sometimes. Sheโ€™s like me, isnโ€™t she? No, thereโ€™s no way. Pinkieโ€™s the definition of cheerful and carefree. She loves what she does, no doubt!

Just as quickly as that thought had come, however, a memory takes its place: every moment of weakness that had taken hold of Pinkie, every deflating of her normally-bubbly demeanour, and the unmistakable greyish quality that had coloured her once-bright and peppy words. The wheels in Usagiโ€™s head continue to click in the same patient way, and they notch together when she realizes: Oh. She is like me. Or, well, weโ€™re like each other. Of course nobody loves what they do or feels one-hundred percent happy all the time, that would be silly. Weโ€™re not superhuman!

She stills, hand tightening around her glitter pen, and her face empties carefully.

โ€ฆWeโ€™re supposed to be, though. Is it supposed to be this hard or are we doing something wrong?

Mostly, though, the week passed gently. Sweetly, even, in comparison to the horrors that always felt just a second away from reappearing and shaking Usagiโ€™s core again.

She spent a handful of afternoons with Wanda-san. The two of them made good company. Wanda-san, upon procuring a chess board from one of the many treasure troves scattered around the hotel, spent many an hour trying to teach Usagi the basics of chess. Frankly, it was a miracle the woman never gave upโ€” Usagi would laugh sheepishly and scratch the back of her neck, but for what it was worth, she had never been good at logic puzzles like this anyway.

Still, the two plundered onward, and slowly but surely Wanda-san managed to coax something out of Usagi that was almost a real game. The first time they managed to finish a game the whole way through, without Usagi falling asleep or flailing awkwardly and giving up in confusion, the girl was so overjoyed that she stood and did a happy little dance right then and there. It didnโ€™t even matter that she hadnโ€™t been the one to win; Usagi, for another blissful moment, felt just like her old self again, clearly enough so to abandon social etiquette and perform a little jig. She giggled sheepishly again and sat back down, face slowly reddening.

โ€œAhโ€ฆ. Iโ€™m sorry Wanda-san, I donโ€™t know what came over me! I just have so much fun playing with you, I canโ€™t contain myself!โ€ Usagi admitted. It was trueโ€” when was the last time she had felt such immediate joy that she had to break into dance?

Other days the pair spent their hours together listening to music in the record room. Much of the songs that Wanda-san played were unfamiliar to Usagi. After all, the two of them were from different time periods, and from different continents, no less. Still, on plenty occasions Usagi found herself bumping her head or tapping her fingers along to a certain pop-y or jazzy tune. Citypop, she knew she loved already. And if nothing else Usagi could appreciate eclecticism.

Yes, time passed in a blur, and Usagi cherished it for all she could. It wasnโ€™t a matter of if but when that the next shoe would fall, and something utterly unavoidable and tragic would send them all careening back into instability. Still. For now, all they could do was wait, and so wait she did, holding each moment close in her hands as if they would flutter away the moment she opened her palms.


"Ahem! This is an announcement from your host, Monokuma! Rise and shine, everyone!"

The illusion had to be shattered eventually. Usagi can at least be thankful that, as of now, all that their captors had planned wasโ€ฆ.. a dinner?

Shrugging to herself, Usagi rises from her bed and pats the blankets down behind herโ€” it does nothing to dissuade the lumps that have formed after a night of tossing and turning, but she can say she tried.

Her roommateโ€™s found his way out of the bedroom before her. Taking advantage of her solitude for the moment, Usagi decides it might be kind of nice, actually, to wear something a little prettier to dinner tonight. Fancy dinner warranted fancy dress, right?

She opens the top drawer of her dresser and peers at the options before her. When her eyes land on something she recognizes, she pulls it out with a gasp and hold it up to herself. That pleated pink dress, she knows, is something plucked directly from her wardrobe back home. Well, all of it is, of courseโ€” but itโ€™s harder to deny the reality of having had your clothes rummaged through and kidnapped along with you when itโ€™s a perfectly-fitting dress you recall dearly, and not your standard-issue school uniform.

After a momentโ€™s hesitation, Usagi changes out of her nightgown and slips on the dress. Then she plucks a ruby-red jacket out of the drawer and layers that on top, too. The final touch: Wanda-sanโ€™s crown, gifted to her as an expression of devotion and of inspiration. Its red shine coordinates perfectly with the warm hues of her outfit, and Usagi gives a little spin and watches her skirt flare out around her.

Should she have waited to change until closer to dinner? She wouldnโ€™t want to get her nice clothes all dirtied before the main eventโ€” after all, she still had to meet Pinkie for their morning session of arts and crafts.

Steeling her resolve, Usagi changes back into her usual wear and vows to make a pitstop back in her room before dinner to swap outfits. Glitter glue on such a nice dress wonโ€™t do.


Glitter glue on her face, howeverโ€ฆ..

Usagi giggles. โ€œIโ€™m not being messy! Itโ€™s just a new fashion statement, see. All the models in Harajuku magazines are doing it!โ€

Card-making with one of her new closest friends is, once again, just what Usagi needs to settle her soul and feel a little more herself. When Pinkie suggests they hand out their stash of cards to everybody at the dinner tonight, Usagiโ€™s eyes light up.

โ€œGood idea! I havenโ€™t started handing any of mine out yetโ€ฆ. I didnโ€™t want to give some away if I couldnโ€™t give one to everybody else at the same time, ehehe. But Iโ€™m almost done my last one!โ€

Almost, that is, and Usagi quickly turns her gaze back to the beginning of a sparse acrostic poem on the inside of her last card. Remembering the wisdom Pinkie had unleashed upon her in their previous card-making sessions โ€” โ€œA bunch of good cards are personal, Usagi!โ€ โ€” the girl had been attempting to be thoughtful but, wellโ€ฆ she was never the star-student in her literature classes, to be honest.

The card, made of brick-red construction paper, held a half completed poem underneath a drawing of a stick figure with silvery blond hair. It read:

A โ€” Always an ally!

T โ€” Thoughtful, through and through!

S โ€” Smart and stylish, sure thing!

U โ€”

Hmm. Hopefully Usagi could manage to pick her brain and finish writing that poem in time for the dinner โ€” it wouldnโ€™t do to leave only one person out from receiving a little pick-me-up.

Usagi smiles to herself as she goes back to tapping her pen against the page in thought. As much as she worried about what the dinner would bring, she couldnโ€™t help but feel a little bit excited, too. The card addressed to Pinkie, tucked carefully into the middle of her stack and hidden from view, nearly burned a hole into the table where it sat!


At just before 6:00 pm (since the announcement strongly urged no one to arrive late), Usagi plods into the dining room and immediately waaahh!! -s at the sight of it allโ€” clearly, she had been on the right track when she decided to dress up a bit. The room feels surreal, candlelight and all, and it makes her feel a little bit like a movie star, or whatever kind of person went to fancy dinners.

She selects one of the multiple empty seats that remains and sits, carefully smoothing her skirt out like a fancy lady does. She beams at Wanda-san who enters cheerfully, and Usagi calls back, โ€œHi, Wanda-san! Fancy seeing you here!โ€ and giggles at her own joke.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:* ใ€€ Xeppy Xeppy Takumi98 Takumi98 Josh Josh @/Dinner!ใ€€ *:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง
Zenterfold Zenterfold Xeppy Xeppy Takumi98 Takumi98 Josh Josh lunar_moth lunar_moth

Sophie wasโ€ฆ rather despondent. Ever since seeing the video sheโ€™s been missing Jenny a lot more than normally, and she would ultimately spend a lot of her time holed up in her room.

Pinkie would probably be the only one who saw her daily, and even then Sophie would try to avoid her. Best if she didnโ€™t worry about her mental state

Sophie, however, as soon as the announcement came, went down to the dinner, her hair frizzy with lack of care as she dragged her way into the diner and sat next to Pinkie.

"Heyโ€ฆ" was all she could muster, and for the others around her, her appearance wasโ€ฆ concerning to say the least.

Her hair was more disheveled than normal, her expression was dour, and dark circles formed around her eyes. She yawned and justโ€ฆ sat there.​

Pinkie, Usagi, Wanda, Sophie. They were here and accounted for, which was good. Sophie's appearance was a bit concerning, however, and he glanced to where she sat before speaking.

"Are you alright?" He may not have been as close to Sophie as Pinkie was, but his concern was genuine.

Xeppy Xeppy Capri Capri Josh Josh lunar_moth lunar_moth R U S T R U S T @Dinner
During the week of quiet Sera kept mostly to herself. The young elven woman wasn't too keen on making any real friends in this place. Especially knowing that at any moment one of them could end up dead by another's hand.

One of them did their best to try and connect to her however. And that certain someone was the Scarlet Witch. Brief exchanges through the locked door of her room quickly became heartfelt conversations and explanations to what the scarlet mage really was about.

While Sera understood and bought the sincerity in Wanda's words the rogue wasn't as quick to spill her secrets. A few scraps here and there. Sharing the contents of her movie in morbid detail seemed to only garner a knowing smirk on the witches face, which annoyed Sera to no end. Wanda couldn't be half bad if she wasn't a prude after all.

At the end of the week there wasn't a friendship exactly, but a begrudging respect if nothing else.

As Sera entered the restaurant she made a quick headcount of who was already there before heading towards one of the empty chairs waiting to see what the annoying bear had to tell them.
Takumi98 Takumi98

Grabbing the sticker pack that she had been suddenly animated about, she looked at the stickers inside excitedly before remembering Atsushi's question: Burnt marshmallow eyes? She had been momentarily distracted by the Menma jacket and sticker pack to ever really respond, so the question just hung in the air with no response. Speaking of the sticker pack, it seemed every member here had their own little stickers for usage. Sophie ones, Usagi ones... there were even some Pinkie Pie stickers. Pinkie Pie stickers! Stickers made after Pinkie Pie! Was this how celebrities felt, having merchandise made after them constantly? Yes, Pinkie wasn't just the one who had stuff made after her, but it was nice to look at nonetheless.

Suddenly remembering that the backpack lying against her could be used for backpack purposes, and wasn't just there for show, she placed the sticker pack in there carefully and turned to Atsushi. She gripped the two large strands of the backpack, similar to how the generic student would go to school, with the same level of pride in her smile. Her pride didn't seem to be focused on the backpack this time, however. It seemed to be about something else.

"Yeah! Burnt marshmallow eyes!" She bobbed her head with a yes motion, saying her statements as if everything she said was just simple common sense. Adding on to her new sense of confidence, her energy seemed to peak slightly as well. Judging on how she usually perked up with others' happiness, perhaps she picked up on Atsushi's amusement. "'Cause... y'know... your eyes!"

She now pointed at his eyes, as if that explained all she was talking about, before finally elaborating. "It's... it has the same feeling as a burnt marshmallow. It gives me the same... emotion!" She memorized a little. "Mm, it's like, at first, seeing this crumbly, hardened marshmallow that you feel like you shouldn't take. It looks like it won't taste good, and that it'll be a bad experience." She blinked to gather her thoughts. "But then you realize you had to look at the marshmallow differently. When you take it, you then realize that it's not like all that bad stuff at all. It's warm like those special pillows, and soft like a tiny little cloud in the sky. It's sweet like a brighty-bright yellow lollipop, and it's there for whenever you're ready to make a s'more." She looked at the boy. "Right?"

Pinkie Pieโ€™s head is hard to explain, so to summarize for her, it was exactly as she had said: the vibe of Atsushiโ€™s eyes was the same one that burnt marshmallows give off. Nobody should be surprised that with the sugar tooth of hers, she was connecting a sweet treat to a personal characteristic. When she was talking about the crumbly marshmallow, she was really talking and visualizing about her first encounter with Atsushi. The wary, on guard glance he gave others, including Pinkie herself, sort of put this own โ€œhardenedโ€ definition of his name. Later on, however, Pinkie Pie realized that Atsushi mostly now had a soft look around her instead of that dark one. This truly made her think that his eyes were marshmallows. It was doubtful that Atsushi would figure that all out- he wasnโ€™t a trained therapist, after all- but maybe he could pick up a few pieces.

It would even be impressive if he could understand one small part.

She currently now let out a small noise of complaint. "Aww. Now Iโ€™m in the mood for marshmallows. I haven't had them in..." For some reason, she felt herself almost saying three months. Weird. "...in days. In days! I can't live like this! I need my marshmallow nutrients to survive, Atsushi!!"
Tobi better be looking out for his job, because Pinkie Pie was on the track to get. With how sneaky she was- Atsushi didn't seem to notice at all that she grabbed the scissors!- she was able to do her mission successfully with no failures. She may as well be the Ultimate Ninja himself! With the zipping of her backpack, the same look of happiness came over her facial expression. Rolling the apple into her palm, she went back to examining the kitchen room.

"You cook?"

"Hm?" She let out a surprised noise, looking at Atsushi after he asked the question. Taking another bite of her apple, she said joyfully, "Uh-huh! I wouldn't be able to party plan if I didn't cook, Atsushi! While planning a party, besides setting everything up, I have to get ingredients, learn recipes, find out what the main attraction of the party wants, get the right number of batches to make sure everyone at the party gets at least one treat, and then bake it all!" It seemed as though she answered that question a lot.

She gave a slight pause. "Oh, oh! And, and! I bake for a dessert shop! Sugar Cube Corner." She added extra emphasis to the shop's name, extending her arms as she had done many times before. "I cook alllll kinds of goodies for them so that they can sell them all over. I do it so much that I could be the Ultimate Cook here if I didn't party plan!" For some reason, Pinkie Pie felt more grateful that she was an Ultimate Party Planner instead of an Ultimate Cook. Mysteriously, something inside of her told her that Ultimate Cooks didn't do well in these types of situations.

Even though Atsushi had just asked a very simple question, Pinkie somehow still went with a whole monologue about her life with cooking. It gave her nostalgia, with how she first met Sophie and expertly described her family's history, even when she was not asked of it. Moving on, the summary of it all was that Pinkie did cook, and her profession as a party planner/baker heavily involved it. A quite different occupation than what Atsushi Nakajima here had.

But that's a different story.

Capri Capri lunar_moth lunar_moth Takumi98 Takumi98 Josh Josh + others


Pinkie Pie's head shot up briskly when she first heard Atsushi's voice, like a dog listening to a whistle, trying to locate him inside of the restaurant room instantly. His presence and appearance at the Monokuma event now was relieving. She had been getting a little anxious with all this serious talk and with Tobi's unnerving presence, but at least members of her friend group were coming. But... where was- oh. He was already next to her. Turning slightly to him, she gave a little friendly wave as she always would. An immediate cheerful smile found itself back onto her face, even though she had just seen Atsushi a few hours ago. Nothing was to stop her from being happy with friends, though.

Her smile didn't last long. Examining her white-haired ally, a look of centered concentration came over quite quickly as she remembered something. She had given him a simple commandment earlier- Don't take any of it off until after the dinner- and she was planning to see if he listened to it. Atsushi probably followed through; he didn't seem like the arguing type. Even if he wasn't, though, she still wanted to see her work of art one more time. It looked as though the more-messy hair she had made died down a little, but due to Atsushi's hair already being naturally messy, it wasn't much of a change. It was obvious the headband and stickers were still there also, since not even the jacket's high collar could hide it, but there was still one more detail to look for. The ponytail.

After tilting her curly head to look behind him, she looked at his hair for only a moment before returning to her normal stance. Widened eyes seemed to appear on her face somewhere during that small trip. While looking, the hair tie was nowhere to be found on any strand of white hair, so our dear Pinkie Pie here immediately assumed the worst. Clueless that the ponytail couldn't have survived for a good three-four hours with how short her friend's hair was, she looked at the eighteen-year-old boy with a very surprised and fake-offended expression.

"You took it OFF!?" She put her hand over her mouth in a dramatic way, clearly not actually mad at the thought that he took apart some of the outfit she forced upon him. Her 'scolding' sounded much too silly. "Atsushi! That was su-"

Oop. Forget that. She cut her own sentence short, her short attention range shifting. First transferring from Tobi to Atsushi, it now came to Usagi and Wanda as they entered both in awe and in cheerfulness. Before she could even acknowledge it, Pinkie Pie felt her spirits lift with how, compared to the beginning of the week, most seemed more lighthearted. For example, Usagi, who, screaming for forgiveness earlier, was now making a silly joke to Wanda. Like a sparkling cider, bubbles were felt popping across her chest once more as Pinkie laughed at Usagi's comment, waving at the Scarlet Witch.

"Wanda!!" She gave a grin. "I'm super-duper-duper excited and I haven't been this excited since forever well except for when I first woke up here 'cause I didn't know where I was and it was an adventure at first but we get to dress up and eat food here and have a thing called alcohol which is probably really good if it's now not locked out we can drink whatever amount we want and have fun and!" She gasped for air. Wanda did ask how they all were. This was Pinkie's response. "Yeah!"

Then her eyes landed on Usagi once again, and her bright blue eyes filled with a sudden remembrance for something. Her spare hand slipped to open her backpack, filled with her own materials and the cards they handmade throughout the week as she spoke out to her partner card maker. "Usagi! When do you want to pass out the..."

...cards. Oh. Whoops. Something definitely happened in here. Glue with glitter was spread out everywhere, completely staining the sides of her backpack and the items inside. Not even her glittery tablet could bring this many colors. Bringing out the CD of Coloratura for a moment, Pinkie only needed a glance to know that she would clearly need to visit a washroom later to wash this stuff off. Maybe Pinkie Pie was too rushed to place all these cards inside of her backpack that she didn't check to see if they would create a mess or not. All of the cards seemed fine, truthfully; only the backpack was hurt. Oh well. Guess they'll figure it out lat-


Pinkie's face brightened- again, but for a different reason this time- as she turned her head to face the familiar voice. "Hi, Sophie!" In all honesty, Pinkie Pie had been grateful for the mandatory dinner meeting because of Sophie here, since it meant that her roommate had to come out of their shared room. Even though Pinkie had been practically out of Room G for the majority of the week, she had noticed that her brunette friend didn't seem to come out much, if at all. The fact of this, along with Sophie avoiding basically everyone along with Pinkie herself was worrying.

Even Atsushi seemed to notice, with him asking out loud if she was alright. Pinkie's face filled with focus as she stared at Sophie for a moment, seeing the girl's appearance. It was quite clear that Sophie wasn't alright, but Pinkie Pie doubted that her friend would want everyone asking if she was okay. She could only guess that, though, since they hadn't known each other for forever. It probably took a lot to just say hello, with her state right now, so the Ultimate Party Planner probably shouldn't follow-up Atsushi's concern. Pinkie Pie wondered how she should approach this, then, since she wasn't just going to ignore it and just stand there. It wasn't her job to try to dig inside of Sophie to try to figure out what made her like this. But maybe as a friend, it was her job to be there for her if she wanted it. Only if she wanted it.

She was quiet for a moment, waiting for Sophie to respond to Atsushi (or not, if that was the case) and listening for her response. After, she then pointed to the strand of braided hair on her own pink head. "Sophie! Sophie! You see this?" The braid she put on her head was mediocre, best putting it. "You should let me braid this on you too! Ooh! Then... then we could be twinning!!"

Pinkie Pie wasn't sure if she should comment on her mental well-being or not, so she simply made the offer to braid Sophie's hair. The blue-eyed girl wasn't sure how she would even braid her hair, it being this crow's nest that was clearly not taken care of well, but she still wanted to make the offer. It was a simple gesture that required Sophie to just sit there... as she was now. Maybe not appropriate to be braiding someone's hair at a dinner like this, but it would be fine.​
Stiles " Ultimate Sarcasm" Stilinski

" Well, here's the thing- if it's a game and he's trying to hide things from us, he isn't going to want us to go search. We would be the first targets if we uncovered something that was big. Something...."
Stiles paused for a beat and thought about the first kill and the first Killer, his mind starting to piece something together. "Menma, she did something that was breaking the rules and then she became our first killer. I don't think that was a coincidence. But yes, we do. We also have to be careful lest we be tricked into being killed or a killer."

SilverDingo SilverDingo themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
Stiles " Ultimate Sarcasm" Stilinski

Stiles was quiet for a moment and thought about it. "I think if we could find a way to put a spotlight on you, there might be a way to show they are cheating. Maybe do something big that is hard to ignore. Something the audience might like."

SilverDingo SilverDingo themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah
LuckycoolHawk9 LuckycoolHawk9 SilverDingo SilverDingo

"But not violent. Hm. I don't know. I've always been more of an observer than anything else... maybe, we could stage an argument. This dinner would be the perfect setting for it, especially if alcohol is involved. The trick would just be making sure nothing gets out of hand."
Stiles " Ultimate Sarcasm Stilinski

" Yeah, I don't think we want to make it mild, especially if one of us winds up as the next victim because then all eyes could be on you for all the wrong reasons. Maybe we can get into an argument about the fact I never disclosed that I had a baseball bat or something like barging in on your talk with the others. One of us definitely needs to throw a drink in the other's face."

SilverDingo SilverDingo themagnoliaofutah themagnoliaofutah

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