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Fandom Fandomronpa [Closed]

Marie - Ultimate Decapitator
Conference room > Halls > Bedroom > Restaurant
Severia Severia HanikamuKitten HanikamuKitten York York Zenterfold Zenterfold Funnier President Funnier President @Everybody
1646273143232.pngAs both Nana and Cater responded affirmatively to her question, a small smile came to Marie's lips, relief washing over her like a shallow wave against the twilit beach she knew so well. "That's good," she decided. "It's scary, being without Ren, but... I'm happy we can be here for each other. I hope you both can rest." And with that, their chat concluded, her newfound friends- were they friends? Maybe that was a presumptuous title- went their separate ways. Once again, Marie was all alone. It... wasn't a good feeling. No, she very much didn't like it; not at all. But she'd already imposed enough, so... she'd simply have to deal with it.

Opposed to the idea of lazing around in bed all night, Marie instead opted to wander the halls for most of the evening. She wasn't looking for anything in particular, and wasn't exactly thorough in her exploration. It was more like she was a lost soul, simply adrift in the halls. It wasn't until maybe 4 or 5 in the morning that she found her way back to her room, entering cautiously so as to avoid waking Sakurako. She changed out of the clothes she'd been lent by Kasumi, slipping into the more familiar tattered white dress she was accustomed to. She wasn't sure why she did so- maybe simply because all the other clothes she'd been provided brought Ren to mind. If she wore the dress in which she'd stayed in for her 200 years stuck on the twilit beach of Saint Malo, then maybe it would be a little easier to stomach this familiar but wretched loneliness.

In any case, the girl never did get any sleep. Not that she had needed or expected to. Still, the abrupt dinging of her phone startled her, and she frantically grabbed at her tablet in hopes of silencing it. But as she did so, she wound up opening the text and unwittingly activating text to speech, causing Clementine's message to ring out loud and clear through her and Sakurako's room. This prompted a yelp of surprise from Marie, who, for the second time, dropped her tablet and scrambled backward in fear. Fortunately, after several minutes went by with nothing bad happening, she exhaled a relieved sigh and went to retrieve the fallen tablet. "...meet in the restaurant, huh?" Why were Clementine's words being conveyed through the strange little magic box? It didn't make sense, but it wasn't like Marie had anything else to do, anyway. Clementine had been nice to her, too, so if this message really was from her, she was content with that. Still, uh...


kangae_bk.pngShe stared at her roommate for a few long moments, contemplatively. "...Are you awake?" she wondered as she slipped out of her bed. "The strange device says to go to the restaurant." A beat passed. "Maybe I will see you there?" And without anything more than that, she wandered out of the room... and then realized she had no idea where this restaurant place even was. She stalled outside of her bedroom door, a look of deep contemplation upon her face as she glanced up and down the hall. Which way to go..? What if she got lost? Most people would check their map, but given how foreign the tablet and its functions were to her, it didn't even cross her mind.


Well, at least there were several other people coming into the hall, all seeming aware of they were going. Deciding there was a good chance that at least one of them was likely going to the same place as she, Marie followed, and found deep relief upon making it to the restaurant. Better yet, she caught sight of Clementine, Nana and Cater, she slowly wandering over to the latter two. Who seemed to be accompanied by that girl, Shinoa, and a boy she wasn't familiar with. "Hello again," she greeted simply with a small smile. With her change of attire, there was a gruesome scar visible that seemed to encompass her entire neck, but she barely seemed to even realize its presence. "Did you rest well?"

Her question was quickly forgotten as Clementine's voice rang through the room, demanding the group's attention. Partners, huh? That was what everyone had been talking about yesterday, too. But... did they really have to be randomized? Marguerite wasn't sure she was comfortable with the thought. She only really knew a couple of people here, and even then, she didn't truly know them. They'd just exchanged a handful of words, was all. It was difficult for her to interact with people, but approaching total strangers was honestly the hardest of all. So with that in mind, her gaze wandered between Nana and Cater, hesitantly. Clementine was an option too, but she wasn't in Marie's immediate reach. So, awkwardly, the blonde attempted to speak up. "...Um. Nana? Cater?" she began, uncertainly. "Would one of you--... oh." Apparently, her words were poorly timed, because Nana had stood up and started walking off toward Clementine. The blonde deflated a little, but tried to steel her resolve and finish her sentence, even if Cater was now the only one it was posed to. "Ah, would--" Okay he was getting up from his seat too. "W-wait...!" Concern crashed into her like a freight train, and she reached out to gently grasp his wrist, her eyes mildly frantic at the idea of losing both her most familiar options. For Cater, it was certainly a chilling experience; not unlike being touched by a ghost. "Please don't leave," she implored in a murmur, misunderstanding the reason for his getting up. Her urgency gave way to meekness, and she averted her gaze as she found the courage to finish her request in full, difficult as it was. "Um, would you maybe... be my partner? I don't really know anybody but you, Nana and Clementine..."
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Pinkie Pie
Takumi98 Takumi98 Capri Capri lunar_moth lunar_moth Josh Josh and those in the restaurant

Conference Room --> Room G --> Restaurant

10:00 PM

While Pinkie had not been planning to move anytime soon from her spot, it was obviously night-time. The crowd in the Conference Room seemed to disperse, and as much as she hated to think about it, it would be dangerous to sit here by herself unprotected during the night with everyone far away. Ha, what was she thinking? Of course she hated to think about it! She just wanted to refuse to think about it, really, but it was all she wondered about now. Would she ever stop thinking about it? Would anyone here who was sane ever stop thinking? No. They wouldn't. It was a part of their entire lives now, and there was no getting rid of it. But... maybe Pinkie just had to trust everyone here! It was as that blond-haired girl had said earlier: it was a game. They didn't have to participate in it. Pinkie should know that!

After she was done with Usagi's hug of assurance, she patted the girl's head and shakily stood up, looking at Usagi worriedly. She would see her tomorrow, right? Of course she would! She would! She would. No matter what happened here, she would. Even with this denial, the thought of Usagi dying now seemed to swarm throughout Pinkie's head, as the shaking to her legs got worse. No. Usagi... needed to stay! Pinkie bit her lip anxiously before turning around and running towards the Office exit. Her sprinting from Usagi seemed as though she were running away from all her problems. It seemed as though she was fleeing from everything Monokuma said in the room, as she tried to go into obliviousness again.

Now standing in front of her room that said "Room G: Ultimate Survivor, Ultimate Party Planner", she opened it desperately, slamming it behind her. Oh. That was loud. Hopefully, the people in the hallway or her roommate, Sophie, wouldn't be too annoyed. Was Sophie even in the room, yet? Hopefully not. Grasping her pink tablet in her right hand, she ran to her singular bed and placed herself underneath the beige covers. Now that she had the protection of the bed sheets around her thin body, the tears seemed to roll down again. The events of the day replayed over and over in her head, letting her know that she wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. It started with them waking up, apparently taken here... conflict arising between Wanda and the priest-man... Monokuma saying they needed to kill each other to get out of here... him exploding... friends getting injured...

Her sobs started getting louder, although it would get out muffled from the covers so it wouldn't bother Sophie unless she was awake. It would all get worse, wouldn't it? It wouldn't get better, would it? She pushed her straight hair out of her face, which was now stuck to her wet face. How would Pinkie cheer herself up from this, if there was even a way? Was there any direction to cheer up in this place? There must have been! Pinkie had gotten sad before, and always seemed to make herself happy in the end. How had she done it again? She knew her main source of happiness came from other people smiling, but everyone was in their rooms right now, so she couldn't be joyous immediately. So how could she...?

Of course. There was that option. It was the action Pinkie always did when she was normal, anyways! Clearing her throat, she sang out in a voice loud enough that if Sophie was currently not asleep, she would hear it:

"'Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile...
Y-yes I do!
It fills my heart with sunshine all the while
Yes it does! YES IT DOES!
"Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile!

From these happy... from these happy friends of mine!"

The song wasn't the same, though.


6:15 AM

All night. Pinkie Pie hadn't had a wink all night. Mostly spending the time staring at the ceiling, examining her situation, or crying, she hadn't gotten the escape to her dreams that she needed. Her straight hair was all over the place, with her face being dirty and crusty. The huge, dark eye bags hinted that she didn't get enough rest, although many could have already guessed that. Her clothes seemed to be heavily wrinkled as well after going through a bomb and tossing all night. She hadn't had any time to shower last night as well, with all that happened. Since Monokuma said that they would stay here... forever... she most likely needed to take care of her hygiene soon.

Still, she had no motivation to. Instead of taking care of her personal needs, she stayed in her bed, hugging her tablet and bed sheets as if they were life itself. She had no support to move to. She didn't think that she could go, unless she really needed to. She probably needed to right now, since when she did nothing, her mind immediately went to the memories she so desperately wanted to erase. She needed to do something to distract herself from, well, everything.

She was trying to open the PROFILE app earlier on her tablet... perhaps she could search through that? It could be a nice, calming move. Plus, what else would she do? Cry again? Discouraged by the thought of breaking into tears again, she tapped on her bright pink tablet and pressed the PROFILE app, where she was immediately met with many faces. She had seen some of these before, like the priest-man, but she never knew what their names were or who they actually were. Now she would no, and most likely not forget! With Pinkie's memory, she would probably get everyone's name right.

She spent the next moments of her time examining all the "player's" profiles, seeing what they looked like, who they were, their Ultimate Title, their age, and their name. Pinkie wasn't one to forget things about others, so she immediately drilled these facts inside her head, despite her current tired and sad condition. Even though she was memorizing everything of everyone, one thing stood out the most: Sophie's profile.

Reserved | Traumatized | Nervous

Traumatized? This was a word that Pinkie had not heard often, if in fact ever. What was Sophie traumatized about? Pinkie could see the "reserved" and "nervous" part of the girl, but traumatized? What had happened to the girl? Was it serious? Did it have to do with the situation they were now in?

Before Pinkie could wonder any longer, she was suddenly interrupted by a message from a girl named "Clementine". Pinkie saw that name on the profile list, and if she could remember, this name connected to the face that was panicking over Pyramid Head's- well, Tobi's- ripping of the elevator door. That moment seemed like ages ago. So much had changed in the moment of a day. Well, whoever she was, Pinkie clicked on the notification to see the message that had been sent to everyone:

"Hey, everyone, please meet in the restaurant as soon as possible. It's really important.
- Clementine"

Pinkie took a shuddering breath, staring at the message for a moment, before typing a message back. If Pinkie were to turn back to normal, she needed to start acting like she normally would! It was unlikely Pinkie would ever be the same after all this, but she wanted to turn the same. She wanted to not be sad. She wanted to be happy. Fun. Excited. Outgoing. Loud. She wanted to be everything she is, and she would be!

Her fingers slowly went across the on-screen keyboard, typing and sending the message of:

"okie-dokie!! i'll be there lickety-split!
- P. Pie"

Now sending this text, she needed to get moving. She couldn't say she would get there fast, and then get there slow. Pinkie was a lot of things, but she wasn't a liar! However, even as she thought she wasn't a liar, she still laid there for a few minutes, not wanting to face the reality of everything again. Couldn't she just stay in the bed, not seeing anyone who would remind her of all the... killing again? She only seemed to stir after Sophie went up and left the room, pushing the covers off of her body. The coldness that went into her seemed to motivate her now to get moving. She stood up, but didn't seem to bother to clean herself up. The only thing she did was wipe her face with her arms, although it didn't help much.

After this, she checked her tablet again, looking at the MAP app. Okay... the restaurant area seemed to be right next to when they walked out of the reception area. Alright. Now having this in her head, she began walking over to the hallway, in the elevator, through the reception, and into the restaurant, where she saw Clementine and others were already gathered and talking to each other. Pinkie, fitting in to what others were doing, sat down with Sophie and others.

Pinkie nodded at Clementine's words, thinking about them carefully. However, since she didn't get any sleep last night, she couldn't think about them as much. A group controlling them? Monokuma saying "we"? It made absolutely no sense to her. She did wrap her mind around how the girl was saying how they needed partners, though. Partners. Who would Pinkie Pie partner with? She immediately got this question answered when the friends around her started speaking of this, saying how Pinkie could partner with Sophie. They were now asking if Pinkie was alright with this? Pinkie didn't mind this at all! Not only would it be easier for her, with aligned rooms and all, but Pinkie had already grown to Sophie.

She seemed to be happy with the arrangement, even through her sleep-deprived state. "Okay!" She turned to Sophie. Pinkie had tried to sob all her feelings away last night, so now she was trying to be cheerful again. The last thing she needed was others still frowning at her. She needed to see others smile! If she saw others smile, she was sure to cheer up more. "That's... A-Okay with me!"
Zenterfold Zenterfold @Restaurant

Everything happened rather quickly. From their dismissals and back to bed; it was in the grueling silence that the gravity of it all could weigh over everything. According to Monokuma, they were stuck here. Forever. Not unless they killed one another. These innocent souls, dragged into an unwitting battle for cruel entertainment. But if that bear only spoke the truth... It kept mentioning a "we." As if it spoke with knowledge that its very source of aforementioned entertainment were among them...

The train of thought derailed at his device's notification; he wasn't falling asleep anytime soon, anyway.

The vague contents of the message earned a raised eyebrow. Clementine was the younger girl in the odd cap, wasn't she? The one with a tongue more pragmatic and walked than the adolescents back home. His roommate's device pinged, too, quelling the sole suspicion that he was being singled out. With a smirk, Hamilton replied.

On my way.
- A. Ham

Upon reaching the restaurant, he initially remained quiet while listening to Clementine's words. He grinned, amused at how much her suspicions about a supposed murderer amid their group matched his own thoughts. Not to mention her idea for the meeting was to assert Hamilton's (and Nana's) idea; a fact that had him smiling with an expected pride.

"What the priest proclaims." Hamilton nodded respectfully to Kotomine as he appeared beside them. He could take solace in how the priest and his attire were the most familiar of the group. "You're rather young to be emboldened for these games and with such sayings. But, as you just sang, we can only prevent until this proposed 'impostor' thrusts fang."

"In other words, I will take the more indiscriminate method."
This way, if his partner happened to be a suspected killer, Hamilton would have deniability. Taking into consideration the chances of more than one suspect, it's more credible to take the randomized chance if suspicions happened to rouse around himself. Not that Hamilton lacked confidence in defending himself—it was never harmful to have extra reassurance.​
Trusty Patches - Restaurant

Some guy called patches was the one to speak next. What right did he think he have to say something like that? Was he trying to start something? Did he want people to kill? Cater tried to keep his cool, despite the BS this man was spewing. Cater stood from his seat too.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Kay, king? There’s no use being so sour all the time. We gotta have hope if we want to make it out, and everything will work out. Clem’s plan is based, and I agree the second partners should be randomized. Nana, you said you had a better idea for it?”

HanikamuKitten HanikamuKitten

Patches facepalmed like he had just realized a terrible mistake, but he ironically smiled. "Tch. Damn! What was I thinking, confusing hope for lies?" he snickered as he shrugged, "Sorry, mate. Won't happen again. Promise."
The man began, looking over to Patches while maintaining his overbearing expression. "I wonder, would it assuage or exacerbate your concerns to know that even mine own student refers to me as a fake priest? Man of the cloth I may be, but I assure you, I am unlike any cleric you have met before," he said, before moving his gaze over to Patches's other partner, the little girl whom he had been informally partnered with all this time anyway, one Shinobu Oshino. "Then again, perhaps it is just as well. I imagine I must have slain as many vampires and undead as that little girl must have slain men in her time. Might I presume correctly?" He asked the blonde girl with a wry smile, before continuing on. "But then, perhaps this will be a place of many firsts, if both parties are willing to put aside our... petty differences," Kotomine finished, his latter words laced with a self-aware irony to them.​

Verite Verite


"Don't try to humor me," Patches replied, his usual demeanor once again vanishing, "You rotten clerics are all the same; I've seen your kind throughout every age. There's no point in pretending to do good. You're just as tainted by your own personal greed as everyone else! Why don't you just give up the charade then, eh? That's something that would make you unlike any cleric I've met before, that's for sure." He then shot a smug grin. "But I must say; I applaud your student, I do. Sounds like he's got his wits about him! Maybe you'd do well to learn from him?"

"Thou doest not have the right to call me by that name," Shinobu responded in a very slightly annoyed but more so disinterested tone. "Not once did I lie nor proclaim to be acquainted. You ought to be thankful, as I gave you my actual name, unlike this here device that only knows how to spout out information it gleaned from strangers' fantasies, like names given by a man whom believes in invisible crabs, or ages told to satisfy the curiosity of a boy that believes in vampires." Shinobu simply began walking away when Patches claimed the two of them had agreed to follow one another. "Keep me out of your silly partnerships and plans, by the way. Thine partnerships will only lead to death blamed on a living partner with less conviction than the killer, and as much as I dislike the needlessly tedious process, I would prefer not to lose this game because everyone else agreed to dumb rules that benefitted nobody. Look out for yourself, not for others."

Shinobu proceeded to take seat on the nearest chair, pulling a device that looked somewhat similar to a Nintendo DS from seemingly thin air and starting to play a game whilst Kotomine began conversing with Patches and her. "Thou wouldst not happen know what a pile of corpses taller than a castle looks like, would thee?" Shinobu said with a very distant and uncaring tone. "Do not compare your pitiful self-righteous extermination of the supernatural with the number of vile, filthy demons that I have seen perish. With all certainty, I have killed more abominations in a singular week of my lifetime than you have in all your years of false righteousness. Now if you do not mind, I would rather entertain myself than be dragged into your silly game of politics, lest you blame me for your inability to hold back something as petty as bloodlust."

Shinobu didn't look up from her game at all when she addressed Kotomine, clearly holding no interest in him beyond stating her position on everything. To her, none of whatever this was, held any purpose or meaning, and she saw no need to be involved with anyone else here, except maybe the white-haired boy. He seemed like he might be a good replacement for Koyomi for the time being, based on what she's seen and the info listed in the tablet. "You, white-haired boy," Shinobu spoke as she looked up from her game and at Atsushi. "I don't particularly like this whole partner thing everyone's trying to set up, but if I must have a partner, I would prefer it be someone whom is at the very least pleasant to look at."
Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe

"--Wh?" The thief's words were caught in his throat, his eyes wide in surprise. His expression seemed to twitch, like he wasn't sure how to react. He didn't actually care what the girl thought of him, but he instead cared about what she thought of his image. And his persona had been quite thoroughly embarrassed, indeed. He considered giving up right then and there, but that wasn't like him.

"Aw, now wait! Let's just calm down," he began with almost puppy-dog eyes, "I did you wrong, I know. But I didn't mean it. It's been so long since I've been around people who are actually sane. You know how it is, don't you?" He paused. "I don't know what land you hail from, but Undead like us should stick together, lest we be corralled and slain by blokes like that one," he remarked as he gestured at Kotomine, "Now, I'm not stupid enough to expect you to forgive me right off the bat, of course." His face wrinkled with yet another smile. "But whatever happens, you'll always be a friend to me. Honest."
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It was definitely quite the process to keep track of who wanted to be with who but, within the hour, Clementine had managed to pair off everyone. She had even gone ahead and drawn for the people who hadn't even bothered to show up. Either they would be informed later of what they were doing or would choose not to participate regardless. It was unfortunate but Clementine was under no illusion that over thirty people could be told to do anything.

"I hope everyone is happy with these as I'm not going to try that again," Clementine said once it was all finished. "Let's try and stick with our physical partners when we can, though nighttime can be an exception if we are in our rooms. We should definitely send off messages at 8AM, noon, and 10PM."

She then left to record the info on the chalkboard in the Café.
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Icee Icee R U S T R U S T @ others
For the first time that day, a smile flitted across Louise's face. She didn't know either of them very well, but Claude seemed nice, at least. She wasn't very sure about Tobi - he had seemed so eager over violence, after all - but she figured she had more than enough experience dealing with violent people to keep things from getting too chaotic. The woman typed out a quick message to the ninja - a simple "hi!" would do. She then awkwardly stood and made her way over to the strategist, giving a small wave.

Cater Diamond

GamblingGoblins GamblingGoblins 0ttonomous 0ttonomous @anyoneelse

Cater hadn’t heard Marie’s first quiet pleas. He was focused on the conversation at hand.

"Tch. Damn! What was I thinking, confusing hope for lies? Sorry, mate. Won't happen again. Promise."

The sarcasm in the guys voice was not lost on him, but his attention was drawn away as he felt a tug on his arm.

"Please don't leave,"

His eyes widened. Marie’s voice sounded so fragile and desperate. He began to tune out the conversation the others were having and focused solely on Marie. He hadn’t noticed when Marie first joined them, but now with his attention solely on her, he saw the mark around her neck. It looked like a pretty bad scar. What had she gone through?

"Um, would you maybe... be my partner? I don't really know anybody but you, Nana and Clementine..."

“Alright.” He said without hesitation. Marie had already been high on his potential partner list, and there was no way he could deny her like this. He sat back down in his chair and grabbed her hand to guide her back into hers.

“We can stick together, okay? I won’t leave your side again. I promise.” He stuck out his pinky, inviting her to seal the pinky promise. He gave her one of his signature Cater smiles. Not the kind from a Magicam selfie, but a real, genuine one. He was so glad that Marie wanted to be his partner. He felt a strong connection between them, a dangerous thing in this game of life or death. However, he was determined to protect her, and hopefully find out the past that she’d gone through to make her so timid.
Zenterfold Zenterfold Xeppy Xeppy Josh Josh @Crunch Takumi98 Takumi98 lunar_moth lunar_moth @EveryoneElse

"Makes sense…" Sophie said to Atsushi, nodding to Pinkie in confirmation, "But… what about you?"

She yawned before speaking again, "I mean… I would say Usagi, but… I don't know, she seems like she'd be closer with Wanda…"

"Ah, I-" Atsushi started, crossing his arms as a thoughtful look crossed his face only to be interrupted.

Shinobu Oshino

"Thou doest not have the right to call me by that name," Shinobu responded in a very slightly annoyed but more so disinterested tone. "Not once did I lie nor proclaim to be acquainted. You ought to be thankful, as I gave you my actual name, unlike this here device that only knows how to spout out information it gleaned from strangers' fantasies, like names given by a man whom believes in invisible crabs, or ages told to satisfy the curiosity of a boy that believes in vampires." Shinobu simply began walking away when Patches claimed the two of them had agreed to follow one another. "Keep me out of your silly partnerships and plans, by the way. Thine partnerships will only lead to death blamed on a living partner with less conviction than the killer, and as much as I dislike the needlessly tedious process, I would prefer not to lose this game because everyone else agreed to dumb rules that benefitted nobody. Look out for yourself, not for others."

Shinobu proceeded to take seat on the nearest chair, pulling a device that looked somewhat similar to a Nintendo DS from seemingly thin air and starting to play a game whilst Kotomine began conversing with Patches and her. "Thou wouldst not happen know what a pile of corpses taller than a castle looks like, would thee?" Shinobu said with a very distant and uncaring tone. "Do not compare your pitiful self-righteous extermination of the supernatural with the number of vile, filthy demons that I have seen perish. With all certainty, I have killed more abominations in a singular week of my lifetime than you have in all your years of false righteousness. Now if you do not mind, I would rather entertain myself than be dragged into your silly game of politics, lest you blame me for your inability to hold back something as petty as bloodlust."

Shinobu didn't look up from her game at all when she addressed Kotomine, clearly holding no interest in him beyond stating her position on everything. To her, none of whatever this was, held any purpose or meaning, and she saw no need to be involved with anyone else here, except maybe the white-haired boy. He seemed like he might be a good replacement for Koyomi for the time being, based on what she's seen and the info listed in the tablet. "You, white-haired boy," Shinobu spoke as she looked up from her game and at Atsushi. "I don't particularly like this whole partner thing everyone's trying to set up, but if I must have a partner, I would prefer it be someone whom is at the very least pleasant to look at."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ♡ ♡ ♡  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

View attachment 963382

When Pinkie’s arms tense around her body, Usagi squeezes back, just a bit, like a silent reassurance: I’m here. If nothing else, you’ve got me. Got us.

That would just have to do for now. Some people thought it was silly to bank so much on the power of friendship, but sometimes, that was all you had.

Meeting room —> Restaurant

In the restaurant, Usagi’s stomach gives a pitiful rumble at the sight of food, even in its meagre form of dry spaghetti noodles. She giggles sheepishly, hand rubbing the back of her head. Hey, she’s a growing girl, and a busy day and night with no food takes a lot out of you!

She considers her new-formed posse’s suggestions. It would make a lot of sense for the roommates to stick together when possible, she reasons, and mentally takes Pinkie and Sophie off her list of potential partners. She’s about to open her mouth and suggest Atsushi join her and Wanda, just in case they encounter trouble, because frankly Usagi’s not sure she’ll be able to do anything to fight back if someone does start a fight, but a blonde girl seemingly claims him first. She’s playing on something that keeps beeping. Usagi cocks her head at it like a puppy — okay, now that one really looks like Ami’s pocket computer, but she’s not sure what that girl could be computing now of all times. She claps her hands together to bring her own attention back to the subject at hand.

“Oh, okay! I guess if everybody’s okay with that, then that just leaves me and Wanda-san! I’m glad it works out so easily,” Usagi chirps. She’s a little relieved. At least Wanda-san could be scary when she tried. Without her brooch working, Usagi wasn’t really much stronger than one of those uncooked noodles. She had heart at least, but muscle would have been helpful too.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   Xeppy Xeppy Capri Capri Takumi98 Takumi98 Josh Josh Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Eh?" Oh, okay. Blinking briefly at his counterpart as she pretty much chose him...based on his looks? Was...was that a compliment of some kind? Or did he remind her of someone?

Usagi seemed okay with this choice, so things oddly worked out as the group he found himself in paired off.

He was quick to notice that Kotomine was his other partner, which he wasn't sure how to feel about but he wouldn't complain. The weretiger glanced at the small blonde momentarily.

"Is there something you'd prefer to be called other than Shinobu?" He asked the vampire, remembering that she had been called something else other than Shinobu, though he was sure that it might not matter much to the girl in question.

Xeppy Xeppy lunar_moth lunar_moth Capri Capri Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe @Restaurant
Marie - Ultimate Decapitator
HanikamuKitten HanikamuKitten Funnier President Funnier President Severia Severia Crimson Baron Crimson Baron @TheTable:coolshades:
sinpai_bk.pngAt first, Marguerite wasn't even sure that Cater heard her. It made her more than a little nervous that both of the people she'd spoken to most might leave her, but she found relief in the fact that he looked back to her once she grasped his arm. She relaxed her grip, letting go of his wrist and instead wrapping her arms loosely around herself for comfort as she became aware of how he was looking at her. "Um... you're staring," she pointed out, blunt, but as soft as ever as she averted her eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" Maybe it was because she'd touched him...? Though it had been subtle, she recalled that Nana had seemed uncomfortable when Marie had touched her before. Sure, neither she nor Cater had lost their heads from her touch, but maybe these people just weren't familiar with physical contact? She could certainly relate to that, but since meeting Ren, it had become just slightly easier for her to initiate. But maybe she should've held back?

Wait. What had he just said?

Despite her initial assumption that she'd done something bad, Cater had agreed to her request. She was a little surprised by how easily he accepted, given she didn't feel like anybody here had much reason to happily pair with her, but she certainly wasn't ungrateful. In fact, she visibly perked up as he went on, dropping her arms to her sides as the tension left her muscles. "Really? You don't mind?" It seemed too good to be true, honestly. And oddly enough, his kindness didn't even stop there. Before she knew it, he'd actually grabbed her hand and began leading her back to her seat. It was incredibly odd, having someone else actually choose to initiate physical contact with her, but it was a phenomenon that she welcomed in full once she got over the shock of it. Especially because of one particular sensation she noticed while his hand still gripped her cool skin. "Eheh... You're very warm." Probably a silly thing to observe, but given how alien this kind of touch was to her, she couldn't help but make that observation. It was a nice feeling. But after she was seated and he let go, she found herself surprised once again by the gentle words he spoke.

For a long few moments, all she could do was stare at him in silent awe with wide eyes. She wasn't really sure what she could say to that; nobody had ever made such a promise to her before, not even Cagliostro, who had been her eternal devotee and only visitor in her realm suspended from time. She felt a spark of happiness at the notion of not having to worry about being left alone again, but... she didn't want to get her hopes up only for them to crash back down. So despite how giddy the words made her feel, she seemed slightly uncertain, and once again sought affirmation despite the clear sincerity of Cater's words. "Do you really mean that?" she asked, unable to hide the hopefulness in her voice. Before she could get an answer, her eyes finally caught sight of Cater's extended pinky, at which she tilted her head curiously. "Ah..." She raised her hand slowly toward his, but rather than completing the pinky promise, she simply pointed at it. "What does this mean?" Yup. Partnering with her was going to be a handful. Hopefully Cater wouldn't mind.

In any case, as invested as she was in this exchange, Clementine's announcement did catch her attention as well. But even then... she had no idea who Frank was(despite him sitting literally like a few feet away), nor how to 'text' him. But, uh, she could figure that out later? Probably?
Kirei Kotomine

"Oh, I assure you, I am already indeed quite unlike any other cleric you've met before," Kotomine only said briefly to Patches, unfazed by his harsh words. He was never one to enjoy verbal sparring with others unless he could ascertain a point to the conversation, like his waxing poetic like Wanda; Kotomine lacked much of a sense of ego enough for trading verbal blows, and only smiled knowingly to himself in front of the other man, finding a private amusement in his inherent dislike for Kotomine for what seemed to be a surface reason more than anything, not that it particularly concerned him the long run.

If anything, it was Shinobu who caught Kotomine's interest more. He said nothing, could not say anything nor felt it necessary to retort back to the vampire, but she interested him all the same. A vampire who appeared as a young Westerner whose demure exterior hid the true inhumanity that lay within. She reminded Kotomine of the mythical daughter of the Crimson Moon, known only as legend in hushed voices between the Church and the Association, but even though the man was certain this was a different entity entirely, the similarities filled him with equal measure curiosity and amusement. As an Executor of the Church, it was part of his ordained duty to exterminate such an aberration to the world of man, but it seemed that he could make an exception this one time, if only because he refused to play into the hands of another, certainly not a wisecracking bear.

Perhaps she would be the one to kill him first if she felt so inclined. That was the whole point of this game, after all. To be allowed to escape, or die trying.

Once the partners had all been settled upon in the meantime, Kotomine tilted his head slightly, and gave an indifferent shrug. "As good as any. I am above favoritism myself, and if nothing else, anyone who was to be partnered with me ought to be in good hands," he said, placing a hand to his heart as he spoke, giving his physical partner, Trixie, a nod of acknowledgement.

Noting Atsushi to be his messaging partner, the man approached the younger boy while he was in conversation with Shinobu, answering the white-haired boy's question for him. "Monster, bloodsucker, maneater, or perhaps ghoul wearing the skin of a human. I should keep my wits about if I were you, boy, lest you find yourself as the girl's next meal," he said to Atsushi while his gaze fixated on Shinobu once again, as though attempting to peer into her soul like he had effortlessly done with Wanda and Faust before. That all said, while he had agreed to "play nice" insofar as he wouldn't make an attempt on her life, he had little active interest in finding common ground with her, even in a life or death situation.

"But rejoice, young man, for I shall keep a faithful eye on you, at least over these accursed tablets. And in turn, I will be counting on you to... make sure everyone is in place, after all."

Interactions: Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe 0ttonomous 0ttonomous Takumi98 Takumi98
Mentions: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Others Present: All
Shinobu Oshino

When Atsushi asked if Shinobu wished to be called by another name, she gave a faint smile. The smile was a real, honest smile, albeit it wasn't very much of one. "Pleasant to look at and actually respectful of others. The name is Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade. As it is a mouthful, however, I permit thee to refer to me as Kiss-Shot or, out of respect for thine decency, Shinobu will also suffice." Shinobu proceeded to glance toward Kotomine. "Clearly you are not above favouritism, seeing as thine mouth knows only how to spew slanderous words without any knowledge of the individual whom you spout them about. Not all bloodsucking, man-eating monsters. You mortals are a more apt example of those terms than most vampires I have known."

Shinobu stood up and closed her game, slipping it down her shirt, however the device left no visible protrusion nor did it fall through, leading any observers to likely presume it completely gone. "I digress, as it is a pitiful waste of time trying to convince a cultist that they are more twisted than most mortal-form oddities." Shinobu then proceeded to pull out her tablet and send two messages. The first was to her assigned "partner", Stiles. 'I shalt be heading to mine room and remaining there the remainder of this morning.' She then proceeded to message Patches. I shall meet thee in the room to discuss things of most strategic importance, come up with some excuse so it dost not seem like a meeting of us two, feel free to delay thine arrival however long necessary to appease the imbeciles that agreed to this ridiculous parner farce.

After sending the two messages, Shinobu looked toward Atsushi. "I shalt be taking time to rest within mine room, I will not compel thee to escort me there as you are capable of determining for yourself what you wish to do. Albeit thou might wisheth find a group not including the delusional cult priest to be part of for the morning, as I require a brief period of rest." Afterwards, Shinobu began on the way to her room, however being patient and giving plenty of time for Atsushi to decide what he wished to do as well as willingly stopping should anyone attempt to engage her in conversation as at this point. She's already been introduced to the person she knows she will least like, might as well learn the names and false fronts of everyone in the room that desires to reveal their disgustingly false personas.
Zenterfold Zenterfold Xeppy Xeppy Takumi98 Takumi98 Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe Josh Josh lunar_moth lunar_moth Verite Verite Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts @AnyoneElse

Sophie turned over to Pinkie, nodding in approval. While the girl's hyperactivity may get on her nerves, she was still overall rather friendly to be around. Pinkie seems overall mortified of the concept of death, so maybe being with her would be good, as Sophie has a sense that she’s familiar with death.

Sophie pulled out her tablet, running through the list to find Clem’s contact. The Ultimate Survivalist, huh.

"funny. Ultimate survivor and ultimate survivalist are texting partners. Don't think you can get any advice from me i don’t know what i survived,"

Putting it away, she looked at the scene surrounding her. Shinobu was making demands on Atsushi, and Kotomine was making accusations of Shinobu being a beast.

"…I don’t get it…" Sophie said, before turning back to Pinkie, "Well, whatever… I’m kinda… hungry. Wanna get some food? Waffles? Donuts? Pancakes? See if they have that back there or something,"

She yawned. Sophie was trying to make Pinkie more comfortable, maybe some food would be nice.​
As Menma woke, her body screamed in pain- and her head hurt. As her eyes darted around her surroundings, she recalled what happened yesterday; and where she was.


She stood to her feet with a few moans and groans, seeing Clementine's memo light up on her tablet- she made her way to where the other girl was.


She let out a deep sigh as everyone bickered- Menma didn't care who she was paired with, if they got in her way she'd put them in their place; she didn't need a partner in the first place. Her gaze then shot to the blond boy who had been hiding from her since they started, and as much as he thought he was hidden- she had seen him creeping around.

"What's your deal?" She said, before standing to her feet and walking over to him.

Zenterfold Zenterfold OneBigParadox OneBigParadox @ anyone​
Kirei Kotomine

View attachment 963467
"Oh, I assure you, I am already indeed quite unlike any other cleric you've met before," Kotomine only said briefly to Patches, unfazed by his harsh words. He was never one to enjoy verbal sparring with others unless he could ascertain a point to the conversation, like his waxing poetic like Wanda; Kotomine lacked much of a sense of ego enough for trading verbal blows, and only smiled knowingly to himself in front of the other man, finding a private amusement in his inherent dislike for Kotomine for what seemed to be a surface reason more than anything, not that it particularly concerned him the long run.

If anything, it was Shinobu who caught Kotomine's interest more. He said nothing, could not say anything nor felt it necessary to retort back to the vampire, but she interested him all the same. A vampire who appeared as a young Westerner whose demure exterior hid the true inhumanity that lay within. She reminded Kotomine of the mythical daughter of the Crimson Moon, known only as legend in hushed voices between the Church and the Association, but even though the man was certain this was a different entity entirely, the similarities filled him with equal measure curiosity and amusement. As an Executor of the Church, it was part of his ordained duty to exterminate such an aberration to the world of man, but it seemed that he could make an exception this one time, if only because he refused to play into the hands of another, certainly not a wisecracking bear.

Perhaps she would be the one to kill him first if she felt so inclined. That was the whole point of this game, after all. To be allowed to escape, or die trying.

Once the partners had all been settled upon in the meantime, Kotomine tilted his head slightly, and gave an indifferent shrug. "As good as any. I am above favoritism myself, and if nothing else, anyone who was to be partnered with me ought to be in good hands," he said, placing a hand to his heart as he spoke, giving his physical partner, Trixie, a nod of acknowledgement.

Noting Atsushi to be his messaging partner, the man approached the younger boy while he was in conversation with Shinobu, answering the white-haired boy's question for him. "Monster, bloodsucker, maneater, or perhaps ghoul wearing the skin of a human. I should keep my wits about if I were you, boy, lest you find yourself as the girl's next meal," he said to Atsushi while his gaze fixated on Shinobu once again, as though attempting to peer into her soul like he had effortlessly done with Wanda and Faust before. That all said, while he had agreed to "play nice" insofar as he wouldn't make an attempt on her life, he had little active interest in finding common ground with her, even in a life or death situation.

"But rejoice, young man, for I shall keep a faithful eye on you, at least over these accursed tablets. And in turn, I will be counting on you to... make sure everyone is in place, after all."

Interactions: Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe 0ttonomous 0ttonomous Takumi98 Takumi98
Mentions: Phantom Thief of Hearts Phantom Thief of Hearts
Others Present: All

Kotomine's approach had been spared a glance from Atsushi, but it was two particular words from the looming figure that gave him pause. His lips pursed as his gaze remained on the man.

Maneater, Monster.

Those words could apply to him just as well, in fact those words might as well have been thrown at him instead. He was the White Reaper after all. Before that, the man-eating tiger who-

I will be counting on you to... make sure everyone is in place, after all

Perhaps it was the closest he'd get to an order here in this place other than possibly from Shinobu based on her speech patterns, but...

He had people to protect now he realized; Pinkie, Sophie, and Usagi, now with Shinobu as well with them now being partners, and that meant that he had to give his all to keep them safe or he'd be utterly worthless to anyone else.

Those unable to protect others does not deserve to live. Those were words that stuck with him for so long. He had to live, because at the end of the day he had someone else to protect.

The people he had sat by now were no threat to him as they were, which could be seen as a blessing or a curse (or even both) but only time will tell. The real threats were among a few others currently, outside of the potential traitor.

Refocusing on Kotomine and the present, Atsushi stared at him for a moment, regarding him quietly. Perhaps it was a subconscious response to the looming figure nearby, but he straightened in his seat and his eyes sharpened.

"I will do all I can, that you can be sure of." Was his response, before turning to Shinobu as she addressed him, saying that she would be heading to her room to rest and giving him the option to escort her or remain where he was, more or less.

"I'll escort you, Shinobu." He spoke as he stood from his seat to follow, giving one last glance to the girls he sat with, he turned without another word.

There had been something about Kotomine that had been off to the white haired boy, even before Wanda mentioned the man's past that he didn't deny. He didn't know how to feel about it, or his current situation regarding his two partners.

Shinobu is not my main concern regarding my own safety right now, even if I wouldn't trust most of the people here, regardless of how much of their powers they still have in this place. I won't ask you to get along with her or even tolerate her, but I'll still put some trust in your words regarding our partnership.

Kotomine would receive a text from Atsushi as the white haired young man made his way beside Shinobu. He didn't really trust the man, or many here, but he really had no choice but to put a small degree of faith in the priest and his words. A microscopic degree, maybe.

Verite Verite Capri Capri Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe lunar_moth lunar_moth Xeppy Xeppy Josh Josh @Others @Restaurant
Last edited:
Café > Restaurant

Clementine was on her back from the Café when she got Sophie's text. She stared at it for long enough that it disappeared on her screen, annoying her that they could not hold on to their messages. She had yet to talk to Sophie much though she had wondered if her title meant that she came from a place like Clementine's. As Sophie seemed to be suffering memory loss, perhaps it was possible. Clementine wiped her hands on her pants to rid herself of the chalk dust before responding. "I know what I've survived," she texted back, though after a moment realized that might sound a bit brusque. "I never considered there might be a place where I didn't have to survive every day."

As she wheeled herself up to Menma and Butters, she texted Sophie once more. "Sorry, are you experiencing memory loss?"

She then gave Menma and Butters a smile, though never seemed the most sociable. "How are you guys holding up?" she asked.

Capri Capri Ghost_Candy Ghost_Candy OneBigParadox OneBigParadox

The moment Patches talked to her, Nana looked into his eyes and understood the meaning behind it. Dealing with this type of person while she was having this much attention was definitely not ideal, but she really couldn't afford to ignore it and let this guy—

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Kay, king? There’s no use being so sour all the time. We gotta have hope if we want to make it out, and everything will work out. Clem’s plan is based, and I agree the second partners should be randomized. Nana, you said you had a better idea for it?”

Nana turned to Cater who provided much needed support and gave him a broad smile. "I know right. It's true that we gotta have hope!" and rushed back to the table as she merrily said that to him. Then, Marie happened to pick that timing to ask him to be her partner. The pink girl smiled satisfyingly and let them have their moment as she turned to look at Patches again. After spending some time observing him as well as the two people he talked to, the ultimate class leader briefly closed her eyes as if finished analyzing and turned to Clem. "How else you asked? Just leave it to the ultimate class leader and enjoy your spaghetti! Oh and about my partner, can I just pair with my roommate here? As for the method..." Looking at Frank, she gave him another broad smile before coming up with the idea...

Then the list came out. Nana looked at the board for a long while before glancing around. After failed to find the desired person, she picked up her smartphone and skillfully typed the message.

"Hi Mono-san ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Apparently we are a messaging partner! (^∇^) I will tell you in detail about it when we meet next time! Or if you want to hear now you can come meet me at the (˚▽˚)☞ restaurant ☜(˚▽˚)"

After pressing the send button, Nana looked up and witnessed the scene between Cater and Marie. "It's called a pinky promise. Basically, you intertwine your pinky finger with his and from now on he will have to keep that promise no matter what." After affectionately answered Marie's question before Cater could do it, the girl glanced at her roommate.

It's probably a good thing Shinoa was sleepy almost to the point of comatose. Nana could imagine a line like "Don't you know? It's a way to signify a promise. If you break it, you lose that finger!" as well as a reaction Marie would make upon hearing that.

"Marie, Cater." After waiting for a while, Nana called both of them and suggested in a reliable and confident tone "What do you think about stepping up our game and sticking together as a group of four? It's not like Clem strictly restricted us to stay in only one pair and I really want to spend time with you guys after all!"

Location: Restaurant

0ttonomous 0ttonomous HanikamuKitten HanikamuKitten Funnier President Funnier President Zenterfold Zenterfold Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist GamblingGoblins GamblingGoblins Crimson Baron Crimson Baron
Zenterfold Zenterfold

"its my medication. i take anti anxiety pills and a side effect is memory loss. my teenage years are a blur."

Taking a moment, Sophie texted again.

"im off my medication. some stuffs coming back to me. i think something bad happened to my mom."

Taking a moment to breathe, she texted Clem one last time before Clem could respond.

"your home sounds rough. i was going to see my friend jenny to play video games before all this happened. i hope she's okay."

They weren't just friends, but she was scared of the reaction people might have if they figure out she's dating a woman.
It was definitely quite the process to keep track of who wanted to be with who but, within the hour, Clementine had managed to pair off everyone. She had even gone ahead and drawn for the people who hadn't even bothered to show up. Either they would be informed later of what they were doing or would choose not to participate regardless. It was unfortunate but Clementine was under no illusion that over thirty people could be told to do anything.

The pairings were:

Physical Partners
Stiles + Trusty
Hugo + Mono
Claude + Louise
Sunset + Yumeko
Frank + Butters
Hamilton + Sera
Shinobu + Atsushi
Marcus + Shikuro
Faust + Tobi
Pinkamena + Sophie
Usagi + Wanda
Cater + Marie
Nana + Shinoa
Clementine + Menma
Sakurako + Aru
Trixie + Kotomine

Messaging Partners
Tobi + Louise
Shinoa + Shikuro
Stiles + Shinobu
Wanda + Pinkamena
Trusty + Aru
Sera + Trixie
Clementine + Sophie
Menma + Claude
Hugo + Sakurako
Faust + Butters
Cater + Usagi
Kotomine + Atsushi
Mono + Nana
Frank + Marie
Marcus + Sunset
Yumeko + Hamilton

"I hope everyone is happy with these as I'm not going to try that again," Clementine said once it was all finished. "Let's try and stick with our physical partners when we can, though nighttime can be an exception if we are in our rooms. We should definitely send off messages at 8AM, noon, and 10PM."

She then left to record the info on the chalkboard in the Café.

For Sera getting a messaging partner meant absolutely nothing, because despite everything she had no damn clue how the device worked. Pointing on a picture was definitely easier than actually getting to grips with the piece of technology. Not that Sera would tell anyone that. So that left her phone inside one of her pockets, pretty much forgotten.

Now an actual buddy that was something different. Sera would go up to Hamilton and tap him on his shoulder. "Hi there! I'm Sera! Very lovely and nice. I hope you're not going to stab me to death in my sleep or something! Because that would be a shite move."

AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa
Frank Zhang

And he was practically ignored. Everybody seemed too busy to even heard him say anything. Slumping down on his seat, Frank tried not to look that disappointed.


They had finally figured out partners, so that was good. For his physical companion, he had Butters. Frank vaguely remembered him from the list of people on the tablet. He seemed like an OK guy, but Frank couldn’t spot him here. Shrugging to himself, he looked over at the girl with the scar on her neck…. Ultimate Decapitator, Marie? He wondered why she was called that. Well, he was her texting partner.

Time to do the share-his-dream part. Standing up on his table, he shouted

“People, lend me your ears!”

He was suddenly aware of a lot of eyes turning on him, and although there was a bead of sweat rolling down his back, he began to talk.

“S-so everyone, I got something to say. So, I had this dream…. And it, well, uh, kind of showed me some stuff that was going down on my world?” Taking a deep breath, he continued. “I managed to see my friends sneaking into Odysseus’s old palace like we planned. I’m guessing that this means that things in our, well, worlds are continuing on, and that people we care about are ok. Probably worrying about us a lot…. That’s just my best guess from what I saw though. I can explain it more, if you guys want.”

Maybe he had gone to overboard on this…

Interactions: Severia Severia , 0ttonomous 0ttonomous , Zenterfold Zenterfold , GamblingGoblins GamblingGoblins , Crimson Baron Crimson Baron , HanikamuKitten HanikamuKitten , @Restruant_Folks, Anyone else who wants to see Roman Boi.​

Claude Von Riegan

Ultimate Stratigist

Claude had no qualms with the people he was paired with. While it was true that he could probably trust no one in their current situation, he really didn't see much wrong with Louise. He had interacted with her first, back when they investigated the office together. Sticking around her didn't sound too bad. He didn't know Menma well however he did recall she was the most hurt onnthe explosion. And she had been the first to show agressiveness toward the bear. It seemed oretty safe to guess she was also on their side. Sharing his location with her should be safe. At least that's what he thought anyway.
He turned to Louise, seeing she had already made her way over to him. "Hey again. Looks like we'll be sticking together for now." he greeted with a smile, hoping to provide some reassurance that he'd help keep her safe. Turning to his device he decided it best to send out his first text to Menma as well:

* Hey. How are you feeling by the way? I saw you took it pretty rough during that explosion.

Something short, not too invasive. Something that'd also help her trust him. Right now, trust between partners was important. Their lives could depend on it!
Icee Icee Zenterfold Zenterfold Funnier President Funnier President

Sitting down next to Claude, she poked at her own device for another moment or two, messing around with it. FInally, she set it on the table in front of her with a small sigh, propping her head against one pale hand. "...I swear, I'll never get used to these."

She perked up a little at Frank's announcement, a confused frown settling on her face. Maybe people were worried about her? Probably not. Well, maybe a little - with the shows and all - but she was pretty convinced no one she knew would care much whether she was gone or not. How do you miss a ghost? And a forgotten one at that.

Cater Diamond

GamblingGoblins GamblingGoblins Severia Severia Funnier President Funnier President @restaurantsquad

"Do you really mean that?" She wasn’t just saying that either. By the look on her face, she seemed to genuinely be concerned that he was lying.

“Of course!”

Marie looked perplexed by the pinky promise. Really? Even that is an age old tradition right? Where- or I suppose, when- is she from? Before he could explain, Nana returned to the table.

"It's called a pinky promise. Basically, you intertwine your pinky finger with his and from now on he will have to keep that promise no matter what."

“Yep! Back home if I don’t keep my promises, it’s ‘off with my head’ haha!” He immitated his housewarden Riddle as best he could, forgetting that the others would have no clue what that meant.

After a brief moment of awkward silence, he cleared his throat to wash away the hint of embarrassment from a joke that didn’t land. He gently took Marie’s hand, attaching her pinky to his. “Like this, see?”

He sat for a moment with his pinky locked with hers, and all the while a feeling like no other spread throughout his body. In truth, he had felt a wave of discomfort the few times they touched previously, but it was so brief he barely noticed. But now, the pain could be clearly visible of his face. He felt like he was going to burst into tears instantly. He held firm and tried to maintain his composure for Marie. He didn’t want to upset her. Was this her doing? Did this have something to do with her past? Now he had more questions to get to the bottom of as her partner.

His thoughts were interrupted by Nana speaking, and he dropped his hand. "What do you think about stepping up our game and sticking together as a group of four? It's not like Clem strictly restricted us to stay in only one pair and I really want to spend time with you guys after all!"

Cater saw no issues with that. It just meant having more company! And he really wanted to spend more time with the others too. He was totally ready to school them in lots of card games. Wait, did they have card decks? He sure hoped so. “I don’t see why not! Guess we’ll all be seeing a lot of each other. Well, Nani? Mar? I guess we’ll be hanging for the foreseeable future!”

Suddenly, Cater’s attention was grabbed once again by Frank… on the table?

“I’m guessing that this means that things in our, well, worlds are continuing on, and that people we care about are ok. Probably worrying about us a lot…. That’s just my best guess from what I saw though. I can explain it more, if you guys want.”

That was good news. He was glad everyone at home was safe and sound, carrying on like usual. Suddenly he had a genius idea. Since everyone’s attention was on Frank already, Cater decided to jump up and join him.

“Finally some good news everyone! I don’t exactly know how you did that but pretty pog anyway my guy.” He gave Frank a friendly pat on the back.

“But anyway, I have a big brain idea.”

He paused- for dramatic effect, of course.

“I think we should all meet here in the mornings and have breakfast together. That way we can all get to know each other better! And that way we can I guess, take attendance in a way lol.” He hadn’t even realized he completely stole Frank’s thunder. It was a bad habit of his he really needed to break. He was just too excited about his idea.
Pinkie Pie
Funnier President Funnier President lunar_moth lunar_moth Capri Capri HanikamuKitten HanikamuKitten Josh Josh + those in the restaurant


Pinkie had waited patiently for Clementine to finish writing all of the designated partners, anxiously waiting for the results. The only time she had sat still for this long was when she duplicated herself and had to prove she was the real Pinkie Pie (long story). But, for whatever reason, she was doing the same thing here: waiting desperately. Last time, with the duplication incident, she had to watch paint dry and had nothing to entertain her, but now, she was entertained by the memories of earlier overlapping in her head. Pinkie had never even had the problem of murder where she was from, and deaths were usually peaceful, although sad. Since she was the only one acting this specific way, she had guessed that most people here were used to the idea of people dying or were comfortable with the idea of... murdering people...

She looked at the people around her nervously as if wondering who would consider such a thing. Where she was from, people wouldn't even think of that, since it seemed nonexistent and completely unavailable to anyone. But here, with the idea of it basically flowing around everywhere and encouraged by Monokuma, she wouldn't know what could happen. Would other people do it? Would she do it? She doubted that she ever would- less of doubting and more of hoping, really- but who knew what they would do in the future? Pinkie was now highly doubting herself and others, her eyes looking at everything with a sense of dread. When her eyes landed on the list of partners Clementine had just finished, breathed out and calmed down, looking to see who her physical and message partners were.

Pinkamena + Sophie
Wanda + Pinkamena


After Pinkie had finished reading this, a strand of her hair seemed to spring out like a Jack-in-the-Box. It must have looked comical: a large piece of curly strands sticking out in a bed of straight hair. No way would it have looked normal on her, but it was a sign Pinkie was cheering up, or was close to fully cheering up. Knowing that both of her partners were people she enjoyed- Wanda and Sophie- she smiled. Pinkie admitted to herself that she was scared of who she would pair up with- which was unlike her usual self, as she normally would be excited to be partners with anyone- but now that she knew she was pairing with two people she already learned to trust, she was feeling immensely better.

She looked at Sophie nodding in approval at her, staring at her in awe. Pinkie had normally beat to her own drum, not caring what anyone else would think, but she couldn't help but feel happy that Sophie was showing her first sign of praise to her. Since she was gazing at Sophie with gratitude, she also noticed her getting her tablet out. She followed the direction that Sophie was taking, also taking out her device to text her message partner/friend Wanda.

Pressing on Wanda's profile, Pinkie then texted the woman. Hopefully she would understand Pinkie's incredible lack of grammar. If Wanda couldn't understand what Pinkie was saying through her tablet, then they would have a hard time being message partners.

"hi, you! we're messaging partnersss! we get 2 check in on eachw othr now!! :dD we'll be the bestest messging partnrs ever!!
- P. Pie"
"Hi, you! We're messaging partners! We get to check in on each other now! We'll be the best messaging partners ever!"

After sending this, she then wondered a bit. This was a messaging app... maybe she should make the most out of it! She then pressed Usagi's profile, making the message of:

"hiya, usagi!! im not ur mssge buddy, but hi!!!!!"
- P. Pie"
"Hiya, Usagi! I'm not your message buddy, but hi!"

She turned off her tablet when Sophie was talking to her, saying how they could get food here. She bobbed her head, agreeing, now feeling the hunger in her stomach. She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday, so she really needed to get some food. Donuts, pancakes, or anything with sugar sounded good to her, although her mind immediately floated to one specific food that screamed Pinkie: cupcakes. She now started swaying her head calmly, distracting herself from dark thoughts. If Sophie was trying to distract her from the current situation, it was working. Thank goodness for Pinkie's short attention span, although this distraction was most likely helped from their partners just being picked and the good things that were finally happening. "Okay. If those thingies aren't in the kitchen, I bet I could bake them for you. I wouldn't be able to throw parties without my baking skills." Even though these words would usually come out excitedly, she just said these sentences tiredly, which would be understood. She usually got a good night's sleep, so she was not used to no sleep.

When Sophie kept texting someone again- probably her messaging partner, which Pinkie believed was Clementine?- Pinkie stood up to start heading to the kitchen. Maybe she could distract herself for a little longer by searching throughout it, maybe looking for food. Before she could start walking, though, she was interrupted by a male demanding for everyone's attention on top of a table. Pinkie's eyes immediately attached to him, rubbing her irritated eyes from her lack of night's sleep. She believed this was the eagle-man from before, and if she could remember from her earlier research session... Frank? The Ultimate Praetor? Self-concious? She stared at the male, not in a sense of excitedness as she normally would have, but of exhaustion. What did he need?

All of Frank's words slid past her from his presentation, not really entering her brain. Only one sentence really seemed to register for her entirely:

"...I’m guessing that this means that things in our, well, worlds are continuing on, and that people we care about are ok."

This sense of dullness and fatigue disappeared when she heard that, having another strand of hair come out with a BOING! as well. Her friends... were alright? Twilight Sparkle? Rainbow Dash? Applejack? Fluttershy? Were they all... alright? Yes, of course! Her friends were alright, and they would immediately know that she was gone! The last memory she had before blacking out was of her delivering someone cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner. That delivery was only meant to take the evening. That meant that her friends would immediately notice when she didn't get back to her village in time and try to find her! They all had the magic of friendship, and nothing could defeat it! Nobody like Monokuma or anyone else could conquer it! She would get out of here!

Pinkie had gotten straight hair and a sad personality from her worrying about death and all that, but now that she was persuaded that her friends were okay, she knew that she would most likely get out before anything relating to dying happened. As long as her friends were okay, they would help her escape! They would help all the people here escape! Now that the fear of danger had left her body, all her hair sprang back up again with a delightful expression going onto her again. She still had signs of tiredness on her face, but she seemed to not be panicked or sad anymore. She still remembered what had happened the night before, but now she was holding onto the hope that it would never happen again if they got out of this building!

"That's right! That's right!!" She grinned, now filled with hope. "I'm sure our besties from our worlds noticed us disappear, and they'll absolutely-truly find us!!" She then looked around, as if in exaggerated suspicion, before whispering loudly as if in secret, "Plus, I wouldn't trust a talking bear!! Last time I did, it ran away with my cake... and decorated it with black and green frosting!! Nobody does that to a pink cake! It's a war against humanity!!"

Another male joined- who Pinkie knew was Cater from her examination of his profile earlier- saying how they should all get breakfast together each morning. Pinkie looked at him delightedly, screaming in joy, "Best! Idea! EVER!!" Even though she said this, she turned her head towards Sophie. Their partnerships were meant to be together as much as possible. If Sophie wasn't going to attend these, then neither would Pinkie, as much as she wanted to. That would break the whole point of the partnership!​
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Marie - Ultimate Decapitator
Severia Severia HanikamuKitten HanikamuKitten Funnier President Funnier President Crimson Baron Crimson Baron

nikkori_bk.pngVisibly, Marie seemed to relax, soothed by Cater's affirmation that he truly wouldn't leave her side. That was definitely a great relief to her. Even though she didn't really know these people, he and Nana and Clementine had been nice to her so far and were familiar faces; knowing that she'd be able to stick by at least one of them until this all blew over was definitely a plus. "I'm very glad to hear that," she spoke with a fleeting, small smile.

In any case, it was true that she probably should have known what a pinky promise was, even despite the fact that she lived all the way back in the Reign of Terror. But atop her origins being that far back in time, Marie had led a life of total solitude. She was outcast and alone in the world, right up until the day she was executed by the blade of the very same guillotine by which she'd been born. Thusly, the intricacies of social functions like this were completely beyond her- and so were things like Cater's offhanded joke. "Wow," she breathed, honestly in a bit of awe at the explanation Nana provided. "So it's magic, then?" That seemed like the only explanation. After all, how else could someone be completely and totally devoted in heart and soul to a promise? To a point where they'd even lose their head if they didn't keep it? Speaking of... she glanced at Cater, admittedly curious. "...That's happened to you, too?" It was an ominous, almost haunting question, for sure. Surely she just meant making a pinky promise rather than having his head chopped off... right?

If anyone expected her to elaborate on that, they would be sorely disappointed.

Moments later, Marie was surprised to find Cater's hand once again grasping hers, gently leading her to complete the promise. Though the contact wasn't expected, she found that she liked it. He really was warm, and it was nice to be able to share soft touches like these when she was still so used to solitude and isolation. And even beyond that, knowing the meaning of this particular touch made her heart swell with a tender joy that she couldn't contain, and she reciprocated the pinky promise more than happily. "This is great." It was a rare sight indeed to see her beaming like this, given her still-limited emotional range, but at least she was able to be happy in this moment. "I'm really happy. Thank you for being my first pinky promise. I'll make sure I don't leave you, too." Fortunately(or unfortunately) for Cater, she seemed to be too caught up in the moment to realize how her touch affected him. Until Nana spoke up again, she remained enthusiastically clutching his pinky with hers, leaving it to Cater to break them apart. Which might've partially been because she hadn't the slightest clue how long this ritual was supposed to last.

Marie's smile didn't fade as Nana's words finally processed, and she looked to the other girl with a spark of interest. "A group of four...?" Right. Friends, from what she gathered, seemed to often come in groups. At least, that was how it was with Ren and his friends; which were basically the only example she had to go off of. "I would like that. I... think it would be nice to spend time with you, too." She wasn't sure if she'd be great company, but if they wanted to stay with her despite that, she absolutely wouldn't complain. But, uh... she didn't quite get what was up with the 'Nani' or 'Mar' things, and she didn't have time to ask before the other boy sitting at their table suddenly climbed up onto it and yelled to the group at large, explaining something about time going on without them and their friends being okay. Strangely, it caused her kind and cheerful expression to fall, sinking into something that might've been neutrality but could also have been troubled. Her thoughts drifted to Ren, and to the terrible situation they'd been in before she'd been brought here. She was his weapon, and his foes were great and terrible ones. What would happen if they tried to strike while he was without her? And, though it was less important... were the feelings of anxiety, doubt and fear she'd felt since coming here truly her own? Or were they mere, shallow reflections of her master's? These concerns swirled in her mind, deafening her to Cater's additional proposal and keeping her from coming up with a response to Frank's initial one. On the bright side, it seemed less like purposeful ignorance and more like she was just processing.​
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Mono heard her phone notify her before she'd even managed to look at the partner assignments everyone had so animatedly been discussing. It was a shame she'd missed out on the festivities, but the recent revelations had been a lot to take in. Even more so than when she'd woken up here. But still, nothing was going to be done about it by thinking on her own. She read the message on her phone.

Oh, if she wasn't mistaken it was that pink-haired girl she'd briefly met earlier. She never did find out if she could hack these things. It seemed unlikely, though. Perhaps she would at least give it a try later though. It'd have been fun to try to remember who Nana was, but unfortunately she had already memorized the list of people in the phone. It was a shame robots didn't really forget things, in the way organisms did.

Hello Nana. I suppose I will go ahead and take you up on that offer. Some may say ignorance is bliss, but I believe that, much like everyone else, I'd rather get myself a bit more situated at this moment. I will see you there.

After sending her message, it didn't take long to arrive at the cafe and see the chalkboard. As she had been informed, her messaging partner was Nana. However, there was also a separate "physical partners" list. She could infer what that meant, but wasn't sure. Rather than looking for Hugo first, it would probably be a better idea to get some information. Mono approached Nana and the little group around her and waved, somewhat similarly to how she'd greeted a lot of the same group earlier.

"Hello Nana once again, but this time in the flesh. Well, perhaps in the flesh isn't the best saying for someone like me, but I'm sure it gets the meaning across just fine. Pleased to meet you all once again."

Having arrived late, Mono didn't get to hear Frank's speech. She did give him a look for a moment though, given that he was standing on a table for some reason. Eating wasn't a habit she had to partake in, but from her understanding that wasn't how tables were typically used.

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